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Channel 10: Gower wants out

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First Grade
Johns Magic said:
All bloody players get praised left right and centre by commentators and in magazines. Gower, Johns, Kimmorley, Lockyer, Thurston, Prince, Marshall, Jones, J Smith, T Smith, Sutton, Barrett, Head, Orford, Hill, Monaghan, Sherwin, Anasta and Campbell are all in the "top few halves in the competition" if you believe everything you hear or read.

I only ever believe quotes that have been taken from players and ex-players.

Plain text diorrhea that comes from clueless opposition fans like yourself - couldnt careless what you think.


This is what happens when blokes get married. The ring hasnt been on the finger 5 minutes when the missus is into them. I can just imagine it now..........
(dream sequence)
Amanda: CRAIG!!! I'v had enough of Penrith, i'v got a tv career that will take of any tick of the clock now (tick, tick, tick) I think we should move where exposure will be greater for me mmmmmm you know what England would be nice all those pounds to spend Paris for a spot of shopping has to be better than Penrith Plaza. I want you to get your manager to march in there and get us a release QUICK STICKS.
Craig : Oh honey cant we just enjoy our honeymoon plus whats wrong with the plaza and the 'gums'
Amanda: Relationships work 2 ways craig now either get with the program or it'll be in the words of Eddie Murphy HALF!!
Craig : Yes dear

:lol: :lol: ;-)

Caged Panther

First Grade
And now we start to get to the heart of the matter. I still see it as a bit of a petulant reaction however at least now I can see where it's coming from. But at the same time the club was backed into a corner what were they supposed to do? They were damned if they didn't do anything and now apparently they could be damned if they don't.

I get where his coming from now but I think he should think about who his punishing with any request for a release. The club? Maybe. But the ones who will feel the hardest hit by it are his team mates and the fans.

Johns Magic

PK said:
I only ever believe quotes that have been taken from players and ex-players.

Plain text diorrhea that comes from clueless opposition fans like yourself - couldnt careless what you think.

That's right, block your ears and walk away. Never mind that what I said was fact, but anyway.

Me being an opposition fan has nothing to do with anything. I rate plenty of players from Penrith. Wesser, Rooney, Campbell, Puletua, Gulavao, Waterhouse, Frank Puletua, Clinton and Ross. Heck, Martin Lang is my favourite ever non-Newcastle player. I just don't rate Gower.

Do you have eyes? If so, then open them and have a look at the game. Actually watch the players and see what they do. I know it might sound unorthodox, but you should give it a try. Have you ever played rugby union or league before?

Of course journalists praise him. They praise every player around. It sells. If 2003 had never happened, Gower would still be considered as an average club halfback. He should thank his lucky stars he was playing in a team where he was surrounded by 15 other representative or future-representative players.

Seems you are the clueless one if you can't make judgements for yourself.


First Grade
Caged Panther said:
And now we start to get to the heart of the matter. I still see it as a bit of a petulant reaction however at least now I can see where it's coming from. But at the same time the club was backed into a corner what were they supposed to do? They were damned if they didn't do anything and now apparently they could be damned if they don't.

I get where his coming from now but I think he should think about who his punishing with any request for a release. The club? Maybe. But the ones who will feel the hardest hit by it are his team mates and the fans.

We still don't know if it was a request for release yet CP.

Today in the Sunday Telegraph and under Puletua: I'll give up the Skipper's job article there is a paragraph :
Contacted by the Sunday Telegraph yesterday, Gowers' manager Greg Willet insisted his client had no intention of getting out of a $2 million deal that has four years to run. "To ask for a release you need to send a formal letter - I haven't done that" said Willett

So far it seems all pure speculation on the media point because Willet was seen meeting with Leary and Lang on Friday.

With some of what Tony P has said in the same article, it's pleasing to know that he and I will assume everyone is supporting Gower.


First Grade
Johnsmagic, if you are not aware this is the Penrith section of a Rugby League forum.

To waltz in here and state that our No.1 player does not rate with you and then expect everyone to agree with you or accept your opinion, it would seem you are the one that needs a shake up. The only reason you have done it is to cause disharmony in another club's forum. Why else would you do it? As stated by another moderator on page 1 of this very topic, there is another discussion happening on this very same matter in the NRL section so why don't you go and state your likes and dislikes there where you might find someone who actually cares about what dribble you type.

You also need to learn that fact and opinions have entirely two different meanings. What you type is not fact. It's your opinion.

Johns Magic

PK said:
Johnsmagic, if you are not aware this is the Penrith section of a Rugby League forum.

To waltz in here and state that our No.1 player does not rate with you and then expect everyone to agree with you or accept your opinion, it would seem you are the one that needs a shake up. The only reason you have done it is to cause disharmony in another club's forum. Why else would you do it? As stated by another moderator on page 1 of this very topic, there is another discussion happening on this very same matter in the NRL section so why don't you go and state your likes and dislikes there where you might find someone who actually cares about what dribble you type.

You also need to learn that fact and opinions have entirely two different meanings. What you type is not fact. It's your opinion.

Well sorry for having an opinion on the matter then. If you are that sensitive that you can't handle me saying you'd be better off without Gower then you are one sorry man.

For the record, I came on here to discuss rugby league. This is a rugby league forum. I wanted to see what the Penrith fans thought of Gower leaving, and added my two cents. I praised many aspects of your club and even said that Gower was a fantastic hooker. Not exactly scything comments.

I never said that my opinion was fact. However the statistics I provided were fact. You conveniently managed to miss that part though I noticed.


Gower came 2nd in both try and line break assists this year.

Obviously a useless playmaker.

The Tank

I remember when Gower was last year (or maybe '04). We struggled real bad without him. I didn't rate him before that. But I've backed him ever since.

He may not stand out like Johns or Orford, but Gower's influence and presence on the field shows how important he is to Penrith.


I'm going to have to agree with Johns Magic. Although Gower isn't too shabby at halfback, I think he makes a better hooker.


which ever way you look at it, Penrith would be worse off WITHOUT Gower, man, he was in the top dozen players in the entire competition last year IMO!,but he has to get his sh*t together and stop listening to the cling-on's, and get back to doin what he does best. The longer this festers, the chance it has of exploding........


dontmakemeangry said:
which ever way you look at it, Penrith would be worse off WITHOUT Gower, man, he was in the top dozen players in the entire competition last year IMO!,but he has to get his sh*t together and stop listening to the cling-on's, and get back to doin what he does best. The longer this festers, the more chance it has of exploding........


First Grade
This where I feel his manager is not doing him any favours.

Poor Gowie is going to walk back into a media storm which may be all he needs for it to explode on him.


That's the thing - Gower is out of the country, on his honeymoon, so he himself can not comment on the matter.

Up until he says something, everything that has been stated over the past 48 hours is nothing but pure speculation.

Caged Panther

First Grade
PK said:
This where I feel his manager is not doing him any favours.

Poor Gowie is going to walk back into a media storm which may be all he needs for it to explode on him.

or for him to explode on them...


First Grade
And then the media wonder why they were given a knuckle sandwich or a golden shower and start screaming for SUE!!

The Rhino

I think Johnsmagic is confusing Gower with another Newcastle product when it comes to screwing up rep chances... I'm talking about Kimmorley.

I can guarantee you one of two things:


If the club release him (which it won't), he won't be playing in Australia until the term of his current Penrith contract is up. ALA What Parramatta did to Jamie Lyon.

Big Artie

actually gowie would have a fair idea of wot is happening, and in the long run his manager is probably doing the right thing for Gowie long turn mind set

Big Artie

just remember even thou he is one of the toughest players to strap on a boot, he is flesh and blood and human, and there is life after footy, Im worried about if he leaves, Penrith being a fan, however I worry heaps more for gowie as a person in the years to come, and a lot of ppl say he deserved it snap out of it etc, but ah its not that easy at time's have a look at a couple of recent incidents in later life of footballers who played for australia lost at very young ages, we actually should be assisting him not bagging him I think


Fibroman said:
If it is true. 797... odd posters on this site can hang their heads in shame!

I wouldn't blame the pig one little bit for bailing out.

The way he was teated was FU89ING DISGUISTING!

He, almost single handedly led the penny's to that Premiership in '03, and he goes a little bit silly on the syrup and everyone want to hang him out to dry.

The reason he leaves the club is a peccadillo. The Panther FANS???? should hanf their heads in shame..................A bit of a nudie run, a bit of a stack in a gold cart and a bit of a wandering hand...........and THAT'S IT??????????


Back Gowie, or go and get a fricket flat white and jerk off over the tri colours. Thats what I say. Support the pig.

:lol: Aww, poor old Gowie, all he did was allegedly [EDITED - PK]! That mean media, crucifying the poor man, how ever will he survive? :( We should all be supporting him for his actions!

I'm convinced now that you're a complete dribbler, Fibroman. Before I just thought you were ignorant and one-eyed.
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