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Bring on the Stain Trolls and Dave Q


Post Whore
I don't think any of those butts belonged to flame throer most of them sounded fairly tight


No he is a competent coach though and just because you dont agree doesnt make everyone else clowns.

I dont know why you are bothering to post in here, would you appreciate a few sharks posters popping into the forum and bagging the sh*t out of your club ?

Go ahead. You insular little lambs. It is a forum remember ? Real life is when you turn off the computer. Isn't that right reefy ? I'm glad you have recovered from that terminal illness. :lol:


what about a sharks supporter popping one his chin Surely?
Nothing better than landing one a loud mouth westies jaw.

I'm up for it whenever he is.


what about a sharks supporter popping one his chin Surely?
Nothing better than landing one a loud mouth westies jaw.

I'm up for it whenever he is.


I'm terrified.



The balance sheet in the annual report on parraleagues.com.au for the club's financial year end shows financial liabilities of $25,035,625.

Page 29

Strictly speaking, that would be $25mil of debt would it not?

Sure the assets outweigh the liabilities quite comfortably.

However they won't forever if trends like a net cashflow of -$1,053,402 and an operating profit of -$9,125,227, which is more than double that of the previous year continue.

How about we use the current one for starters. Denis and Ovo are gone.


So the 25 million in liabilities magically gone?

Very crafty accounting to hide it if so.

I believe they sold some assets to reduce it. I'll try and get you the figures. Sort of like you guys selling the swamp under the power lines.


what about a sharks supporter popping one his chin Surely?
Nothing better than landing one a loud mouth westies jaw.

I'm up for it whenever he is.

Let me give you some advice, don't throw stones. You are too much of an easy target. I cannot believe you even post anymore.


We are not $25 million in debt. Like I said would you like me to send you our annual report ?

You use Balmain, For god sake use a better example. I'll give you a tip, it is also an established area, you clown. The Shire is not like it was 20 years ago. It has changed. I have seen the changes. It will be even better when people like you with your bigot attitude move out because they cannot afford to pay the rent or your mortgage becomes too high.

However the line that got me was. One of the biggest nurseries in Sydney. :lol::lol::lol:

Give me a break!!!

See above you idiot, you have been proven wrong in regard to the debt.

I know we are yards apart in terms of intelligence but I hoped you might understand a bit better. Ill make it simpler for you, the point I was making is that the Shire is established, has been for years. It is not a growth area, it is not a developing area. You have the same types of people and families living the same type of lifestyles and liking the same types of things they did 20 yers ago, unlike somewhere like Balmain and many other suburbs. This proves your argument about demographics is wrong. Real estate prices is irrelevant, they have increased everywhere.

The Cronulla junior league has the largest numbers behind Penrith and Parramatta in Sydney. Another fact for you. Now go away little boy.


See above you idiot, you have been proven wrong in regard to the debt.

I know we are yards apart in terms of intelligence but I hoped you might understand a bit better. Ill make it simpler for you, the point I was making is that the Shire is established, has been for years. It is not a growth area, it is not a developing area. You have the same types of people and families living the same type of lifestyles and liking the same types of things they did 20 yers ago, unlike somewhere like Balmain and many other suburbs. This proves your argument about demographics is wrong. Real estate prices is irrelevant, they have increased everywhere.

The Cronulla junior league has the largest numbers behind Penrith and Parramatta in Sydney. Another fact for you. Now go away little boy.

That's 2008 moron!!!!!!.Go to the troll thread.


I was watching League while you were still swimming in your dad's balls.

Mr Angry

Not a Referee
I was watching League while you were still swimming in your dad's balls.
Old and still know bugger all, nice claim to fame. Carry on, old people rarely know when they should be embarrassed.

I think the best part is knowing that the shire is the place to live, about the only you have got right, but then again probably a nursing home.


That's 2008 moron!!!!!!.Go to the troll thread.


I was watching League while you were still swimming in your dad's balls.

Is that the best you can come back with? You've got nothing. Ive slammed you in every point you've made. You're a joke.

So first you say that you dont have a large debt and then when proven wrong you say ,'oh but that was 2008'. Your debt hasnt gone away.

And then you mention that your clubs financial situation and lack of success in the last 20 years was due to Fitzgerald and Ovo and that will change now they are gone. Maybe so. But despite the fact that the sharks also have a completely new board and management structure we will still fold next year. HYPOCRITE!

And the coup de grace. You were watching league when I was still in my dads balls. Wow, you really got me with that one. Considering I am nearly 40 that would at least make you nearly 50. As Angry said, most people have a bit of an idea by then. You clearly are an exception.

'Intelligence, factual information and humour'. Most people can bring at least one of these things to a forum. Then there is 'comical 'value'. They are the leftovers who have absolutely no idea so just end up being plain funny. Where do you reckon you fit in Avenger?


Is that the best you can come back with? You've got nothing. Ive slammed you in every point you've made. You're a joke.

So first you say that you dont have a large debt and then when proven wrong you say ,'oh but that was 2008'. Your debt hasnt gone away.

And then you mention that your clubs financial situation and lack of success in the last 20 years was due to Fitzgerald and Ovo and that will change now they are gone. Maybe so. But despite the fact that the sharks also have a completely new board and management structure we will still fold next year. HYPOCRITE!

And the coup de grace. You were watching league when I was still in my dads balls. Wow, you really got me with that one. Considering I am nearly 40 that would at least make you nearly 50. As Angry said, most people have a bit of an idea by then. You clearly are an exception.

'Intelligence, factual information and humour'. Most people can bring at least one of these things to a forum. Then there is 'comical 'value'. They are the leftovers who have absolutely no idea so just end up being plain funny. Where do you reckon you fit in Avenger?

I didn't say that the debt has gone away. I said that it is not $25 million. I did not say you will fold next year. If you read my earlier posts I said you will survive until at least 2012 which is when the new TV deal is due.

OK , so we are about the same age I see. I'm a little older and wiser. I'll tell you where I fit in. I'm a realist. You guys are in deep sh*t and in the worst financial position of any club. Being aggressive won't solve anything. Getting personal and threatening people with violence or sexual innuendo about someones wife just highlights the bigot attitude of a minority group who support the Sharks and give a bad name to the mostly good people of the Sutherland Shire.

You call my fellow eels supporters westies etc. They are gods compared to half of the bigots on this Cronulla forum. If the west is so bad and your juniors are so good then why have you at least a half dozen former Eels players on your books ? Why did you take Joe Grima a life member of my club ? Isn't he also a westie ? Do you realise what the general perception is of people like you who glorify the insular peninsular and support the Sharks ? One day when you get your head out of your prejudiced arse, you will realise.
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I didn't say that the debt has gone away. I said that it is not $25 million. I did not say you will fold next year. If you read my earlier posts I said you will survive until at least 2012 which is when the new TV deal is due.

OK , so we are about the same age I see. I'm a little older and wiser. I'll tell you where I fit in. I'm a realist. You guys are in deep sh*t and in the worst financial position of any club. Being aggressive won't solve anything. Getting personal and threatening people with violence or sexual innuendo about someones wife just highlights the bigot attitude of a minority group who support the Sharks and give a bad name to the mostly good people of the Sutherland Shire.

You call my fellow eels supporters westies etc. They are gods compared to half of the bigots on this Cronulla forum. If the west is so bad and your juniors are so good then why have you at least a half dozen former Eels players on your books ? Why did you take Joe Grima a life member of my club ? Isn't he also a westie ? Do you realise what the general perception is of people like you who glorify the insular peninsular and support the Sharks ? One day when you get your head out of your prejudiced arse, you will realise.

Once again you show you have no idea. Whilst I have called you a fool and an idiot (because you are) not once have I mentioned any of those thing to you. I have not called you a westie or even mentioned the west at all, have not acted like a bigot, posted any sexual innuendo, threatened you, never said our juniors were better. Nothing of the sort. Go back and read my posts.

You have come on this forum slamming our club making various statements about money, juniors, the development etc. On every point I have proven you to be wrong and instead of coming back with an intelligent counter argument you come back with nothing except childish remarks about 'my dad's balls'. And now with this post you sound like a whinging school girl.

You're a joke. Dont come on here and start stuff if you cant handle it.
Avenger = comical value


Avenger doesnt have anything positive to say, he clearly has an agenda. (With the Sharks)

He clearly doesn't realise that alot of posters on this website have enough inside info at the Sharks to counter his ramblings.. Fact is we all know that the Sharks sit in a precarious position financially, this turd seems to think we are oblivious to this fact.
The way the club has handled things lately, I'm very happy with.. No we're not out of the water yet, things will improve provided we reach certain goals.. most of those short term goals have already been realised.

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