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Carney in trouble again???


First Grade
Carney is not the first nor the last young footballer to face this problem and at the end of the day he will have to deal with the consequences of the law.

As I said in a pevious post there'll be many a CEO out there that will be keeping tabs on how the Raiders handle this manner ... I would suspect that Carney's manager has already taken a few calls. Players with his abilities dont grow on trees ... he has the potential to be anything.

That's fine if some on here want him to be sacked ... I'm definitely not of that opinion ... but when Gus has a word in his ear and he is playing for the Roosters dont f**king complain about it.

He'll be playing NRL footy again, no doubt about that ... it's a matter if you want him setting up or scoring match winning tries for us or against us.

His off-field problems can be addressed by the club ... I'm sure Todd has come to a point in his life where he realises he has to change for the better (whether it is at this club or another).

I hope that management see it that way as well ... I'm sure they will.

My Message to Todd ... you're a complete idiot mate ... but again I repeat, learn form this experience and you will come out a better person for it.


Read paper this morning shatted

I know a lot is alleged but is a player on suspension still payed?

IMO the club should first thing tommorow hold a meeting with carney and all other players, an intervention so to speak. His actions have affected everyone at the club, Management with what to do, Players with chances of finals and our ability to recruit, in that a player might have been thinking of accepting a contract because of our chances to win in next 2-3 years.

He really needs to know he is not only playing with his career but others.

I really feel for management cacth 22 for them.

IMO he is only after judical verdict and after incarceration if any, That he is to agree to a probationary three year period, He is given a cab charge account and it is deducted from salary, he has 50% of salary in probationary bond reviewed every six months, no incedent payment is released, probatonary period is for entire length of contract. We have support from NRL that if breached with in 12 months then he is deregistered for entire lentgh of contract .

I am so pissed off this fuggin sucks why why why ?

I am even more pissed off that a team mate, an older person would give him keys to his car.


Steve Irwin is now officially our worst signing ever imo. He is now known for his name and giving his car keys to Todd Carney.

Walt Flanigan


While there is always a certain amount of personal responsibility in a case like this, WTF was Irwin thinking letting Carney behind the wheel?

I don't think he's a very popular bloke at the club at this point in time.


The thing that would make sacking Carney unwise is that he has just spat in the collective faces of the Raiders community - the fans, sponsors, and the club itself. He now has to redeem himself, and why the heck should he be allowed to do that at another club as opposed to the club he has damaged in the first place?


First Grade
Mullins is 2x the player Carney is..and we let him go due to him pushing Macca.

Burnouts and running from the police isnt a typical occurance, whatever the club decide to do is going to be a tough decision.

As a player he may become a great, but as a person he is out of the loop and is becoming a liability.

Walt Flanigan

canberra_raiders2k2 said:
Mullins is 2x the player Carney is..and we let him go due to him pushing Macca.

Mullins wasn't sacked for pushing McLinden.

He was dropped to reserves for a couple of weeks and that was the end of it.


This is hardly Irwin's fault. Yes he is a goose for giving Carney his keys, but it all comes down to Carney.

He knows he is not allowed to drive but did it anyway. No excuse.

Call a cab!!


First Grade
canberra_raiders2k2 said:
Mullins is 2x the player Carney is..and we let him go due to him pushing Macca.

Burnouts and running from the police isnt a typical occurance, whatever the club decide to do is going to be a tough decision.

As a player he may become a great, but as a person he is out of the loop and is becoming a liability.

C_R I think Todd has come to a footballing (and maybe life) cross-roads.

I think as a result of this incident he will receive the proper mentoring he required before Friday. He'd be aware as much as anyone that his off-field antics must come to a stop or he'll be playing for the Goulburn Stockman in the very near future.

The funny thing is that every time I've met the guy he comes over as a very nice guy. The first time we met him was at Goulburn Maccas (before he became a household name). Having seen a lot of PL my daughter recognised him as a PL player. He agreed to a photo with my daughter and before leaving acknowledged us and said goodbye. Didnt have to, he just did.

Saw him a few other times and on one occassion he recognised us, turned, waved and said hello ... again he didnt have to.

He obvioiusly mixes with the wrong crowd and I believe that may not be totally his own fault.

I've got confidence in him rehabilitating to be a fine Raiders citizen.


First Grade
steven_tiger said:
This is hardly Irwin's fault. Yes he is a goose for giving Carney his keys, but it all comes down to Carney.

He knows he is not allowed to drive but did it anyway. No excuse.

Call a cab!!

In the eyes of the law I think he may have also commited a crime in letting Carney drive when he knew his license was cancelled.


Post Whore
steven_tiger said:
This is hardly Irwin's fault. Yes he is a goose for giving Carney his keys, but it all comes down to Carney.

He knows he is not allowed to drive but did it anyway. No excuse.

Call a cab!!

true, but on the flip side, what sort of a mate is Steve?
giving todd his keys and letting him drive? If it were my mate who was on a DQ'ed lisence no way in the world he'd be getting behind the wheel of my car, i dont care what the circumstances

Carney f**ked up, there is no doubting that
but irwin is hardly faultless


First Grade
all Irwin has to say in court is "i was drunk and called a friend to pick me up..i forgot about about his driving record"..i mean he was drunk right? if thats the case the courts wont really give out a huge penelty to Irwin.

Carney was sober, if he just drove him home (minus the burnouts) this whole problem wouldnt be as big as it is..but then it got worse with him deciding to do an OJ.


John Mcntyre was interviewed on ABC today and he said the club will not rush a decision and leave it until the courts have made a decision. The way he spoke i got the feeling sacking him wasnt a definate. He said the club has a long history of helping players with their off field issues so maybe there is still hope for him here.


No result in this situation would surprise me. The club is in a lose/lose situation. Option a. is to hand your best player to another club on a plate, option b. is to give a young kid the impression that he is bullet proof and bigger than the club by keeping him on.

I have no doubt that him staying here and facing the music like a man would be the best thing for him as a person - instead of doing a runner (again) and taking his problems (and talent) to another club. I just have doubts he's got the mental ability to do so.

For crying out loud, it's less than 6 months since the club nearly sacked him. You can tell the club wants to help and support him as they have for the past couple of years...the question is what the hell does Todd Carney want to do with his life?

He'll be a big loss no doubt, but not one we couldn't overcome with Dobson, Zillman, Goodwin, Campo, Hinchy and Herbert queueing up to be our playmakers for the next 10 years. If Carney wants to piss off to Penrith, Balmain or Newcastle and keep acting like a kid then so be it.

BTW Neil Henry was just on the ABC saying he wanted to help Carney out so he wasn't lost to Rugby League and he would prefer his future to be in a Raiders jumper. With John McIntyre saying something similar I'm getting the impression that the end result of this may come down to Todd Carney and how he chooses to deal with his problems.


First Grade
Some good news in that Chachi.

Quite frankly I dont think the club's first preference would be to sack Carney.

This club is at a major cross-roads ... after many years of disappointment it finds itself in a situation where it has the talent to proceed towards a premiership.

Management is well aware that the next step towards success relies around players of the calibre of Carney ... it would be footballing suicide to now jeopardise that expectation that is also one of its supporters.

Some hard decisions to be made of which the hardest might be by Carney himself.


I'm wondering, if he wasn't DUI, why did he take the police on a high speed chase and then dart from the car? I mean, he's obviously not the shiniest apple in the barrel, but surely he could see that pulling over with a suspended licence is a much less offence than taking off on the cops. He must've known he was gonna get caught, he wouldn't be dumb enough to think that he could outrun a Cop's radio.

Sounds a lot like the case of that AFL gimp last year who legged it to get away from a breath test.

As I said before, terrible terrible shame for the Raiders, good young player.

Walt Flanigan

bluesbreaker said:
I'm wondering, if he wasn't DUI, why did he take the police on a high speed chase and then dart from the car?

Because his license was disqualified and he knew if he got caught he was fcked. Quite like he is now.


As I said, if you had the option of;

a) getting caught driving DQ'd, losing your licence permanently or
b) taking the cops on a chase through the streets of Canberra and then legging it, all the while KNOWING you're gonna get caught and probably going to gaol,

What would you choose? I think him having had a few is the only real explanation, unless he's much much dumber than even I thought.