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Brisbane2 Bid News

Which Brisbane2 Team Name?

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You are the one who needs to read. The topic of conversation was which bid would be worth more to the TV networks. The answer is the one that brings in the better ratings. And the answer to that is Brisbane. Your nonsense about "new" fans has no bearing on this. So your contribution was completely irrelevent. Well done. You don't even know what day of the week it is and you're calling others ignorant! FMD this has to be the most ironic post ever. And you want to call people bias. What is the basis for this accusation? Making a judgement and backing it up is not bias. Bias is having some sort of conflict of interest. What conflict of interest do I have exactly? But then again you have more serious issues to deal with like figuring out what day of the week it is.

I was discussing a point relating to this thread, how many new viewers each bid may bring to the game. I really can't see the issue with discussing a point relating to a thread, or do we stick to a rigid discussion that only directly deals with the thread title? Would you prefer that everyone runs any post the intend to submit by you, to ensure they directly relate to the thread title. The way you are carrying on you'll overtake Timmah as the No1 forum cop.

I have openly stated on numerous occassions that Brisbane II side is a must for the good of the game, all you seem to do is rubbish the CC bid at any available opportunity. It is obvious (by reading many of your posts) that you are clearly biased towards anything QLD, and conversly against much that is NSW based.

Bias has nothing to do with conflict of interest it has everything to do with prejudice.

& yes I do realise it's Thursday.
You still seem to confuse bias with choice. I choose to support the Brisbane bid because it's the best thing for the game. Bias would be if I had some other, more selfish reason to support them. Which I don't. So I don't know what the hell you are on about. It is vital for RL to choose he best franchises for the good of the sport and the only thing that is obvious is that Perth and Brisbane are the bids that offer the most. I don't go on the CC bid threads rubbishing their bid, because I have no interest in their bid. But they come on here rubbishing the Brisbane bid and should expect to cop it back. And these are people with what you might call a real bias, not me.


The bias in expansion debates are generally along the lines of:

Norths fans desperate for their side back
Nostagia factor with fans of other Syndey NRL clubs
"My state first" bias

I don't think many people who back Brisbane think that the Central Coast/North Sydney don't eventually deserve a side. We see such a move as increadibly short-sighted, and potentially damaging to the existing NSW clubs, who would get even less free-to-air TV games than they do now, spreading advertising, sponsorship and publicity even thinner.

I originally supported the Central Coast and Perth for expansion without an alternative. I gradually came to the conclusion that no expansion was preferable to picking poor expansion locations. It has to improve the NRL's bottom line (through TV and advertising), or its not worth persuing.

So I support locations that will improve the game as a whole: NZ 2 / SE Queensland / Perth. IF the NRL expand in Gosford, a consequence may be that they have to cull a Sydney club within 10 years time. If they have the will to do so, fine go ahead. But if not...

An analogy...

Central Coast is a glass half full vs half empty analysis, but the volume is unlikely to change. Its as good as it will ever get (in terms of returns for the NRL - juniors, sponsors and TV value is as good now as it will ever get)
Brisbane II is a glass that is 2/5ths full, but filling up fast.
Perth is a glass half full slowly filling. Solid now, great long term potential.
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$2m bid for Sonny and Quade

THE Brisbane bid team has made official moves to poach Sonny Bill Williams and Quade Cooper from rugby union as the prospective NRL franchise tries to lure the duo with a multi-million-dollar package deal.

The Brisbane consortium formally contacted the pair's manager, Khoder Nasser, on Tuesday expressing a desire to bring them to the NRL for their proposed entry in 2013.

Nasser, who also represents boxer Anthony Mundine, said both Williams and Cooper would seriously weigh up a switch after this year's Rugby World Cup.

The Brisbane consortium faces an uphill battle luring either of the pair. Salary cap constraints aside, the organisation has yet to secure an NRL licence and even if it did, any potential playing targets would need to find an alternative home for the 2012 season.

But with the NRL poised to make a call on expansion in coming months, the Brisbane bid team is leaving no stone unturned in its bid to become Queensland's fourth team.

"We don't know whether we're in or not, but we have approached Quade and Sonny," Brisbane bid delegate Bill Rae said.

"We want Quade and Sonny Bill to get their World Cup campaigns out of the way first, but once that is done we will up the ante for them.

"We've started talks with these guys and we want them on board. We believe we can offer them a great opportunity to potentially be part of history and obviously they would be the perfect recruits for us.

"We're being realistic about this. At the moment we don't have an NRL licence and the New Zealand Rugby Union [with whom Williams in contracted] will be hard to beat when it comes down to dollars. Because we don't have a history, we need some special talent to build the club from scratch and we'd love to see Quade and Sonny on our wall as the originals."

The Brisbane consortium may struggle to table a palatable offer for Williams, who rejected $2 million-a-season from French rugby side Toulon last year to sign with the New Zealand Rugby Union.

But with the 25-year-old clear to resume his NRL career in 2013 - he is currently banned for the duration of the five-year Bulldogs contract he walked out on in 2008 - the timing of Brisbane's planned entry could help bring Williams back to rugby league.

Wallabies star Cooper remains a free agent for 2012. The Reds are desperate to retain him, but Cooper has told close friends he wants to one day test himself in the NRL and had secret talks with Parramatta last August.

"I can confirm that I have had an approach from the Brisbane bid team," Nasser said. "It's flattering that these people know who the cream of the crop are and want to bring the best of the best to their franchise.

"Of course [a return to league] is something Sonny will consider, he started his career playing rugby league.

"Quade has a phenomenal passing, running and kicking game and this is a guy who has got one metre to play with. It's been proven by many athletes, including Sonny, that if you are great in rugby league you can be successful in rugby and vice-versa."

The signing of Williams and Cooper could cost the Brisbane team up to $2m a season, but Rae says the NRL aspirants are determined to build their future around the two rugby stars.

"We're very mindful of who we are talking to," Rae said.

"Everyone knows Sonny's talent, but he has that persona of greatness about him. He would complement our franchise and we think we can bring out the best in him.

"We're trying to make it work for both of us.

"We're not talking five-year deals with these guys. Two years would be a fair start because we would get the best out of each other and if they wanted to play rugby overseas after that, that's their decision."



I believe players from other codes should be exempt from the salary cap.

Signing Cooper and SBW would rip the guts out of RU's marketing potential in Australia.

Let's friggin do it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Quade had his manager out looking for NRL teams that would like to sign him up for next season. He got turned down 3 or 4 times. Sonny Bill is not welcomed back at Canterbury.

Are they going after rejects?


Staff member
I think that the new NRL sides (whoever they end up being) should be forced to sign half (or maybe ten) players from outside of the NRL. These players would be totally salary cap exempt. However the other half of the sqaud would only get the equivalent of half the salary cap.

That would allow the new clubs to tear into Union, sign up players from Super League. It would mean we get some big names whilst not tearing the guts out of all the other NRL sides.


Staff member
This would mean we go have a go at players like Cooper and SBW, Oconner etc. Maybe we could even have a go at a couple South African or Pacific Islands/Kiwi Union Players.


I think that the new NRL sides (whoever they end up being) should be forced to sign half (or maybe ten) players from outside of the NRL. These players would be totally salary cap exempt. However the other half of the sqaud would only get the equivalent of half the salary cap.

That would allow the new clubs to tear into Union, sign up players from Super League. It would mean we get some big names whilst not tearing the guts out of all the other NRL sides.

Sorry Josh but i gotta disagree.

New teams should not be given any Salary Cap concessions.


The article once again highlights we need to increase the salary cap if we are going to seriously compete against Union and Victorian Football. Clubs that can't keep up can go back down to NSW Cup.


The article once again highlights we need to increase the salary cap if we are going to seriously compete against Union and Victorian Football. Clubs that can't keep up can go back down to NSW Cup.
The ARU is introducing its own salary cap on the local Super franchises. $4.4m next year going down to $4.1m the following year (apparently for squads of 30). Our cap is already higher than that (for a squad of 25) before any increase from the new TV deal. We have no reason to raise the cap to compete with the ARU. We may still lose the odd player to foreign Union but then out of sight, out of mind. Our fans aren't going to be lured to Union because one of players is playing in France.

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Perth Red

Post Whore
The ARU is introducing its own salary cap on the local Super franchises. $4.4m next year going down to $4.1m the following year (apparently for squads of 30). Our cap is already higher than that (for a squad of 25) before any increase from the new TV deal. We have no reason to raise the cap to compete with the ARU. We may still lose the odd player to foreign Union but then out of sight, out of mind. Our fans aren't going to be lured to Union because one of players is playing in France.


I'd suggest that there will be plenty of "extras" in their cap such as ARU central payments for Wallabies and 3rd party deals galore. I know the Force are currently trying to find 3rd party deals to pay their star player over $1mill next year.
I'd suggest that there will be plenty of "extras" in their cap such as ARU central payments for Wallabies and 3rd party deals galore. I know the Force are currently trying to find 3rd party deals to pay their star player over $1mill next year.

No doubt , but the days of the ARU poaching big name NRL players is over.

They simply dont have the money anymore. Infact they likely never did.

It was all PR , it worked for a limited ( very limited) time and they realised they were wasting their money.


I read an article suggesting the top 30players with ARU contracts will get substantial increases uder the new scheme but the average player will lose ~30% of current rates to pay for the increases to the Coopers, OConners, Pockoks etc.


So they will have half a dozen good players per team, and the rest will be absolute plodders?

I can't see blokes like Saffy staying if thats the case, especially when their cap for 30 players is less than ours for 25.

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