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Broncs game


Hi All not being a Pollyanna but all is not lost. Not blaming refs but we copped a lot of late tackle count soft penalties and another 50/50 bunker overturn of referee. Forget being a dragon was there no doubt that JDB didn't get a bit of ball on the grass? Fairdinkum tosh. Still defended like fury and only failed last 10 mins of game.

Other observation, heaven help the Broncs if Milford gets a bad injury. They heavily rely on that guy. He is a superstar.


First Grade
Thanks for your kind comments but we have to be there at the season end to make a run...right now if by some strange happening we are in the running for the 8 our for and against is bloody woeful.

We'll need an extra win or a draw on top of the other fringe 8 contenders BSE, we won't get them on attack percentage will we.:D

Red V for life

I agree don't be to surprised if Dugan doesn't seek another club before to long

Dugan must be wondering why he couldn't have pulled his head in in his younger years. He'd be either part of a Raiders team on the rise or a Broncos team in its prime. When Andy Ramond was interviewing him on Fox coverage, I thought the poor b@stard was going to dead set cry.

Anyway, having slept on it (as much as any Dragons fan living in Brisbane could given we have to front up to work today and cop it from everyone...TGIF), whatever happens with Widdop, whether he is dropped or not, I think the captaincy should now go to Dugan. On the park week in week out he leads by his actions, and that is something I think we will sorely need in upcoming weeks. I don't know what's going on with Widdop, but he is out of form and needs to find it again. It may be easier without the captaincy.


Don't think I ever saw widdop question the refs, not once! Last week Cowboys awared a try in almost exact circumstances to jdb's no try. Widdop is starting to sh$t me, he looks so disinterested. I wouldn't be supprised if he wants to leave next year.


Matthews mccrone and few others schoolboys drop balls in top positions
You know when we have a chance to win or get close is when we complete a good percentage in our three floggings we were lucky to complete 50%


First Grade
To me we look to be unsuccessfully trying to mirror the attacking structure of the dogs from 2014. We're trying to make our props half backs which they are not. They're certainly not at the Graham, Kasiano skill level.

In saying this the Dogs have even curtailed this to some degree as defences worked out how to counteract this approach. We're two years behind the times here.

PLEASE for the sake of all our sanity tell our props to be props and that's to run hard with the ball and look to where possible create second phase play. I think our props acting as the first passer after the dummy half is causing more issues to our halves as generally they're receiving a tough pass to catch before initiating the attack. I'm not saying this is our sole problem with our halves (kicking game is certainly another story) but this is not helping our attacking movements.
Agree 100% having being noticing and saying this for a while.

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
Don't think I ever saw widdop question the refs, not once! Last week Cowboys awared a try in almost exact circumstances to jdb's no try. Widdop is starting to sh$t me, he looks so disinterested. I wouldn't be supprised if he wants to leave next year.

Must be a culture that has crept into the Captaincy, Creagh never questioned the refs either...maybe that's why we cop more than our fair share of penalties.....your right re Widdop he does look totally pi##ed off...shame isn't it Dugan is the one that should be feeling that way because he busts his a##e every week whilst Widdop is one of the reasons we haven't been that effective in the last 2 weeks......as for Benji and his injury I posted somewhere on here that if his hammy was that bad why did Macgregor let him play for 80 last week against the Cowboys when the game was gone half way through the second half knowing we had a 5 day turn around ...there appears to be something sadly amiss behind the scenes imo


First Grade
Must be a culture that has crept into the Captaincy, Creagh never questioned the refs either...maybe that's why we cop more than our fair share of penalties.....
The penalty count was 8-8 last night, and 5-3 in our favour the week before. I dont think penalties are an issue. Opposition teams seem more than happy to give up penalties against us because they know if they get their defence set we wont trouble them.


The penalty count was 8-8 last night, and 5-3 in our favour the week before. I dont think penalties are an issue. Opposition teams seem more than happy to give up penalties against us because they know if they get their defence set we wont trouble them.

Count can be misleading, where and what situation penalties are given is much more relevant. I suspect we lose out when looked at that way.

GC Dragon

Well for me the positive of last night was getting to watch Dugan play he was outstanding and good to see him starting to chime in both sides and ball play a bit . He made many breaks only to find absolutely no support at all ..something we never do .

The negitives our halves where terrible and the worst kicking game i have seen Flo tried hard and gave 100% but is getting very slow . Mata was just terrible and Lafai is just a passenger . We has no impact at all off the bench unlike the Broncos with big Sam . Mary's use of the bench has me baffled i have no idea what he is trying to achieve .

Mary's accepting of mediocrity is rubbing off on the players who believe they are " getting there " . We need to give our young blokes a go and move out a few of the plodders and older players and we need to do that now .


Ref said de Belin try then went to bunker no try
Then 24 hours later ref calls try to guerra then goes to bunker and they say try , but there was no clear grounding on the guerra try
We seem to get a shit deal all the time
I cleaned up my language for the last sentence

Just one point i thought the 9 commentary team gave it to us but were childish in the end especially finch


Yes St Jeff commentary team were nothing but the Broncos cheer squad.

Dugan got stripped with 2 Broncos in tackle poking and jag going at the ball first couple of minutes. Refs said play on and commentary team say 'loose carry'. Not long after Frizzel in similar gang tackle gets penalised for strip. Joke.

I stated in another thread JDB scored and ref right on spot judged try. Bunker said hand under ball when it sure looked at every angle to me that some of the ball clearly pushed down on the grass. Anyone notice bunker comments not heard?

It seems that if your team is complaint and has measured comments after game refs blown nothing penalties on late tackles. If Bennett team then treated carefully, I speculate a bit intimidated.

Still we aren't playing well at all


Yes St Jeff commentary team were nothing but the Broncos cheer squad.

Dugan got stripped with 2 Broncos in tackle poking and jag going at the ball first couple of minutes. Refs said play on and commentary team say 'loose carry'. Not long after Frizzel in similar gang tackle gets penalised for strip. Joke.

I stated in another thread JDB scored and ref right on spot judged try. Bunker said hand under ball when it sure looked at every angle to me that some of the ball clearly pushed down on the grass. Anyone notice bunker comments not heard?

It seems that if your team is complaint and has measured comments after game refs blown nothing penalties on late tackles. If Bennett team then treated carefully, I speculate a bit intimidated.

Still we aren't playing well at all

We did create some chances last night , v the cows we didnt
If we control the ball like we can things will turnaround
I have no faith in the officials we get dudded


First Grade
We're definately getting crappy calls from the refs lately. We make a tackle on the 4th or 5th tackle on the half way line and there is a hand on the ball for two seconds, pretty standard stuff and they blow a penalty straight away two or three times last night, total BS.

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
We're definately getting crappy calls from the refs lately. We make a tackle on the 4th or 5th tackle on the half way line and there is a hand on the ball for two seconds, pretty standard stuff and they blow a penalty straight away two or three times last night, total BS.

Your right mate that's what I was referring to when I said we cop more than our fair share of penalties......its one thing to give them against us at vital times in a game and its another when the refs want to give us token ones to balance up the ledger.....if you look at teams like Brisbane and Melbourne they get away with loads particularly when they are playing at home.


Mate are you serious? That was clearly a no try. Broncos played like shit and still smashed us. They missed over 25 tackles and we still didn't score. Everyone trying to push some blame to refs LOL we have won nearly every single penalty count. I mean we doubled v Souths and Penrith.


First Grade
No we still wouldn't have won but the penalties were BS. 5 penalties in a row in the opposition 20 actually puts more pressure on you to score and they are nothing penalties (Panthers). It's when and where a penalty is given that matters (Cowboys/Broncos game) Go watch the game again and you will see what we mean.


Totally agree Minh. Penalty counts mean little. It's more the circumstances. For example 5th tackle penalties for a dodgy strip are game breakers.
First or second tackle penalties in the opposition red zone are just numbers to add to a penalty count.

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
Mate are you serious? That was clearly a no try. Broncos played like shit and still smashed us. They missed over 25 tackles and we still didn't score. Everyone trying to push some blame to refs LOL we have won nearly every single penalty count. I mean we doubled v Souths and Penrith.

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