The Ac130 and chopper gunner is usually wayyy to hard to take BC2 ive only been killed by a chopper once...but i find it very hard to fly the bastards!!!
visually? well this is just a doesnt look too bad...
Every 2nd game there is one guy flying around in a chopper destroying everyone and every vehicle as soon as you get into it. 1 game he just sat above a respawn site and kept fireing. We couldn't respawn anywhere else. Choppers are way to hard to take down in BC 1. You can fire all you like but you won't do anything unless he flies to low and happen to be aiming at him from a vehicle.
The respawning sites suck and it often takes you ages to get back into the action. It's just way to easy to die and constant respawning, takeing an age to get into the action then more respawning straight away as soon as you reach the action because you can't heal.
Once you learn the maps you'll be fine. Then unlock the tactical knife and use marathon, lightweight and commando pro and run around and stab people.
Very satisfying.
and last stand suck as well. the ability of a person to shoot in last stand from the point they are standing, to the point they actually go down is instaneous. There should be some lag
thats fricken bullsh*t. i hate ppl that do that... you will lay a couple of bullets into them and they still have an opportunity to shank you from 5 meters away. By far the worst part of the game. Hopefully they fix it and issue patch.
There is a fix its called BC2 ;-)
Very true. IMO they should have ditched last stand as a perk, and just have it as a death streak.
& if your looking for something better right now try BF2There is a fix its called BC2 ;-)
f**kn Microsoft!
BC2 tomorrow!!! omg omg omg