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Brian Smith the club in some capacity - Y or N?

Would Smithy's return be good for us?

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BS is not being hired as a coach, but to set up the club beneath the NRL. The criticism of players etc will be whoever coaches,if you don't think he can set the club up to perform better, then you have lost it.

Nitpicking is our speciality

Most successful coaches actually love leaders and high profile players in their team. The fact that Smith doesn't, must say something about his personality, don't you think? I hope the Parramatta board are not as naïve as some people on here. Do you seriously think that, with a controlling personality like Smith's, he would be able to leave the head coach alone to do his job properly?
Remember: they say that not all micro-managers have a narcissistic personality disorder - but nearly all narcissists are micro-managers. I'll leave you to work out all the possible permutations in regards to Brian Smith.


Which is really the perfect role for him. You would be hard pressed to find someone that questions his gift for identifying and accelerating talented young players. In this capacity we should be able to extract the best of that talent without having him micromanage players - thus avoiding most of the problems that have come in his last few stints.

It has already been touched on from an excerpt from Hayne but if he can also re-introduce over-arching playing structures (in conjunction with our future head coach) through all levels of the club's playing rosters we would be at a much better place for talent acceleration.

Mate, if he could magically leave his personality at home each day and just come to work without it, he might be great. But which of us can do that? Don't you see? Micro-managers can't switch it off; they just micro-manage everyone around them (or try to), whether it be players or other coaching staff or office staff or whoever. They always end up creating animosity, poor morale and, ultimately, chaos. Why do you think he left Parramatta, Newcastle and got the boot from Easts. The guy comes with lots of baggage, I reckon. With the players we will have next year, I'd actually prefer Kearney back than Brian Smith. (No, I'm not joking.)


I'm not sure a value laden theory such as that qualifies as a fact though mate

It's an axiom within the 'science' of psychiatry. It doesn't mean that Smith is a psychopath; but it implies that the chances are higher than they might be for you or me. (Although, obviously, I can't speak for you because I don't know you; but you get what I mean.) In any case - psychopath or not - I think that a micro-managing control freak is the absolute last type of person Parramatta needs right now.


Last thing on Smith and then I'll shut up. I reckon the guy is somewhat of a myth. I reckon his club-building' credentials have been exaggerated by the media. I think he's done at least as much harm to clubs as he has good. Even during his 'successful' years with us, his recruitment and retention decisions were often mind boggling. He drove Jamie Lyon out of the club; he got rid of Clinton Shifkofski; he refused to sign a specialist half-back despite there being some on the market; he recruited a specialist five-eight (Adam Dykes) and doggedly tried to make him a half-back (nearly destroying his career). He had a reputation for never listening to anybody; it was always "my way or the highway". This club has been pulled and pushed around by people with exactly that attitude in recent times. People who put themselves ahead of 'the team'. Do we really want to sign up another one right now?
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Lingard, bs is the best club rebuilder there is. His weakness is September footy. Must buckle under the pressure.

Jamie Lyon, f**k knows what his problem was. I just believe he wanted to play for manly. Clinton s was let go because of hodgeson. It's called a celery cap, and unfortunately we had to play by the rules. Yes he was set in his ways, but it worked.

Sensai Cobra

Lingard, bs is the best club rebuilder there is. His weakness is September footy. Must buckle under the pressure.

Jamie Lyon, f**k knows what his problem was. I just believe he wanted to play for manly. Clinton s was let go because of hodgeson. It's called a celery cap, and unfortunately we had to play by the rules. Yes he was set in his ways, but it worked.

I heard a story the other day as to why Jamie Lyon left the eels. Don't know if true and I won't repeat but if it is true then I understand why he wanted out.
I heard a story the other day as to why Jamie Lyon left the eels. Don't know if true and I won't repeat but if it is true then I understand why he wanted out.

It's fairly well regarded as being true, his partner had some delicate issues and he was denied time off to support her, so he pulled the pin. Though I reckon the cleal
sacking helped it all along.
Last thing on Smith and then I'll shut up. I reckon the guy is somewhat of a myth. I reckon his club-building' credentials have been exaggerated by the media. I think he's done at least as much harm to clubs as he has good. Even during his 'successful' years with us, his recruitment and retention decisions were often mind boggling. He drove Jamie Lyon out of the club; he got rid of Clinton Shifkofski; he refused to sign a specialist half-back despite there being some on the market; he recruited a specialist five-eight (Adam Dykes) and doggedly tried to make him a half-back (nearly destroying his career). He had a reputation for never listening to anybody; it was always "my way or the highway". This club has been pulled and pushed around by people with exactly that attitude in recent times. People who put themselves ahead of 'the team'. Do we really want to sign up another one right now?

I have no particular love for BS, but, hell he won 57% of his games here, and started that with a pretty ordinary squad. And if we signed him, maybe Hindy111 would take that creepy photo out of his avatar.


I heard a story the other day as to why Jamie Lyon left the eels. Don't know if true and I won't repeat but if it is true then I understand why he wanted out.

Didnt I read somewhere he stated he was upset with the eels, because they sent him to a catholic school, which required him to wear a tie???


I heard a story the other day as to why Jamie Lyon left the eels. Don't know if true and I won't repeat but if it is true then I understand why he wanted out.

wouldnt have something to do with brian deciding not to tell him something until after a game and it sh*t him off. I heard a rumor like that a while ago, maybe even on here.


wouldnt have something to do with brian deciding not to tell him something until after a game and it sh*t him off. I heard a rumor like that a while ago, maybe even on here.

Yep, that's the story i heard.

Poupou Escobar

Post Whore
I have no particular love for BS, but, hell he won 57% of his games here, and started that with a pretty ordinary squad.

He started with a squad that contained four premiership winning international forwards on $600k+ a season and no salary cap. Sixteen years ago.

That would be like taking over a side containing Glenn Stewart, Jeremy Smith, Beau Scott and Robbie Farah - a very solid base, with a ready made leadership group.
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I have no particular love for BS, but, hell he won 57% of his games here, and started that with a pretty ordinary squad.[/qute]

He started with a squad that contained four premiership winning international forwards on $600k+ a season and no salary cap. Sixteen years ago.

That would be like taking over a side containing Glenn Stewart, Jeremy Smith, Beau Scott and Robbie Farah - a very solid base, with a ready made leadership group.

How did we go in 1996 with those same 4 premiership winning players?


Post Whore
i cant remember if it was a sick or dying relative or a girlfriend having a baby or something else again, but the rumour said the information was withheld

and why did brian know this and jamie didn't? seems a bit odd :?


and why did brian know this and jamie didn't? seems a bit odd :?

Don't know mate, not even saying it is true, that was just the rumour i heard and im sure i read it on here. At least ways i cant think of anywhere else i may have heard or read it.