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Central Coast Bears, 2013.

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The Daily Telegraph also ran a poll during the week and 75% of respondants said the Manly v Melb brawl was good for the game - so i think the people voting in their polls, probably aren't the ones the NRL will be listening to when considering expansion.

And last time i checked the Daily Telegraph wasn't sold, nor popular in Perth, Brisbane, Port Morsby or anywhere else on that list... except the Central Coast...

Wouldn't read much into that

True, but it goes completely against the notion that sydney is overcrowded, and that NSW doesn't want another team. And as R&BB points out, the DT is distributed elsewhere, and is available online.

Just another poll, true, but positive signs all round I would think.


Whilst true and believe me we're not reading too much into it. In saying that, last time I checked it was an online poll and unless Perth, Brisbane or anywhere else don't have the internet available then anyone could have voted from anywhere in the world. BTW the DT is sold in Brisbane...
I don't imagine many people in NSW partcipate regularly in poles in the The West Australian and the Morning Bulliten (Rockhampton) and the reverse would be true also i presume
I don't imagine many people in NSW partcipate regularly in poles in the The West Australian and the Morning Bulliten (Rockhampton) and the reverse would be true also i presume

Depends on what the poll is about. If it's relevant to them, they will. At the end of the day the DT is a bigger publication than both the Morning Bulleteen and West Australian. Most newspaper publications come from the same source, so the poll would have been linked to most publications under the DT umbrella. Eg. The Courier Mail had it on their NRL section, even though it was conducted by DT. In the age of technology, internet, one can vote in any poll just about regardless of location.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Also it was flawed in that you could vote on it as many times as you like. Not saying the Bears fans/staff sat online doing it all day but who knows?
Also it was flawed in that you could vote on it as many times as you like. Not saying the Bears fans/staff sat online doing it all day but who knows?

Ofcourse it's flawed, most things are. I'm sure there's a few people who voted a few times but that's ok as im sure those people support different bids. This poll means little but CCBears can't complain about winning it.

Rockin Ronny

The Daily Telegraph also ran a poll during the week and 75% of respondants said the Manly v Melb brawl was good for the game - so i think the people voting in their polls, probably aren't the ones the NRL will be listening to when considering expansion.

And last time i checked the Daily Telegraph wasn't sold, nor popular in Perth, Brisbane, Port Morsby or anywhere else on that list... except the Central Coast...

Wouldn't read much into that

Yep that's right, mate.
CC Bears keep doing the hard yards, all the right things, a superb bid - but there's always a keyboard hero finding baseless crap to put it all down.

Now, you have taken the results of another unrelated poll, made a senseless value judgement - then use that moronic judgement to write off the expansion poll. You're stupid enough to work for News Limited.

NOTE: By the way, rugby league is arguably one of the most naturally violent games in the world. yet - the media tries to tale one excerpt of violence - the "biffo" - and say" this is terrible". It's like putting sex addicts in a strip joint, free grog all night, then complaining about their behaviour.


Yep that's right, mate.
CC Bears keep doing the hard yards, all the right things, a superb bid - but there's always a keyboard hero finding baseless crap to put it all down.

Now, you have taken the results of another unrelated poll, made a senseless value judgement - then use that moronic judgement to write off the expansion poll. You're stupid enough to work for News Limited.

NOTE: By the way, rugby league is arguably one of the most naturally violent games in the world. yet - the media tries to tale one excerpt of violence - the "biffo" - and say" this is terrible". It's like putting sex addicts in a strip joint, free grog all night, then complaining about their behaviour.

Sorry for having an opinion.

I don't read anything into Daily Telegraph polls except to get a feel for what the lower end and less educated members of our society think (because that is what the paper targets - in my opinion). Not saying i'm a genius, just know better than to take much from a News Limited paper.

So in case you weren't familiar with the concept of forums, they are a place for people to articulate their opinions, and given you're here being critical of other people's thoughts, the old "keyboard hero" tag is a bit laughable.

In any event. I said i wouldn't read much into that poll. The Central Coast Bears proponent agreed to some degree. Whats the problem?

And on your note (off topic): I would bet more players get through their NRL careers without throwing wild punches, or running in from distances to blind side guys. The game is considered a tough game for the bruising tackling, not because of the punching. The NFL is a violent sport, and they get about one punch up a year (please don't crucify me for that opinion):(
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The Daily Telegraph also ran a poll during the week and 75% of respondants said the Manly v Melb brawl was good for the game - so i think the people voting in their polls, probably aren't the ones the NRL will be listening to when considering expansion.

And last time i checked the Daily Telegraph wasn't sold, nor popular in Perth, Brisbane, Port Morsby or anywhere else on that list... except the Central Coast...

Wouldn't read much into that

Agree with most of this, but how do you expalin the RLW poll last week, where the CC Bears won by a similar margin, and it was 1 vote per email account...that would limit all but the craziest fanatic to 1 or 2 votes...and most of those who voted for the CC Bears came from QLD (55% v NSW 45%). RLW is sold nationwide........

I think you can read into the results that the CC Bears are popular in both NSW and QLD....great news for TV Execs and the NRL if this was the question mark hanging over the Bears.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Playing devils advocate (you gotta love stats!) you could argue that the people in NSW were likely to vote against the Bears and the people in Q'land likely to vote against the Q'land bids to protect heir own clubs through perceived competition. Hence the weird % of people voting for the Bears from each state.


First Grade
Ofcourse it's flawed, most things are. I'm sure there's a few people who voted a few times but that's ok as im sure those people support different bids. This poll means little but CCBears can't complain about winning it.

Yep, it's always someone else doing the dodgy and never yourselves.

This thread is really only about 5 people having a constant circle jerk over the Bears bid.

If the Bears get in, then so be it - Of course everyone would be happy for them, but f**k you guys talk some shit and come across as naive 15 year olds.

Cue Ronny coming in and throwing out something about me being a keyboard hero.


Yep, it's always someone else doing the dodgy and never yourselves.

This thread is really only about 5 people having a constant circle jerk over the Bears bid.

If the Bears get in, then so be it - Of course everyone would be happy for them, but f**k you guys talk some shit and come across as naive 15 year olds.

Cue Ronny coming in and throwing out something about me being a keyboard hero.

this - they wont get in - gallop has said as much. Its perth and queensland but let ronny hang on :crazy:
Yep, it's always someone else doing the dodgy and never yourselves.

This thread is really only about 5 people having a constant circle jerk over the Bears bid.

If the Bears get in, then so be it - Of course everyone would be happy for them, but f**k you guys talk some shit and come across as naive 15 year olds.

Cue Ronny coming in and throwing out something about me being a keyboard hero.

Before you start assuming nonsense, let me clear a few things up. What I meant is that there probably would of been people who supported different bids (including the ccbears) that probably voted multiple times. I say this because the poll had been linked on various bids Facebooks as well as threads on various RL forums.

Now these 5 people who supposedly have a circle jerk, 2 of us consistently and constantly post news regarding the bid itself which includes sponsorship, membership drives, articles attributed to the bid or the bid team and news involving community initiatives. How the hell that is constituted as "talking $h!t" I don't know.

The only person that has come across as a naive 15 yr old sir, is yourself for your above post which is baloney based on assumptions.

Everyone, let me type that again, EVERYONE talks up their team/club. Bears fans talking up their bid, is no different to Dragons or anyone elses fans talking up their premiership chances and the key thing to remember isn't about the fact our fans/supporters are talking the bid up, it's about the fact we have fans/supporters period.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Makes me laugh that people have a problem with bears fans talking up the Bears bid. Here's an idea if you don't like reading it don;t click on the CCBears Bid thread!

Keep up the good work Bears fans, we share the same passions to see our bids succeed and that is no bad thing for any game to have such passionate fans!
this - they wont get in - gallop has said as much. Its perth and queensland but let ronny hang on :crazy:

There's a big different between saying as much and saying it blatantly and meaningfully. The Central Coast Bears have as goood of a chance as anyone else.

For all the TV money which people keep mentioning, Gallop also keeps mentioning the fact that bids must prove that they will be self sustinable, have community support and can grow their profile.

Makes me laugh that people have a problem with bears fans talking up the Bears bid. Here's an idea if you don't like reading it don;t click on the CCBears Bid thread!

Keep up the good work Bears fans, we share the same passions to see our bids succeed and that is no bad thing for any game to have such passionate fans!

Exactly. It's like we aren't allowed to show any passion or be happy at good news or positive coverage of the bid. Everyone has the right to be happy about good news regarding their bids, as much as they have the right to comment on it. Especially if like yourself or myself, people have been working/supporting on the bids for a number of years now.

Go CCBears, Go WAReds.
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Yep, it's always someone else doing the dodgy and never yourselves.

This thread is really only about 5 people having a constant circle jerk over the Bears bid.

If the Bears get in, then so be it - Of course everyone would be happy for them, but f**k you guys talk some shit and come across as naive 15 year olds.

Cue Ronny coming in and throwing out something about me being a keyboard hero.



Guest Moderator
Makes me laugh that people have a problem with bears fans talking up the Bears bid. Here's an idea if you don't like reading it don;t click on the CCBears Bid thread!

Particularly when those supporters who support current teams will be the first to jump to the defense of those teams if somebody posted something wrong or against their clubs.

... Just saying.

Great work by all the bid atm, imo.


Playing devils advocate (you gotta love stats!) you could argue that the people in NSW were likely to vote against the Bears and the people in Q'land likely to vote against the Q'land bids to protect heir own clubs through perceived competition. Hence the weird % of people voting for the Bears from each state.

A good point, however there has been quite a bit of sentiment in this forum lately from brisbane supporters, (as you'd no doubt noticed!), who have claimed the best option to be "anyone but the CC".
I personally just think that they're a vocal minority.

I think, whilst you make a good point, that NSW supporters in particular are not too concerned (on the whole) about having a CC team. They've ALREADY got several teams to share the state with, but they're not threatened by them -they all get along as well as can be expected. So it is reasonable, I think, to say that another one wouldn't be a threat either.

Qld results do surprise me a little tbf. I would've thought the very parochial queenslanders would want another team, if for no other reason than to show that they CAN. The fact that they've voted overwhelmingly for another NSW based team surprises me, but it shows just how strong the Bears brand really is, and it shows that it is well recognized, well thought of, and has been well received in queensland thus far.

Go the Bears!!
(...And the Reds)

Perth Red

Post Whore
Thinking back did the survey actually ask which state you lived in? Can't remember that it did. How do they know where the votes came from?
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