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Breaking Bad


I get why you hate walt, but is Hank really that much better as a person? Hank has as little regard for human life if it doesn?t directly benefit him.
I cannot stand Hank, and have not been able to since episode one.

I know that Vince Gilligan has it in his mind that he doesn't like Walt anymore and he'd like all of us to think that, but I don't think he really pulled it off as well as he thinks.

I'm still cheering for Walt. Jesse is an idiot.

Joker's Wild

Uh yes, he is. The only time I've been disgusted by Hank is when he didn't care if Jesse died and when he mistreated Marie while he was recovering from being shot. Every other time he's been looking out for Skylar, Junior and Walt before he found out who Walt was.

That's a looong way from being a psychopathic murdering drug lord who constantly lies and manipulates his family and partners, murders several people, associates with white supremacist gangs, poisons a kid, causes the death of Jane, covers up the death of another kid and puts a hit out on Jesse for being 'angry'.

Hard to pin that on Walt. Sure, he did nothing to prevent it but she over dosed herself


Jesse also caused Janes death. Walt just allowed it to happen. Huge difference.
Jane is more at fault for her own death than anyone else.

If someone was blackmailing me and I saw them choking to death I wouldn't do anything to save them.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Addicts have a rather annoying way of trying to get others involved in their habit. I haven't smoked tobacco for a number of years its a pain in the arse to quit the withdrawals won't kill you but they ain't fun and every time I go out with certain friends they offer me a smoke.

Jesse knew she was a recovering addict but because he wanted someone to share his misery with he dragged her back in.


First Grade
Jesse also caused Janes death. Walt just allowed it to happen. Huge difference.

I'd say Jane caused her own death. Jesse didn't want to involve Jane, he told her to leave. Jane then dragged Jesse into heroin.
What I mean by 'caused' Jane's death is that he was the one who accidentally flipped her onto her back, then did nothing while she choked.

I'm still cheering for Walt. Jesse is an idiot.

LOL I think that's more geniused. One of the most geniused things I see is Gilligan himself saying he has no sympathy for Walt anymore and fans telling him he is wrong.

If someone was blackmailing me and I saw them choking to death I wouldn't do anything to save them.

Blackmailing, sure. But it was blackmail for Jesse's rightful money. If you had someone's money and they blackmailed you for it because you wouldn't give it to them and then you watched them die while you could have helped then you are f**ked.

If by "angry" he means "threatened the lives of Walts family" then yeah

When did he do this? He almost burned down his empty house and then threatened to hit Walt 'where he really lives' by which he meant his money. If Walt thinks Jesse was a danger to his family he never said it outright and even so it was just an assumption, Jesse never threatened his family.

And yeah, Walt's reason to Uncle Jack for killing Jesse was because he was 'angry'. He said he wasn't a rat and didn't say anything about Jesse threatening his family.

Hank is causally pretty racist and does need to act the big man

While that's true his casual racism isn't anything more than what I see every week at footy training, and his best friend is a Mexican so I doubt he's truly racist.

Pete Cash

Post Whore
Death of the author springs. People can draw whatever conclusion they want because tv shows are supposed to be watched not written


First Grade
First half of this episode was absolutely amazing. I think in the 2nd half it lost a bit of momentum. Took a second viewing to realise what was happening with the call to Skyler. He was basically giving her an out with the police by saying she tried to get him to turn himself in and stop the drug empire.

Two episodes to go, it's going to be an interesting end.
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Holy sh*t balls.

That was one of the best episodes of TV I have ever seen.

Helter skelter then dark as hell.

Great nod to the godfather in there too.
First half of this episode was absolutely amazing. I think in the 2nd half it lost a bit of momentum. Took a second viewing to realise what was happening with the call to Skyler. He was basically giving her an out with the police by saying she tried to get him to turn himself in and stop the drug empire.

Two episodes to go, it's going to be an interesting end.

Totally disagree on the 2nd half.

It wasnt as fast paced, but it was totally mesmerising. Some of the best acting you'll ever see.

Probably the best 20 mins of this entire show imo.


First Grade
Totally disagree on the 2nd half.

It wasnt as fast paced, but it was totally mesmerising. Some of the best acting you'll ever see.

Probably the best 20 mins of this entire show imo.

I don't think it was the slow pacing, in fact my problem with it was that a lot of the characterisation seemed really rushed. It could have been deliberate in order to induce a sense of chaos, but I think maybe they are just running out of time to advance the story to where it needs to get to before the finale.

Still one of the best episodes of television I've ever seen, don't get me wrong :lol: I just thought the first 20 overshadowed the next 20.


The last 20 minutes with Walt on the phone is some of the best Vince has come up with in this show. Seems like next episode (promo) we pick up with a conversation with Walt and Saul as for what he does next or what he did at the end of the episode, which hopefully picks up into the future with him leaving his house.


You can never really predict what is about to happen next with this show. I am wrong every single time.


First Grade
Great fellar that Walt. Abducting a baby to teach Skylar a lesson about people who cross him. That can be added to his long list of heroic acts.
Great episode though, nice to see Flynn doesn't seem to agree with Walt's actions. The more exciting these episodes get the sadder I become that there are less and less episodes we get to watch.

Death of the author springs. People can draw whatever conclusion they want because tv shows are supposed to be watched not written

First of all, it's true that viewer's can draw whatever conclusion they want, but that bolded part is shit. Of course TV shows are meant to be written. It's the creator's work. If they say this is canon and this isn't, that that's what it is. I can go out and say 'Harry Potter is homosexual', doesn't make it true. If John Lennon says I am the Walrus is a bunch of nonsense, then that's what it is, it ain't some big allegory to the Vietnam War. Yeah, you can say Walt's a good man if you want, but it doesn't mean they are right. Just like the way I can say Gandalf is a big allegory of Jesus, or that Scrotie McBoogerballs is a conservative view on the evils of abortion, but they aren't.
Not that I think 'going for Walt' is an example of death of the author. It's just people cheering for a dickhead because they think he's a badass. With a lot of people I think it's a great example of how viewers have to identify with a protagonist, and they identified with Walt as he originally was a dying man simply trying to provide for his family, and later on, since they identified with him, they had to justify his actions even as he went on to do worse and worse things. I did that myself, going for Walt against Hank and Gus and even justifying him letting Jane die, until that final shot of season 4.

And bullshit Jesse's actions contributed as much to Jane's death as Walt's. Smoking Meth in the flat next to hers is a bit different than flipping her on her back and then watching her die. In fact Walt pretty much admitted his part in Jane's death in tonight's episode, while he also told Jesse that Jesse wasn't responsible back in season 2.