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Can you imagine the media outrage if this was a rugby league story


Statistically the AFL has almost double the media articles printed about it than the NRL on an annual basis.
Cousins sticks his finger up at a changeroom camera,and here in Perth it has recieved coverage for 3 x days.


Why does most sports news start with AFL first then NRL even in Sydney, unless there is a League scandal or Origin is on?

El Diablo

Post Whore

if a league player had done this it would be headlines everywhere blasting the code

not so in AFL. it's not the players fault


The real villain is Channel Ten

Greg Baum | June 3, 2009

IF BEN Cousins is to hang, at least let it be for a hanging offence. Cousins' gesture in flipping the bird, so-called, to an unmanned television camera in the Subiaco changerooms on Saturday night has gone to all the usual courts: the AFL, his club's leadership group, the media and public opinion.

One by one, the verdicts are coming in. The public's is indifference. The media's lacks its usual trenchancy. The leadership group's was a fine, you suspect for thoughtlessness as much as vulgarity, half-suspended anyway. The AFL's was a suspended fine.

Why? Because Cousins' action was shocking? No; if "flipping the bird" ever shocked, it does no longer. It is shocking only as a glimpse of frilly knickers was once called shocking, tut-tut shocking.

Because it was obscene? Hardly; the colloquialism "flipping the bird", in its very benign-ness, contradicts it. Because it was offensive? Only to whomever it was intended, and no one, not even Cousins, can say for sure who that was. Almost certainly, it was meant for no one in particular, but was a reaction, mindless and reflexive, to the camera itself. Yet, selectively, some have chosen to take offence anyway.

Why? Because Cousins is a role model? Yes he is, for better or worse, and he has been both.

It is fair enough that role models are held to higher standards, not fair if those standards are impossible, not to every-waking-minute consciousness of all sensitivities and every innocent.

Because, from the AFL's point of view, it does not want to be seen to be licensing even a hint of the laxity that allowed Cousins to embarrass it and the game previously? Almost certainly.

Because Cousins has become an easy target? Incontestably. And it means some of his assailants have as much of a schoolyard mentality as his.

Actually, it is not Cousins' gesture that ought to be at issue here, but the airing of it. If it was immediately before a game, or immediately afterwards, Cousins could reasonably expect the camera to be operating, perhaps live. But this was nearly two hours before the game. It was not live, and would not have come to light at all except that someone at Channel Ten spotted it, and someone else thought to telecast it, after the game and out of context, gratuitously.

This, far more calculated and devious than Cousins' own action, was the real mischief. You only had to see the demeanour of the on-air presenters to know it; they were embarrassed.

So should Channel Ten be. A lifetime spent in press boxes tells me that Channel Ten would not have to search too far through its own archives to find examples of its own people in unguarded moments in front of non-live cameras, picking their noses, scratching their backsides or preening themselves narcissistically in the reflection from the lens. Other than at Christmas parties, they are excused their distractedness and vanities. But they did not spare Cousins.

Underlying, there is another issue. A footballer's world is privileged, but also exposed, on the field and off. The one sanctuary, apart from home, is the changeroom. Almost certainly, a scan of the unedited footage from Saturday night would show some players wearing nothing more than ankle bandages and an air of insouciance, but these were not telecast, of course.

Television cameras provide a fascinating insight into the mien and mood in this sanctuary, but it is only fair that they are used discreetly. On Saturday night, Cousins was indiscreet, but Channel Ten was brazen.

It says something of the balance of power in modern football that the AFL took the player to task, not the broadcaster.



Tell the truth now, how many anti-rl articles did Maitua inspire in Victoria. Cut the paranoid sh*t and be truthful...

They reported it. What more would you like them to do? They can't legally speculate on who the players may have been, though most people know who they are, so what do you propose they do? Treat the game like a turd like the Sydney media does to RL?

At the end of the day, sooner or later you people are going to have to realise that the Sydney media are scumf**ks, it has nothing to do with Melbourne or AR, it's simply bottom feeding scumbags, too quick to make news out of nothing without a care to how badly they treat the game.

You need to change the way the media treats RL, not demand the AFL cop equal treatment ... Because at the end of the day, even if AR cops the same treatment, RL is still going to be being bagged over nothing incidents in that scenario.

Besides which, anyone who buys into the media hysteria is geniused anyway.

As for the people mentioning Cousins "incident" on Saturday night ... :lol: :lol: :lol:. You absoloute babies, toughen up FFS

I think you have a foot in both camps MelTiger...
and you seem to bob up a lot straight after I post something....really weird:eek:

I do tell the truth, maybe I get the opportunity to listen to the radio/tv and read the papers more than you.

Anyway how can we change the way the media reports rugby league?.


Weed is not out of fashion, never has and never will. The difference is people take coke, ecstasy, speed ... whatever when they're out hitting the town. Nobody smokes cones in the corner of a nightclub.

But weed stays in your system for about 4 weeks, unlike coke and ice, etc. so a lot of players stay away from it, but some risk taker players combine it with the other drugs.



Anyway how can we change the way the media reports rugby league?.

The only thing you can do is vote with your wallet. That becomes more of a personal protest.

A club or a player may get defamed enough to take a media company to court. That's a bit hard when one of the main offenders is owned by the same company that owns the game.


First Grade
that's a problem with ridiculous senstationalist reporting by hypocritical arse wipes like Rothfield et al. and stupid rules by the NRL.

The AFL told the govt to get stuffed on the rec drugs issue and they treat it as a medical / societal problem not performance enhancing which it isn't.

I was watching an AFL program earlier and the panel were quite happy with the results as the doubled the number of tests and got less positive results. Also 12 out 700+ is way way under the average for the population in that age group.

The NRL need to grow a pair and do what's right, rather than bringing negative press upon themselves and pandering to hypocrites and gossip mongers. if someone was suspended and outed for smoking pot once, that would be ridiculous in the extreme.

I agree 100% with this sentiment.

League is run by a moral minority in the media that are quite happy to snipe and cry foul when their own house is clearly dirty.

So why are we accepting this rubbish? The media only do it, because they know they can pressure the game and make a headline.

The AFL administrators are bloody smart. They've had 12 people return positive drug tests and yet they've manipulated the media into reporting this as a positive story. Yes the media are going along with it, but their rules allow them to say "we're being tough on drugs and testing more players than ever before" which cuts the media angles down.

The media can't run a story criticising the AFL when the AFL are being pro active. We REACT to every situation - we dont go on the offensive and start controlling things.

Green Machine

First Grade
I disagree with that. The difference with Rugby League is there is a fractured relationship between all the media groups. Fairfax/Channel 9 can be as moralistic as the New Ltd/2GB camp. Quite surprisingly, if one group is taking the high moral ground on a subject, the other will run to the defence of whoever is getting a kicking. The AFL and the ARU media sing from the same hymn sheet. That’s the difference. Phil Rothfield, Rebecca Wilson or Danny Weedler couldn’t give a sh*t what players do. 90% of what they write is just agenda.


Some of you here are so precious! So what if they report AFL or Soccer or Union negatively as well. So you honestly think that they will start reporting on RL in a positive way because of it. Maybe the players who earn a good income should do their very best at keeping incidents that can be reported to a bare minimum.
Maybe they should think for the good of the game, like most RL supporters rather than selfish brats. Think of the damage caused by "incidents" which happen repeatedly.
I realise that they are harshly viewed in the public eye but that is what it is. Do not put the game into disrepute.
Really, this is as simple as it needs to be. Dont stuff up and the press has nothing to report. Dont need an high IQ to understand this. PLease RL players, dont ruin the integrity of our game!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!

Also make sure that your parents, siblings, close and distant relatives, etc. are all running squeaky clean businesses and towing the line long after you stop playing... or there'll be a scandal..!!

A serious concerted effort needs to be administered to show the media that it is not on to carry on with this sh*t.... Imagine what the sponsors would have to say if one Friday night live game was watched by only 10% of the norm because action was taken against the media propagated circus.....

El Diablo

Post Whore
Listen, i can understand your frustration that AFL stories up there don't go anywhere near as reported as league's but the answer is blatantly obvious why, nobody cares about AFL up there just as people don't care about the league stories down here. Believe it or not i used to have the same thinking as you before o moved down here but until i did i had no idea how little league is reported down here when it comes to these things.

care to explain why the DT gave todays Back Page to a game played between two Victorian teams that was not shown untill 11:59pm in over half the country?

they gave it this headline

care to explain why the DT gave todays Back Page to a game played between two Victorian teams that was not shown untill 11:59pm in over half the country?

they gave it this headline


Damn good game it was too! I only watched the last quarter (after I got home from the Raiders/Titans game). Couldn't have asked for a better setup than two unbeaten teams decided by a goal in the last 90 seconds.

(some of us can cope with watching and enjoying multiple sports).

El Diablo

Post Whore
Damn good game it was too! I only watched the last quarter (after I got home from the Raiders/Titans game). Couldn't have asked for a better setup than two unbeaten teams decided by a goal in the last 90 seconds.

(some of us can cope with watching and enjoying multiple sports).



care to explain why the DT gave todays Back Page to a game played between two Victorian teams that was not shown untill 11:59pm in over half the country?

they gave it this headline


Lol...did they really?
How timely, especially after Andy D's visit to West Sydney late last week:sarcasm:

Wonder if the Manly vs Bulldogs game will hit the backpage this morning.?


Wonder if the Manly vs Bulldogs game will hit the backpage this morning.?

It was never a chance. In fact the write up for the big game was about 5 pages in.

A picture of Nate Myles in the squatting position was the back page.


Damn good game it was too! I only watched the last quarter (after I got home from the Raiders/Titans game). Couldn't have asked for a better setup than two unbeaten teams decided by a goal in the last 90 seconds.

(some of us can cope with watching and enjoying multiple sports).

Agree mate,this was a brilliant game of Aussie football.


Ch 10 flashed up a graphic of all the players that have been in trouble this year.

Even Cooper Cronk and Brett Finch got a run. Those two should have been banned for life for what they did.