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Broncos and drugs, NRL investigating


This crap is going way too far. I`m sick to death of rugby league being named and shamed. Drugs are a part of life, like it or not they are. Most people dabble and then once they mature have no further interest, but the bottom line is that it`s widely spread in every sport anywhere around the world. Are people really that naieve that they believe the big names earning millions of dollars a week in soccer, american basketball, american football, tennis, golf dont do this type of thing ???

And then for that matter, why is it ok for rockstars, movie stars, models from around the world to not even hide their drug problems, they are much bigger role models on the big scale than what rugby league players are, yet no one stops their children from buying their cd`s and watching their movies do they ???

Has anyone got farkhead Wilson and farkhead Rothfield`s e-mail addresses. I want to send them amongst other farkheads in the media e-mails as they are the ones with problems, they all need a life coach !!!


Has anyone got farkhead Wilson and farkhead Rothfield`s e-mail addresses. I want to send them amongst other farkheads in the media e-mails as they are the ones with problems, they all need a life coach !!!

Why the rage all of a sudden ?


First Grade
Really, imagine my shock.

No sh*t einstein.

You say no sh*t einstein but it needed to be pointed out to you as you clearly have sh*t for brains. You continually try to post rumour, inuendo and speculation about the Broncos. You're the kind of person that I could whisper in your ear that Lockyer is a meth addict who sleeps with trannys and you'd want to run with it and tell the whole forum.


I hear ya Vickers. But considering:
1) Brisbane start the season in scintillating form and suddenly they can't tie their shoelaces or find the right door to exit the shed;
2) A favoured (and overhyped) player decides to make the most rediculous move in sporting history since the blind Hungarian gymnast decided to take up formula 1 driving
3) They get beaten up and flogged at Lang Park in Origin 3 and then tell everyone how good they were. (like, the days result was less important than the press release)

And drugs are NOT an issue in sport?


You're the kind of person that I could whisper in your ear that Lockyer is a meth addict who sleeps with trannys and you'd want to run with it and tell the whole forum.

Which you just did. Oops.

Geez, and I thought only Lewis and Langer did all of that!


First Grade
I agree with vicious that recreational drugs shouldn't be tested. It's a bit of a grey area though as you could say the NRL is obliged to do something when they find substances that are illegal in a players system. The other issue is that we get enough bad press at the moment without the likes of the telegraph twisting like you know they will that the NRL is endorsing recreational drug use.
Typical Johnsy, doing anything he can to sink the boot into the Broncos, please do go on Johnsy, you can do better than this.


The journos who seem to conjure up stories dragging league and its players thru the mud are glorified drunks themselves..ever been to some of the dingy pubs aroung HoltSt, Surry Hills and the old journos club..you see some of Ruperts finestr lounging about like a Matt Talbot hostel.
If there are drugs invloved the chaps in question should be jumped on straight way..sanction and suspend them but then support them afterwards where possible..I do not want to see a circus like that AFl bloke Cousins, running around like a hippy aborigines**tely pinged off his head.
The Broncos are specialist at covering up indiscretions..a neutral party should investigate this.


First Grade
The only time I mentioned his name in any of my posts was in reference to the QRL's investigation into players misbehaviour, see below. Do you know something ?

If you feel the need to play Cpt Obvious, then cop the comments on the chin.

Continually - without cessation or intermission. You are a moron.

That's why spike asked if it was actually Hodges or just speculation to which you replied that it was your educated guess.

And the word continually was about your forum history not just this thread. I would say you already knew this and are just being contentious to be a dickhead but as I said earlier you have sh*t for brains so I won't give you that benefit of the doubt.


Strewth, that 56 - 0 hiding is casuing a few early periods up north this week.


That's why spike asked if it was actually Hodges or just speculation to which you replied that it was your educated guess.

And the word continually was about your forum history not just this thread. I would say you already knew this and are just being contentious to be a dickhead but as I said earlier you have sh*t for brains so I won't give you that benefit of the doubt.

That was in relation to a different topic in this thread. You got your knickers in a tanty because I made mention of a drug culture I have heard numerous whispers about.

I have been a member of this forum since 2003, again don't let the truth get in the way of your inability to actually understand the word continually. Have I mentioned/alluded to a drug culture regarding a club who is based in QLD previous to this topic, yes. Does this mean it has been done continually since 2003, No

Suck it up Sal, your starting to perform like the broncs.


First Grade
That was in relation to a different topic in this thread. You got your knickers in a tanty because I made mention of a drug culture I have heard numerous whispers about.

I have been a member of this forum since 2003, again don't let the truth get in the way of your inability to actually understand the word continually. Have I mentioned/alluded to a drug culture regarding a club who is based in QLD previous to this topic, yes. Does this mean it has been done continually since 2003, No

Suck it up Sal, your starting to perform like the broncs.

Considering the exchange between spike and yourself has been deleted the moderators obviously feel it was speculation...

FFS, do you need everything spelt out to you? I said you continually post rumours, speculation and inuendo about the Broncos, did I say drugs or drug culture? I've lost count of the amount of times you've tried to speculate about the thoroughbreds "true" involvment with the club over the years. Whenever there is a rumour or speculation going about the Broncos you're always there like white on rice.

We Broncos fans should be flattered though that you put more passion into hating our club than supporting your own.

El Diablo

Post Whore
FMD these AFL twinkies have nfi http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,25873428-2722,00.html

The NRL in-house policy operates on condition of strict anonymity. Unlike the AFL, the NRL provides no evidence of the number of tests conducted by its clubs or the number of positive results returned each year. As such, the only players to fail drug tests and be named this season have been those caught in the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Agency (ASADA) web.

under the NRL policy there would be 8 players named and banned unlike in AFL because they have a 3 strike policy, not a 2 strike policy

perhaps this numbnut can name the 12 AFL players who tested positive this year seeing he says AFL has no anonymity
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I agree with vicious that recreational drugs shouldn't be tested. It's a bit of a grey area though as you could say the NRL is obliged to do something when they find substances that are illegal in a players system. The other issue is that we get enough bad press at the moment without the likes of the telegraph twisting like you know they will that the NRL is endorsing recreational drug use.

So you don't think players should be tested to ensure there are no illegal substances in their blood stream that might inhibit their performance - and hence their value to their club?

You also, I assume, have no problems with players breaking team curfews?

Therefore, preparation for a big match isn't important?

Last year, it was an elimination semi final. This year, it's an Origin match. Both lost largely because of a party animal mentality.

It's illegal. It's performance inhibiting. But lets not test for it - ok?


First Grade
So you don't think players should be tested to ensure there are no illegal substances in their blood stream that might inhibit their performance - and hence their value to their club?

You also, I assume, have no problems with players breaking team curfews?

Therefore, preparation for a big match isn't important?

Last year, it was an elimination semi final. This year, it's an Origin match. Both lost largely because of a party animal mentality.

It's illegal. It's performance inhibiting. But lets not test for it - ok?

I know you're trying to twist my post that it's some defence of the Broncos but I've said many times on this forum that I don't believe non-performance enhancing recreational drugs should be tested for. As much as I hate Joey and Sailor it's sad that their careers have been tarnished by recreational drug use. Neither of them are cheats yet have been treated as such.

I've got no problem with the clubs doing in-house testing for their players for these substances as they're paying big money to get the best out of these blokes which they're obviously not if they're taking recreational drugs. I think that should be a matter between the club and the player rather than players facing suspensions from the game for taking the likes of pot, E or cocaine.

As for players breaking curfew, of course I have a problem with that. You won't hear any complaints from me if Hodges faces time on the sidelines or never gets picked for Qld again because of it.


I know you're trying to twist my post that it's some defence of the Broncos but I've said many times on this forum that I don't believe non-performance enhancing recreational drugs should be tested for. As much as I hate Joey and Sailor it's sad that their careers have been tarnished by recreational drug use. Neither of them are cheats yet have been treated as such.

I've got no problem with the clubs doing in-house testing for their players for these substances as they're paying big money to get the best out of these blokes which they're obviously not if they're taking recreational drugs. I think that should be a matter between the club and the player rather than players facing suspensions from the game for taking the likes of pot, E or cocaine.

As for players breaking curfew, of course I have a problem with that. You won't hear any complaints from me if Hodges faces time on the sidelines or never gets picked for Qld again because of it.

Great to know that there are a few people around with common sense !
I reckon the Raiders slipped the Broncos a batch of Rohypnol; before the game on the weekend.

The Broncos looked like they weren't aware of what was going on and the Raiders bent them over and f**ked them.


Is it a case of


or more like something along these lines


Ok maybe it has led to the harder stuff


But as SMOKEY THE BEAR has warned stay off the Kiwi Piss Christ knows what you might end up waking up next to.


The Tank

sounds like one is certainly well-credentialed for the AFL. can't tackle, takes rec drugs & enjoys time in the boggers - furthermore his new code of choice will gladly keep it quiet as is their form in such occurrences.

Dammit, I was going to make a similar witty post but you've stolen my thunder! :p