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Bugs/Errors Thread


yeah agree with u guys:

* during handover, sometimes ur team is packed together in one half of the field, meaning easy run to the line for the other team
* sinbin/send offs are unclear
* changing playing on defence is annoying
* players playing out of position, e.g. devere at dummy half, props and half backs on the wing


First Grade
devonuto said:
I've noticed a couple of things... if you get held up over the try line on the fifth tackle, you still get the scrum feed instead of being a handover.

I noticed that one too, but also had an example with an unusual quirk. I'm sure you've all noticed that sometimes one or more players may take exception to another after a penalty, or handover, or scrum etc is awarded. So while you see the players about to reform and the referee making his decision, they lunge viciously at the opposition player in question and pummel him into the ground. Quite funny, but playing against the Broncos with the Cowboys, I'd just heroically defended a set on my own line, and this happened as the referee signalled a handover - Glenn Morrison came in and absolutely smashed Mick Devere while play was stopped, they rolled over the try line, and suddenly the Broncos had a scrum feed 10 out.

As a foot note I managed to defend them for another set of six and went on to win my first ever game in Seasoned difficulty 22-10 :p


First Grade
I might add a few more while I'm here.

- Penalty kicks for touch - opposition is poorly placed, usually too close
- I would prefer to be able to select the defender directly opposite the player with the ball, as opposed to who can theoretically get to him quickest
- I can handle the high rate of forward passes, because as you play the game a bit more you tend to be able to control them better - but I've found that playing the game co-op style (with 3 other people) results in a sheer overabundance of not only forward passes but "deliberate" forward passes, and some pretty absurd penalties. Lessen the penalties for these forward passes considerably I think ...
- Sometimes Vossy says the wrong name for a player!


a lot of the bugs I noticed at the lower level don't appear that much on the higher level but other things do start to come out.

- Knock ons seeming inconsistant
- AI able to get catch the ball more often from the kickoff
- Ratings for some players are WAY to low esspecially those players injured at the time the game was made.

One funny moment tho

Tallis (12 for Aust) hits FArell (11 for GB) with a high shot. Voss says "TAllis has just hit Hindmarsh accorss the chops"

My created Hindmarsh being #11 for Aust.


btw, I've got the PS2 version and have NEVER had the bug when a 5th tackle in goal leads to a scrum feed.

and trust me I've been held in goal enough to know that it won't be happening any time soon

usually get held up in goal at least twice a game and have played about 60 games


on PC ive held the opposition up over the line on the 5th and received the handover, must be a bug that happens only sometimes.


I haven't had the held up, turnover problem, but often I've done great kicks into the ingoal, tackled them in there and they get a 20m tap..


First Grade
Before I start let me say that I thouroughly enjoy the game and my view is that all the bugs I have encountered so far are relatively minor. The biggest one for me is when a kickoff seemed to bounce into the crowd and get lost. The game continued with the clock counting down with all the players standing in the corner. All the other bugs have been mentioned.

Some things I would like changed -

1. On defence, unless you select the fullback the computer takes control of the player and places him in the line, this is helpful but I would like to be able to turn that off so I can place him anywhere - off side if it means shutting down a try.
2. Player positioning - the hooker at dummy half and the winger on the wings.
3. A simple way of choosing to pass to a forward (for a hitup) or a back for a run.
4. Less memory on the controls. By that I mean when I am pressing the 'X' button hundreds of times to get through the cut scenes I don't want that to effect what kind of kick off i do.


Staff member
1. I take the ball up and lose it, Ref calls play on the opposition picks up the ball, I tackle them and I am penalised for being offside, this has happened a few times, I can't be offside because I played the ball.

2. One of my own players blocking the arrow when taking a penalty goal kick.

3. Send off and sin bins are totally fuzzy with the refs actions, speech and vossys commentary being very confusing. There is a refs send off animation as I have seen it twice. If you are sin binned say "sin binned' not "sent off".

4. As mentioned by many people the game not ending correctly at full or half time if the hooter goes off originally whilst a conversion is being taken. And not getting the tap kick after kicking for touch after the hooter, this is not rugby union!


First Grade
Razor said:
* After you take a penalty kick to touch if the hooter goes you don't get the 1 play you should

Thats not a fault, thats an acctual rule of Rugby League, trust me, my team has been in that position a few times.


I scored a try today after one of my players got hit in a head high tackle and dropped the ball backwards and I picked it up and ran over the line... but play was called back and I was awarded a penalty, I missed out on the try after that and lost the game.

Also, there needs to be some sort of button to pass to a PK on fifth tackle, too often am I kicking with a second rower because they are the only ones in clear space to kick.

Reggie Dunlop

yakstorm said:
Razor said:
* After you take a penalty kick to touch if the hooter goes you don't get the 1 play you should

Thats not a fault, thats an acctual rule of Rugby League, trust me, my team has been in that position a few times.

You should get one play after the siren if you have a penalty and kick for touch.

it's definitatley a bug.

On this the game will pack a scrum if you knock after the siren when in real life the gane ends.
I cant believe the testers didnt pick this stuff up.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
Hurriflatch said:
btw, I've got the PS2 version and have NEVER had the bug when a 5th tackle in goal leads to a scrum feed.

and trust me I've been held in goal enough to know that it won't be happening any time soon


Some times i grubber into the ingoal and the opposition get a 20m restart.


Pleased with the game. It's good fun, and a good first effort from Sidhe.

A strange bug with the PS2 version. I changed 4 players at once and went back to the game, the interchange ready to take place with the next break in play. Then a player on my team got injured.

It returned to the squad where you would normally select a bench player to replace the injured player, but there were no players listed on the interchange bench. I could not even return to the game, it just locked up at this screen.

I guess I better not replace 4 players at a time from now on.


I'm just amazed that the beta testers didn;t pick any of this up. They seem like repeatable bugs of a general game play nature. But then again I have been in situations where testers report stuff but there is no time to fix them.

Either way it's not good really and I have my doubts about getting this game if there's a patch in the works.


Clevo said:
I'm just amazed that the beta testers didn;t pick any of this up. They seem like repeatable bugs of a general game play nature. But then again I have been in situations where testers report stuff but there is no time to fix them.

Either way it's not good really and I have my doubts about getting this game if there's a patch in the works.

I can't for the life of me, understand how some of the bugs weren't noticed, seeing as many are immediately apparent after just a few plays. I've not seen bugs as big as the ones here make it into a final product before.

Things like:

-Penalty kicks for touch ended a game/half
-If a ball is kicked off of dropped out near the sideline, the players just let it bounce into touch. You can exploit this too
-The guaranteed tries from scrums
-Held up on the 6th tackle resulting in a scrum feed
-The diving for tries where you can completely miss the ingoal area and place it out if you dive diagonally for the corner

I'm then told by someone here that Sidhe don't have a professional playtester to the err.. testing. Well why am I paying $90 for a game that is clearly not properly tested. That's pretty digusting.


I have yet to have a 6th tackle resulting in a scrum feed, all of mine are turnovers. Maybe its only on one platform?