Is that garbiology as in garbled, or garbology as in works with garbage?
Evokes great memories. In the good ol' days when footy players had jobs many were professional garbologists. None of this 'hydraulic lift' shit, the lads would run behind the garbage truck lifting bins and loading them in as they went. Substituted nicely for training, meaning more time could be allocated on alloted training nights for sinking schooeys.
In the tied 77 GF a Parra player, a garbologist by trade, was munched on by 'The Phantom Biter'. It was the story of the week leading up to the replay. On GF replay day a couple of Saints lads contructed a banner which they paraded around the ground which read 'Who'd bite a garbo?' Amused me no end.
Anyway, back to the elocutionary excellence of the modern day Leaguey.