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Bugs/Errors Thread


I kicked ahead, the opposition gathered deep in the ingoal, I tackled him, he dropped the ball, it was called play on. My player bent down and picked up the ball, stood up and was tackled ingoal. It should have been a try when he touched the ball when it was in the ingoal. I was pressing the score try button when he picked up the ball too but to no avail.


the AI has done some weird things..a player was a metre or 2 from the tryline with no defenders near him, but he grubbers ahead and the ball goes dead ingoal.

Another time I had Shaun Berrigan running 50 metres up the middle of the field to score while Craig Wing ran alongside him the whole way watching him and not attempting a tackle - bizarre!

Also, it is too easy to be held up over the tryline after catching a bomb. In reality if you catch a bomb ingoal, you would get down to the ground as soon as possible to get the ball down.

I was playing extratime in a 30 minute game, and McGuire was sinbinned right at the end of the first half of extra time. At the start of the second half, the screen said he had completed his time in the sinbin - 2 seconds!


NPK said:
Another thing. I kicked ahead on the last tackle (it was raining), the computer player turned around to run for it, he knocked the ball clearly in the direction that he was running, and it was called a knock on.

This has happened twice again tonight - the programming seems to think that any fumble of a loose ball is a knock on, regardless of whether it really is an obvious knock-back.


NPK said:
Another time I had Shaun Berrigan running 50 metres up the middle of the field to score while Craig Wing ran alongside him the whole way watching him and not attempting a tackle - bizarre!

Yeah had that one slightly funnier tho the defeder was actually slightly ahead of the player with the ball.


yeh there has been alot of gliches like the forward passes the clealry drift forward they are not passed forward most of the time


When the attacking team is within 5 metres of the tryline, the defensive team does not position itself well on the tryline. eg: there are often 3 or 4 markers standing in single file on the tryline which leaves unnecessary gaps in the line.

It is too hard to make ground on the first tackle when you are starting a set of 6 on your own tryline after a turnover. Often either the dummyhalf gets tackled and ends up in the ingoal, or the first receiver gets a huge tackle that sends him 10 metres back into the ingoal.

Too many goalkicks hit the posts - it's unrealistic.

The offside rule in the game seems to be not totally right. Offside for being inside the 10 metres only gets called when the offending player makes the tackle - it should be called even if the offending player(s) are not involved in that play's tackle.


A quirky little thing that I have noticed - after I threw an accidental forward pass, I wondered if the pass recipient could kick the ball after the whistle, so I quickly made him attempt a field goal. the camera watched the path of the ball, then the replay was shown but the actual forward pass was not in shot.


yep...i did that also.......hehehehe very weird!! also..i was o nthe sidleine camera view and when it was replaying a try, the tryscorer was out ofview!! lol


I'd like to see fixed: when your player picks up the ball close to the sideline and the camera turns around (as usual), and the player runs straight over the sideline/dead ball line. You can see it about to happen but you can't stop it. This is very annoying.

Also, I'd like to see the end of situations where little wingers pick up props and drag them back 10 metres - this is so unrealistic but it happens in the game.


A couple of times I have tackled the opposition player ingoal (clearly ingoal) and he gets up and plays the ball 2-3 metres ingoal..weird.

A few times I have been in possession, have thrown a bad offload, the opposition picks up the ball, I tackle him, and my player is called offside?! What the!?

The Engineers Room

First Grade
Also the change over is bad. The previous attacking team should be set in a defensive line. You can be standing on the other side of the play the ball and still not be offside, never offside in this situation. And if the change over occurs near the sideline, sometimes the play the ball happens and the defence is nowhere to be seen.


I was just playing the game on my computer, and I needed to pause the game and minimise it to open up another window. There was no way to do this - I had no other applications/programs running at the time, so Alt+Tab didn't do anything. Also, the windows key on the keyboard didn't do anything. I had to exit the game, which I shouldn't have had to do.


i dunno if this has come up, i read a few pages but couldnt be bothered gogin through them all.

a knockon is sometimes called even though the player is facing his own goal and fumbles the ball. as far as i know, this isn't a knockon situation because the ball hasn't gone forward.


i was playing my friend, and he was tackled about 2 metres out from the try line.

and the ref then gave him a penalty, took it back to the 40 metre line and it was said "no advantage there"

i was laughing my ass off but my friend was pissed cause he got screwed in a try scoring position


Hurriflatch said:
NPK said:
Another time I had Shaun Berrigan running 50 metres up the middle of the field to score while Craig Wing ran alongside him the whole way watching him and not attempting a tackle - bizarre!

Yeah had that one slightly funnier tho the defeder was actually slightly ahead of the player with the ball.

That happens to me a lot. It comes in very handy for scoring length of the field tries off kick offs. It's as if the defender is racing you to the try line.

Another good one is that if you make a linebreak and there is a defender on your tale. Just start running diagonally and the AI defender often develops a limp and can't catch you. He'll just stay the same distance behind you all the way to the line.

In general, the AI just can't adjust if you change your running line, both your opponents and your teammates.

Evil Homer

Staff member
The knockons seem staggeringly unfair:I was playing just now and I got the ball from the kickoff,took 1 tackle,passed and it was a knock on.Then leeds got the ball and ran from the scrum to score.I kicked the ball to them,they did literally about 20 offloads and passes ending in McGuire running 40m to score.From the kickoff I went short,and got the ball back.Next tackle I passed it from d/h and...knocked on.Surely there should be some way to control this that isnt completely random,just like high and spear tackles. ](*,)

Also the AI is dodgy,so are the forward passes,its ALWAYS raining when you play in Britain,I live in fear of accidentally pressing 'dummy' as there is some kind of fault and the players graphic cocks up and flies towards the face of the screen,after tackling 5 tackles on my own line they just pass to a prop who runs straight through a hole in my defence over and over again(props score more tries than anyone else on my game,from that and running the length of the field),tries are not scored easily enough,it takes about half a second to put the ball down not 3 seconds(the number of times ive been held up after pressing 'score' are criminal),kicking ability should not be how long it takes to kick the ball,i am always getting caught on the 5th even with my regular kicker because of the slow-ness of the kicking and the fact they cant do a running kick,the stats are crap and dont mean anything on higher levels and the 5/8 and halves play like wingers and the wingers play like 5/8 and halves.

Evil Homer

Staff member

You cant stop the penalty kicks going into touch,offsides are completely random and crap,you never intercept a pass whereas the opposition do almost every time,often when it goes into 'bullet time' mode the arrow is turning around and you cant do anything about it so end up kicking sideways or even backwards,you cant chip,occasionally players 'freeze' when you sidestep them,the game freezes if you kick in into dead in goal from a kick off,players just let the kickoff bounce and go out even though it is right in front of them,many of the players behave in the same way as gerbils,the computer can offload backwards but when you try to it goes to ground then one of their props pick it up and runs the length of the field,most passes drift and its impossible to do 'quick passing' down the line to release your 5/8 into space,you can dive out of the field but thats down to the fact that try scoring is too slow and substitutions are completely pointless as your players never tire,and the computer never makes them.They should have a stat called stamina which is lower for props and higher for wingers and when the props get tired you can interchange,or maybe they do and its used for something completely irrelevant to the game :roll: #-o


Not an error but a problem I am having. How do you do intercepts? Do you have to press a button as you run through, coz deadset I reckon I haven run through the ball and not gotten an intercept.
Not an error but a problem I am having. How do you do intercepts? Do you have to press a button as you run through, coz deadset I reckon I haven run through the ball and not gotten an intercept.
i have made intercepts beforebut only by either the ball being passed in to my hands or me beig accidently in front of a pass.
when i attemp an intecept the com usually scores.

but i know someoe that scored a quality one. it was like brent grose's at the halliwell jones stadum against castleford. i don't now if you saw it as it weren't on t.v