Well if the rumours and reports are anything to go by, people want Uncle Nick to leave the Roosters and help run the NRL into a more profitable and high profile game. Nick knows his time at the Roosters (in a physical sense) is coming to an end. He’ll still be involved with the club in the background though. I’d be interested in see what he could do with the NRL if he was the top dog.
I'm sorry but f**k that is a bad idea!
The last thing the game needs is somebody like Politis running the game, we have enough problems with Sydney-centrism and cronyism already without putting one of the literal figureheads of those problems in charge of the whole game.
Add to the above that frankly I've got no doubt that he would be totally incapable of being unbiased when it came to the Roosters (and probably his mates clubs as well) and would definitely perpetuate the culture of haves and have-nots that is increasingly completely f**king the whole competition and it's just a really bad idea..
Also nothing that he has done has been that revolutionary or impressive, he's built a property portfolio to support the club cause it can't support it's self and remain competitive and it can't be reliant on the pokies anymore cause of the ever increasing nanny state nature of Australian society... So what!
The Raiders, Broncos, Cowboys, etc started building theirs long before he had the idea so it's not like a revolutionary idea that he came up with, and he has presided over a club that has been particularly successful over the past 20 or so years, but from where he is sitting that isn't that much of an achievement considering the intrinsic advantages that he and his club have over more than half the competition over that time period because of circumstance, poor management from the NRL and unbalanced rules, particularly when it comes to third parties(it could be argued that a lot of that "poor management" and those "unbalanced rules" were 100% intended and that the NRL's goal hasn't been a fair or balanced competition for a long time now, but that's for another time), and frankly despite those intrinsic advantages the club is still considered to have been as dodgy as they come to achieve what they have achieved, especially when it comes to the cap (but again a discussion for another time)...
It'd be the Arko era all over again, great if you are in the in group, terrible if you're not, and chronically incapable of adapting to societal and technological advances, except unlike the Arko era it almost certainly wouldn't be expansionist and at least somewhat forward looking, and would be totally parochial for the sake of "tradition" (i.e. what's in the best interests of Politis, the Roosters, and Politis's mates and their clubs and not what is best for the sport as a whole in the country).