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Can't Live Without


First Grade
This thread is inspired by the last page in one of the Sunday magazines, where someone talks about the things they love. What are the 10 or so possessions you can't live without?

Elume candles, papaya or cranberry
I love coming home and lighting a candle. The smell, and also I love watching the flame flicker.

Green tea
Now that I've lost interest in coffee, green tea is my new thing.

Gorgeous homewares
I adore a great table setting at home. And wandering around looking at beautiful things.

My snowboard
This is my favourite thing to do. There's something about getting to the snow, getting the board out and cruising around enjoying the alpine air and landscape. Bliss.

A frame of 4 photos of me and my sisters, taken by a photographer friend
It is just so cute, and the photos are quirky yet professional.

All of my photo albums
All 29 years of my life so far are captured in these albums.

My lovely old car
She gives me so much freedom on weekends.

Heart pendant I recently picked up from Bondi markets
It goes with everything. Love it.


my computer

my car

my TV

my bed

my pool cue

my house

can't make ten - maybe my camera which is filling in some time at the moment - and food - i love food.

garden fairy

Great thread...I love reading those pages, its really interesting to see what things some people can't live without...like expensive paintings and shoes...lol.

Most of the things I can't live without aren't really possessions, and that sounds so corny...but in no particular order:

My animals: my family dog at my parents house, and my cat at my house - I know when I'm at either house, I miss the other pet like crazy. Its so calming just sitting with a purring cat on your lap.

My family: as scary and mafia-like as they seem, I don't know what I'd do without the chaos that my family creates, and how different they are from so many other families I know...

My boyfriend: because he'd get upset if I didn't mention him :D

My photos: I have an absolutely massive collection, spread through about ten albums and all over my walls.

My camera: its old and crappy, but it goes everywhere with me.

My radio/MP3 player/music collection: I can't live without music and singing and dancing...

Chocolate: A world without chocolate is a world in chaos!

My car: How the hell I lived without ever having a car, I really don't know!


My ipod: I'd go insane without music on the train every morning.

My phone: Just the essential point of contact really.

My car: How did I ever live without it? Everytime I need to get out, I pretty much use it somehow!

Msn: To catch up with good friends

Shopping: LOL, sound crazy but it's really something I couldn't live without. Love hitting the shops when I'm feeling like I need a good spending spree.

Friends & Family: They are just so supportive, and I love hanging out with friends and family.

My RipCurl Jacket: Bought it on sale a few years back and it' keeps me nice & warm when it's cold. Believe it or not I'm actually wearing it now (bit chilly atm).

That's about all I can come up with right now!


1. my knights jerseys
2. my foxtel
3. my computer
4. my boris (puppy dog, hes a brat but i love him)
5. my shannon noll cds
6. my playstation
7. my madden (NOT 07, i want to burn that stupid piece of sh*t)
8. my watch
9. my pimp jacket
10. my diesel shoes

as you can see, im pretty shallow :p


In no particular order:-

Coke - Seriously addicted to the stuff. I dont drink coffee so this is my daily "pick-me-up" around lunch time to get me through my afternoon classes.
The Internet - My escape. Not such a good thing because it takes me away from my family but I love talking to people and reading new and interesting things. Also its where I download all my TV entertainment.
My faith/God - OK this sounds corny but I cant live without knowing God is there to guide me. Yes I am a Christian and its comforting to know that I have Him to talk to and guide me.
My Wife - Yeah I ditch her for the net sometimes lol but she is also my rock that keeps me some-what sane.
Work - Yep. Didnt expect to hear that one did you? But seriously, I love my job. Easily the best job I have had and I have had a few. By the way in case you dont know I am a High School PE teacher. Time to pack me off to the looney home.
Sport - Whether its playing or watching I cant survive without sport. I cannot handle not playing some competitive sport and get bored during "off-season" (which is between footy and cricket season) and there is nothing to watch.
My sunglasses - Yes a weird one I know. But i feel naked when im outside and not wearing them. Plus it fries my eyeballs a bit. :lol:
My car - I know everyone has said this, but my 1991 Toyota Corolla 4WD Wagon is my second best friend (behind my wife of course :p ) It got me to and from Uni for 4 years and has survived pretty well.
Food - Yeah I love food. Lasagne is the pick, but dont mind roast chicken with potatoes, veges and gravy. Damn im hungry now....
My boys - Samuel (3) and Matthew (20 months) are my reason for living at this time. They provide me with daily amusement, joy, love, and hope. Words cant really describe how I feel about them.


My Cat - she's my baby and she always makes me feel better

My sister - she's been over in the States for the last year, it's been horrible. she gets back in two weeks thou \\\\:D/

My Dad - he's always there when i need him and i reakon he's the best dad in the world. Also my fave person to have a beer with :D

My Fridge - It keeps my beer nice and cold:alcho:

My Car - She gets me everywhere, i would be so lost without her. She also has these real nice Necastle seat covers....

Sport - I love the footy season and the cricket season. That time inbetween is hell. i go nuts. the crap they have on the telly on the weekend now is really bad....

My Footy Jerseys - I have many, Blues jerseys, Newcastle Jerseys, West Coast Eagles Jerseys, soccer jerseys ( Socceroos, Glory and Germany) and a Wallabies jersey. I also have a nice lil collection of ODI shirts. i love them all.

Food - I love food. Chicken i my favourite. You can do so much when cooking with chicken...mmm chicken


First Grade
garden fairy said:
Great thread...I love reading those pages, its really interesting to see what things some people can't live without...like expensive paintings and shoes...lol.
They really do go on about material stuff don't they! But they are usually beautiful items that mean something to them, so I've kind of kept mine in the same vein.

My sisters and family mean everything to me, but I have purposefully chosen inanimate objects in my list...
1. Ipod
2. Phone
3. Computer.... with Internet :p...
4. PS2
6. Camera
7. TV
8. Foxtel
9. Footy Jearsys
10. SUPERMAN CUP =] and Friends of course!
I've always said I would happily live in a leaking, rusty tin shed if it had FOXTEL and broadband internet.

Chuck in my mp3 player and we're sweet.

les norton

First Grade
The obvious...my son, my family and roommate: The last year has been extremely hard for me and to come out of it only thinking about how lucky I am, well it is a testament to them

Music: Certain musicians make me very happy.

Great food: I love to eat!!!...leading onto...

My Gym: see above...:D, Nah, when I am stressed I like to punch things, sweat and run it out

A secret box I have: Full of memories and some thing I would like to forget but really shouldn't

Mobile: So reliant

My sport:I love how it makes me feel...

Certain pieces of Jewellery: sentimental value


First Grade
ok mine are:
1 Mum and Dad. They mean everything to me.
2 My cats, Xena and King Kong. I would go nuts if I didn't have seomthing other than my dickhead brother to come home too.
3 My car (I've had 3 days without it and tomorrow will be 4... I'm going nuts). It's now been 5 days, it's driving me insane... see Best and Worst day thread.
4 Photoshop. I love this progam, I would hate it if I couldn't do my art and this is another form of it.
5 My Harry Potter books and movies. Again I can't stand to be away from Hp for langer than a day.
6 Pirates of the Caribbean movies and posters. Same as above, I also can't stand not to look at Capt. Jack Sparrow everyday
7 My P!nk cd's. I would hate a world without music and she is my fave artist.
8 My anual trip to Diamond Beach w/ my family and friends. It's getting closer and I can't wait :)
9 Paper and graphite. Again the same as photoshop I need to graphite and paper, I love to draw.
10 My favorite dvd's. I'm a movie buff and watch my dvd's everyday.


Nephew - I miss him like crazy after not seeing him for a few hours, so I can't imagine living without him at all.

The rest of my family - well, yeah, they drive me insane at times and sometimes I just want to get away, but they're family.

Friends - because in the past 6 yrs I've been to hell and back and the only thing that has helped me battle everything were my friends. Sure, most of them don't know what I've gone through, but them just being there and making me happy was enough.

Camera - photography is a passion of mine and I usually always have a camera with me. I'm getting a new one for christmas - one that I've wanted for a while now!

Sport - I grew up playing and watching it. Everything we did as kids involved sport, I knew nothing else.

Photos - they all capture great, and sometimes sad, memories. Each one tells a different story.

Birthday/christmas cards/letters - I have a box filled with cards and letters dating from years back. They all bring back so many memories whenever I go through them. I have this one particular card which I can't let go of, despite me and that person not being friends anymore, but that card reminds me of the special friendship we had.

MP3 player - 40 minute train rides to and from the City 4 days a week are boring as hell, so I need my music to keep me awake and not have to listen to some of the stupid chatter that goes on.

Computer/Internet - I use it for so many different uses. Keeping in touch with friends, looking up the news, research, ebay, email, music, and most importantly, photoshop. I love graphic and web design and it's something that I do almost daily.

My book - I have a book filled with all my writing. I'm someone who sucks at expressing myself (I usually keep everything bottled up), so this book helps me to deal with that. They're all poems, and I've got about 50+ all up. No one ever sees or touches that book.

Food - sometimes when mum comes back from somewhere or asks me if I want to go to so-and-so's place, I'll ask "Is there going to be food?" Now, it's the obvious, we cannot live without food, but there are certain foods that are a must have. Mine are lasagne and mashed potatoes.

And that's all I can think of for now, but I can assure you there's probably a few more.


Computer - My wonderful Macbook Pro has my life in it - photos, music, contacts, diary. I've become somewhat reliant on it.
Golf Clubs - A great passion, a great release from life, a great place of solitude when necessary, a great place of frustration at times.
Mobile - It's funny how you get reliant on things and think "how did people live before [insert object here]" but then realise that you did live without it for years...
Good Food - I love discovering great food and great restaurants. Nothing better :)
Sport - My girlfriend sometimes believes she comes second to watching sport. She may be somewhat correct. League, Golf, Soccer, Cricket - love watching all of them.
Family & Friends - It's a tad chiche but they generally keep me sane.
Mountain Bike - My new source of fun. Can't wait to take it out riding off-road.
Girlfriend - Makes me happier than I have been in a long long time.
Ok, I'm in...

1. My mates - I could probably live without most of the other things on this list if I really had to, but I wouldn't survive a day without my mates.

2. My family - an obvious one.

3. The Crusade - an endless source of love, friendship, frustration, and liver damage!

4. The Knights - my world for 7 months a year.

5. My students - even though they change from year to year, just knowing that I'm making a difference in people's lives is a nice feeling.

6. My other sports teams - not as important to me as my knights, but I don;t know how I'd make it from footy season to footy season without the Jets, Manchester United and the Aussie cricket boys!

7. Alcohol - I'm not too dignified to admit it... alcohol has been a good friend to me for a long time now! It's sure helped me walk down some bumpy roads recently.


First Grade
in no particular order

1. my boyfriend: couldnt live without him :)

2.friends: they keep me sane (going a bit crazy during exams cos i havent seen them much) and always provide me with laughter and love :)

3. family: enoguh said

4. my sunnies/glasses/contacts: i have crap eyesight so these all allow me to actually see and def cant live without my sunnies in the summer!

5. my car: its like my child i love him! haha but he broke a toenail (hub cap came off) lol

6. my mobile: allows me to always be in touch with everyone and i love getting random messges off my friends

7. footy: absolutley love getting away to watch the footy, good to socialise and watch my beloved knigths play at the same time (im female i can do two thigns at once :p)

8. camera & photos: hahaha yes im a photowhore but i would hate to live without being able to capture grat moments :D and i love being able to look back at photos with great memories

9. alcohol: lol im with matty, i could live without it i guess but i wouldnt want to lol always good to go out and have a drink

10. internet: yeh i love the net


no particular order, everything is from the top of my head...

1. my car: brings me everywhere

2. computer and internet: no computer, no net, means no d/l

3. PS2: no PS2, no games (can't wait for PS3)

4. family: what is there more to say

5. friends: also what is there more to say

6. mobile: obviously to contact family/friends when i need help or just to have a chat

7. tv: i catch all sports coverage fom the tv

8. footy: been watching/playing since i can remember

hmm pretty hard to dish out 10 from the top of me head, but these are the most obvious ones that comes to mind...


Having recently moved country, I've suddenly had to learn to live without things I naturally took for granted, so here goes

1. The Crusade and footy in general - without you guys and the Knights to follow I'd still be living in NZ. I've had the most fun-filled and entertaining 4 months of my life and I'd like to thank youse all.:thumb

2. TV - there is some utter dribble on the telly, but it makes good background noise when I don't want to listen to CD's plus I get to watch the V8's and can always tune in for Motorway Patrol when I get a bit home sick.

3. My Music Collection and Discman - probably my most treasured possession and has been for many years. So glad I raided the CD's stored at Mum's last time I was home.

4. My job - there is definately days when I wonder what the hell am I doing here, but without my job I'd just be another kiwi on Centerlink.:sarcasm:

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