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Bryce Cartwright "allegedly" pays side chick 50k for abortion

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In his position he really should be wearing a condom. Its certainly possible that she lied about the pill but he has options at his end to protect himself from this happening

Some women dont handle the pill well. So its not safe to assume every woman in the world is on the pill

Why guys in this day and age (especially with the greater accessibility of contraception compared to 40 or so years ago) don't use protection is quite unbelievable.


And if you respectfully and logically told the girl you didn't want the kid(keeping in mind she told you she was on the pill and you both went to the effort of the morning-after pill), and she still said she would keep it, you would just smile and say ok great?

I suspect there are plenty of 22 year old guys who would act unsupportive at that stage, even if it was just a tactic.
I had enough respect for my girlfriend at that age that I didn't sleep around on her for starters.

Plenty of guys have had to deal with a situation like this without having to throw a bunch of cash at the situation and managed to find a solution that suited both of them. A mate of mine went through it - was terrible for both of them but in the long run was for the best.

When your first thought is "throw some cash at the problem and it will go away", it says a fair bit about the guys character.


This really isn't the publics business, but since it is....

The thing that sticks out (erm, no pun intended) with this story, is that she was on the pill, and took the morning after pill. If she was on the pill, she would have been assured that she was not going to fall pregnant and there would be no need for the morning after pill.

She would not have known about the pregnancy (or been worried she was as she was on the pill), until she peed on the stick.

Other than this, little Bryce came out to play without his raincoat and Bryce deserves what he gets for it.


Oh look Penrith have stated they knew nothing about a club associate harrassing and paying off a player's side root to get an abortion.

Broncos seem to have sent them a rather large rug and broom

Johns Magic

I had enough respect for my girlfriend at that age that I didn't sleep around on her for starters.

Yeah I am sure but it is pretty common and I am guessing that is not where your anger is coming from.

Plenty of guys have had to deal with a situation like this without having to throw a bunch of cash at the situation and managed to find a solution that suited both of them. A mate of mine went through it - was terrible for both of them but in the long run was for the best.

How do we know how sweet and genuine Cartwright was before he offered to give her money? Maybe I have missed some of the story but I don't see offering her money as that sinful to be honest.

I see it as the sign of a desperate guy who has probably tried every other avenue rather than an evil guy.

When your first thought is "throw some cash at the problem and it will go away", it says a fair bit about the guys character.

As above, I'm sure that wasn't his first thought. Many people decide to have an abortion without being scumbags either.


how could she have got pregnant supposedly being on both the pill and morning after pill? Furthermore, why was she taking the morning after pill if she was already on the pill in the first place? Doesn't make sense.


Nothing like a moral high ground nobody on the internet telling me how low my character is without an inkling of my life situation.
Go back to supporting the bears

No moral high ground, just a comment on the moral low ground that you seem to occupy.
If you are happy for anyone you cared about to have that happen to them, well there isn't much more to say is there


And if you respectfully and logically told the girl you didn't want the kid(keeping in mind she told you she was on the pill and you both went to the effort of the morning-after pill), and she still said she would keep it, you would just smile and say ok great?

I suspect there are plenty of 22 year old guys who would act unsupportive at that stage, even if it was just a tactic.

And they would be merkins too. What's your point?

The bloke didn't bag up when cheating on his girlfriend. That makes him as dumb as a post.

The bloke then responded to it by wanting to hide like a coward and just thought if he ignored it and kept it secret it would go away.

When that didn't work he went crying to his employer and made them fix it.

The entire Cartwright family are failures in this situation. Him for being such a piece of shit and them for both raising him to be so disrespectful to women and also for not stepping up themselves with a bit of support when they were informed about a future family member.

Don't try to lump this type of bogan scum behaviour in as some sort of normal or understandable reaction


When that didn't work he went crying to his employer and made them fix it.
Why would any NRL club involve itself in a private matter like this, especially with the potential for adverse media like you're seeing right now? Much more likely is that his father, who would have been a teammate of Lew Zivanovic, or some other family member, organised him as a go-between.

Catherine Lumby wants it investigated, but she also wanted Mitchell Pearce banned for life.


First Grade
Don't you think it's strange it's 'broken' during the first rd of the season? Which means it's been managed to have the greatest impact. There's no innocent party in this, nor does it have anything to do with the NRL.


Don't you think it's strange it's 'broken' during the first rd of the season? Which means it's been managed to have the greatest impact. There's no innocent party in this, nor does it have anything to do with the NRL.

Well there was one but it got flushed down the toilet.

I also don't count a girl wanting to react spitefully to a guy whose first, second, and third reaction to finding out they are going to be a dad is to abandon it any way he can. Guys like that are bottom feeders that get no sympathy from me.

The NRL has no blame or wrongdoing in this, but the involvement of a Penrith official in drawing up a f**kin abortion contract I think now means they need to become involved. If it was just Cartwright and the girl, then that would be a different matter


First Grade
Well as far as I see it if she wanted the kid she could have kept it. No one can force her to abort it. Its her body and her decision to make.

She chose the $50k over the kid. The only logical reasons to do that are if you're not convinced he's the father (and cant get child support) or if she never wanted the kid to begin with.

Bryce Cartwright is a bit of a dick regardless of that. Im not trying to defend his actions. I just cant see a logical reason for her to abort the kid if she wanted to keep it and if he was the father. She couldnt possibly believe that it would be hard financially. If Bryce is the father he would be on the hook for a shitload of child support and she would be set.

Yeah must be easy from your couch champ. None of us know what really went on but if a fixer was hired by him or the club then f**k there is a very dirty story to be told...


Why would any NRL club involve itself in a private matter like this, especially with the potential for adverse media like you're seeing right now? Much more likely is that his father, who would have been a teammate of Lew Zivanovic, or some other family member, organised him as a go-between.

Catherine Lumby wants it investigated, but she also wanted Mitchell Pearce banned for life.

Catherine Lumby is a goose.

If Cartwright used his friendship with Zivanovic to get him involved then he is an even bigger asshole than his son. Bryce wanting to run from his problem is more understandable given his age, but a grown man with kids of his own reacting like that is just baffling to me
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