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Central Coast Bears, 2013.

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The Bears are unlikely to get that many travelling to games. Hell, most current teams would be happy with 5k travelling fans. Only time you might get that number or more is for a Parra vs Penrith, St Geo vs Dogs/Sharks scenario.

5k is a very ambitious number for any club, let alone a new club on the fringe of Sydney. How many Penrith or Parra fans rock up to games in the Shire or Manly? Woollongong based Dragons fans to Penrith games? Not many.

The Bears would bring a big contingent to probably 3-4 away games - Manly, Newcastle, Souths, Wests and possibly big games like at the SFS. For the rest they will be poor, just like all the other Sydney teams.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Doesn't the fact they haven't, instead only being encouraged by the upper echelons of the NRL, suggest something????

The Bears are surpassing all the requirements laid before them by the NRL.
yep it suggest to me that the NRL are fricking idiots with no long term strategy for expansion. they continue to just be reactive, 2 years ago the Bears bid was the best as there was no other options, now Brisbane looks a realistic option the Bears bid will probably not get up despite all their great work and support. The only thing the Bears have done wrong is back the wrong horse in putting all their eggs in the Gosford basket.

I am sure if in 2006 the NRL had said, geez we need a more national game and would love a Perth team to realise that vision, tell you what Bears you didn't get in as we don't see Gosford as being strategically important in the short to medium term so how about partnering with the WARL to build a WA Bears with all the strengths of Nth Sydney backing and the value of WA to the NRL then I am sure we would both be cheering them on in the NRL if not by now, in the near future.

Rockin Ronny

The only thing the Bears have done wrong is back the wrong horse in putting all their eggs in the Gosford basket.

1. The Bears were promised a regional licence if they relocated to Gosford.
2. The "likely to be insolvent" scenario in 1999 was a crock. The hope now is that, as the News Limited modus operandi being more clearly exposed, that this activity in 1999 is re-examined. This would make a lot of people involved very nervous.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Agreed they were shafted and it isn't fair. That's life in business sadly! In 2005 they should have got the message that Gosford would only get a team if A) an existing team relocated or B) there were no better options when expansion next came around. They have punted on B) and it looks like a bad bet. The fact that message wasn't clearer from the NRL is poor but this is the NRL!


Agreed they were shafted and it isn't fair. That's life in business sadly! In 2005 they should have got the message that Gosford would only get a team if A) an existing team relocated or B) there were no better options when expansion next came around. They have punted on B) and it looks like a bad bet. The fact that message wasn't clearer from the NRL is poor but this is the NRL!

Time will tell! I have some faith in the integrity of D Gallop and the IC.

But in a doomsday scenario for the Bears, if in fact your scenario IS correct, the NRL have been more than poor to the Central Coast and the Bears and a lot of RL diehards and people involved in the game will turn their back on the NRL in disgust for the last time. I'm optimistic it won't come to that however and old wounds can be healed.

With this weeks great news about Singo's/Bluetongue Stadium ownership commitment of $2m, and more good news on the way in a month, I think the Bears are travelling very well. Certainly Flo had a big grin on his face after his meeting with D Gallop 2 weeks ago, so I think any rumours of the Bears being overlooked are very, very premature (or come from non-decision makers below NRL hierarchy)!
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yep it suggest to me that the NRL are fricking idiots with no long term strategy for expansion. they continue to just be reactive, 2 years ago the Bears bid was the best as there was no other options, now Brisbane looks a realistic option the Bears bid will probably not get up despite all their great work and support. The only thing the Bears have done wrong is back the wrong horse in putting all their eggs in the Gosford basket.

I am sure if in 2006 the NRL had said, geez we need a more national game and would love a Perth team to realise that vision, tell you what Bears you didn't get in as we don't see Gosford as being strategically important in the short to medium term so how about partnering with the WARL to build a WA Bears with all the strengths of Nth Sydney backing and the value of WA to the NRL then I am sure we would both be cheering them on in the NRL if not by now, in the near future.

Unfortunately that has occured because the game has been rudderless. Gallop has been doing the day to day, and the ARL/News board in theory should have been giving the game direction, but nothing has happened because News simply don't care that much and the ARL is too bussy fighting over NSW vs Qld tit for tat stuff.

2006 with the Titans was a point where the NRL should have started to clearly lay out its intentions for expansion in future, to encourage bids in desired locations, rather than string along bids in locations that don't really have a chance.


I just wish we could have all 3 (Bears, Bombers and Reds), and have a stink Sydney team like Cronulla bugger off into oblivion. That leaves a competition of 18 champion teams!
I just wish we could have all 3 (Bears, Bombers and Reds), and have a stink Sydney team like Cronulla bugger off into oblivion. That leaves a competition of 18 champion teams!


Although I fear that if the sharks hang tough for long enough they might just be able to have the league carry them forward with all this new tele money


What have we been saying about TV rights prefering Brisbane?

THE NRL dare not dream about a $1 billion TV deal unless it punctuates games with mandatory stoppages for commercials, according to Channel 9 boss David Gyngell.
In a candid declaration of Nine's approach to the upcoming rights negotiations, Gyngell yesterday challenged the NRL to manipulate longer breaks of play at scrums and drop-outs to match AFL's ad-friendly format.
He also revealed the network's views on a range of other crucial broadcast issues, including:
A CLEAR preference for a second Brisbane team, which would allow Nine to abandon Friday night double-headers;



^ what it shows is that there are outcomes that will generate revenue, others that won't. Its up to the IC to pick and chose which battles are worth fighting.

Expansion is intrinsically tied to the TV deal. Everyone knows this. Its why expansion is being concidered for 2013-15. It would be foolish to think it won't be a major concideration in picking the optimum locations.

Some in this thread are struggling to come to terms with this.

Rockin Ronny

^ what it shows is that there are outcomes that will generate revenue, others that won't. Its up to the IC to pick and chose which battles are worth fighting.

Expansion is intrinsically tied to the TV deal. Everyone knows this. Its why expansion is being concidered for 2013-15. It would be foolish to think it won't be a major concideration in picking the optimum locations.

Some in this thread are struggling to come to terms with this.

No - some of us are struggling with the unproven bullshit that seems to support the "TV rights - optimum locations" pronouncements.

My understanding is that the take-up of PayTV has pretty much flattened out - so the location of any new team might not make much difference at all.

The bigger issue might be "who might be persuaded to advertise on TV and at games more" if new teams came in? Which new teams would add greater advertisers?

Well - I reckon the CC Bears are a massive option here because they bring in the central coast region PLUS the north shore (with strong corporate links) PLUS Singo's high level contacts and companies.


My understanding is that the take-up of PayTV has pretty much flattened out - so the location of any new team might not make much difference at all.

So why expand at all then?

The bigger issue might be "who might be persuaded to advertise on TV and at games more" if new teams came in? Which new teams would add greater advertisers?

Well - I reckon the CC Bears are a massive option here because they bring in the central coast region PLUS the north shore (with strong corporate links) PLUS Singo's high level contacts and companies.

Ok.Your right and people that actually work in TV are wrong.

Perth Red

Post Whore
The message seems to be getting louder that a new market and a Q'land increase will be the preferred options. Gallop has all but said as much.


So why expand at all then?

To stand still is to die.

Ok.Your right and people that actually work in TV are wrong.

Both are looking at it from different angles. TV wants more viewers in a short time frame, the NRL need a sufficient TV deal that can allow them to follow a strategic plan for the long term growth of the game.

If the Central Coast isn't part of their plan then they won't be admitted and they've been teasing the area for their own amusement.

If it is part of their plan they will be admitted.

Perhaps there IS no plan at present and the IC will thus have a clean slate, in which case the Bears bid is compelling.

The AFL are looking to bring Tasmania and Perth3 next expansion round........will the TV stations 'oppose' a Tasmanian AFL team if the AFL decide to go there? I think Mr Gyngell is having a big ambit claim - surprised he didn't ask for all players to have CH9 tatooed on their foreheads!
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Rockin Ronny

The message seems to be getting louder that a new market and a Q'land increase will be the preferred options. Gallop has all but said as much.

David Gallop has zero credibility.
He says the same thing to each bid - "you're a good chance" - but never commits to anything.
He simply waits until his News limited masters make the decision based on what will make more money for News Limited.


I agree that Gallop should have had the guts to tell you poor buggers about 12 months ago that you are not going to get there...

I do feel sorry for the volunteers who are giving up their time and efforts on the Bears...
I agree that Gallop should have had the guts to tell you poor buggers about 12 months ago that you are not going to get there...

I do feel sorry for the volunteers who are giving up their time and efforts on the Bears...

Don't feel sorry for us, all of us know that it's an uphill battle but in saying that everyone also knows that 100% dedication is what's needed. If anything feel sorry for the people who actually buy into Craig Davidsons crap. His bid still has no substance and it will easily copy and steal other bids ideas and concepts. Feel sorry for the CQLD, Western Corridor bids who are far superior to Brisbane Bombers but can't get decent coverage because certain journos will happily publish how Craig Davidsons farts cure disease instead of publishing the merits of CQLD and Ipswich bids.

Rockin Ronny

I agree that Gallop should have had the guts to tell you poor buggers about 12 months ago that you are not going to get there...

I do feel sorry for the volunteers who are giving up their time and efforts on the Bears...

Hey loser.
The Bears have had to fight against fraud, nepotism, incompetence and stupidity for over 11 years to regain what was originally promised.

Opinions from spineless softcocks like you have zero effect.
presumably you are scum from Manly, News Limited, Superleague.
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