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Can you imagine the media outrage if this was a rugby league story


I was chatting to my cousin, who coaches talented aussie rules 15-16 year olds, and the stories he has to tell!!

He gets access to a lot of AFL recruiters and assistant coaches who don't mind sharing the stories around. Tales of one "freakish" hawthorn player who as a junior, had a goal of 100 roots with 100 different girls in 100 days....got to eighty something then struck out. While on the topic of striking out, the player in question is also one strike away from strike three on the ol' AFL chemical countdown.

Also, a team mate of his who in all ways appears to be captain material, (excelent with the media, great on field leader), is on two strikes. Which made sense to me when I was told cause he's THE natural leader of the club without having the 'c' next to his name on game day.

I think if any AFL player gets a third strike we'll never hear about it, it'll be covered-up and ignored.


First Grade
Parra simply doesn't understand it at all...be good if he lived here in Melbourne for a few years.

There are so many posts on rugby league forums from people living here in Melbourne that confirm exactly what you typed above.
Believe it or not, I have even spoken to some people who follow afl, agree that the afl are shonky.


Tell the truth now, how many anti-rl articles did Maitua inspire in Victoria. Cut the paranoid sh*t and be truthful...


Front page from Today's Herald Sun


Not one mention of the drug story at all on the website today. As per usual the Melbourne media just moves on/buries it with no hysteria lasting a week.

One can only imagine how hard the Sydney papers would salivating over NRL DRUG CRISIS stories this across the entire weekend.

They reported it. What more would you like them to do? They can't legally speculate on who the players may have been, though most people know who they are, so what do you propose they do? Treat the game like a turd like the Sydney media does to RL?

At the end of the day, sooner or later you people are going to have to realise that the Sydney media are scumf**ks, it has nothing to do with Melbourne or AR, it's simply bottom feeding scumbags, too quick to make news out of nothing without a care to how badly they treat the game.

You need to change the way the media treats RL, not demand the AFL cop equal treatment ... Because at the end of the day, even if AR cops the same treatment, RL is still going to be being bagged over nothing incidents in that scenario.

Besides which, anyone who buys into the media hysteria is geniused anyway.

As for the people mentioning Cousins "incident" on Saturday night ... :lol: :lol: :lol:. You absoloute babies, toughen up FFS


Some of you here are so precious! So what if they report AFL or Soccer or Union negatively as well. So you honestly think that they will start reporting on RL in a positive way because of it. Maybe the players who earn a good income should do their very best at keeping incidents that can be reported to a bare minimum.
Maybe they should think for the good of the game, like most RL supporters rather than selfish brats. Think of the damage caused by "incidents" which happen repeatedly.
I realise that they are harshly viewed in the public eye but that is what it is. Do not put the game into disrepute.
Really, this is as simple as it needs to be. Dont stuff up and the press has nothing to report. Dont need an high IQ to understand this. PLease RL players, dont ruin the integrity of our game!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!


If the players behave then the media just drags up incidents from seven years ago or buy photos off blokes who start fights with Benji Marshall. There will be rugby league 'scandals' for as long as the Sydney media want them, no matter what the NRL does about it.
Smoking dope is out of fashion now...ice, coke, esctacy, etc. will be the more likely ones to show up in results. They really do serious damage to your body and mental welfare...should be a no no for anyone.

Weed is not out of fashion, never has and never will. The difference is people take coke, ecstasy, speed ... whatever when they're out hitting the town. Nobody smokes cones in the corner of a nightclub.


It shows the Hypocricy in the media.

You dont think that a lot of it is your own bias as well? Somehow the media is biased but everybody else here on this forum is not.
Let me say that I am a sport lover. I like most of them. Fact: When ever there was a brawl or dust up at a soccer game, it was called Soccer Violence or Soccer crowds violence. When this happens at other sports is it a societal problem. Please lets not look at this for any more than it is. You are biased towards RL. Fair enough! Victorians are biased towards AFL etc etc.

Green Machine

First Grade
I’ve got no problems with the media reporting players off field indiscretions in Rugby League if they are news worthy. There are AFL off field incidents that are reported in the Melbourne media. I don’t think anyone questions that, but for every time there is an AFL off field incident, how many times does a journalist from another football code come out and question the integrity of the AFL as a code? How often is the AFL subjected to low opinion pieces like Rugby League is subjected to by arsewipes Peter FitzSimons, Rebecca Wilson and Pat Smith to name a few?


I’ve got no problems with the media reporting players off field indiscretions in Rugby League if they are news worthy. There are AFL off field incidents that are reported in the Melbourne media. I don’t think anyone questions that, but for every time there is an AFL off field incident, how many times does a journalist from another football code come out and question the integrity of the AFL as a code? How often is the AFL subjected to low opinion pieces like Rugby League is subjected to by arsewipes Peter FitzSimons, Rebecca Wilson and Pat Smith to name a few?

And what is the net effect? SFA. League continues to dominate. Despite the deathriders and the fans in this thread with all the hand-wringing and naval gazing.

Just watch the tele tomorrow night, listen to the conversations the next day and understand just how dominant league is. (Unless you live in Victoria - your loss)


I’ve got no problems with the media reporting players off field indiscretions in Rugby League if they are news worthy. There are AFL off field incidents that are reported in the Melbourne media. I don’t think anyone questions that, but for every time there is an AFL off field incident, how many times does a journalist from another football code come out and question the integrity of the AFL as a code? How often is the AFL subjected to low opinion pieces like Rugby League is subjected to by arsewipes Peter FitzSimons, Rebecca Wilson and Pat Smith to name a few?

Heres just a few. Maybe they arent covering them up after all!

Green Machine

First Grade
And what is the net effect? SFA. League continues to dominate. Despite the deathriders and the fans in this thread with all the hand-wringing and naval gazing.
How does that make it right? As a Union fan I can see why you think putting the boot into Rugby League is fair game
Just watch the tele tomorrow night, listen to the conversations the next day and understand just how dominant league is. (Unless you live in Victoria - your loss)
Do you think it won't rate in Victoria tomorrow night?


How does that make it right? As a Union fan I can see why you think putting the boot into Rugby League is fair game

But you can't understand why I say it just wont matter. League will continue to thrive.

Death rider - don't disparage me while you carry on like a sook.

Green Machine

First Grade
But you can't understand why I say it just wont matter.
I know why you are saying what you are saying is because you want make out that Rugby League should not defend itself.

League will continue to thrive.

Rugby League should be doing a lot better than what it is. The reporting on the game is disgraceful

Death rider - don't disparage me while you carry on like a sook.

Sook? If you look up the dictionary for the word sook, you would see a picture of yourself.


Keep bleating.

The rest of us will enjoy the footy tomorrow night without worrying about the surrounding fluff. Enjoy your trivia.