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Channel 9 doing more for AFL than NRL

Pierced Soul

First Grade
Lego_Man said:
I dont know, there are quite a few poofs around there.
:lol: :lol:
wait i'm from sydney...

but what nein are doing is garbage. they should be promoting the crap out of the sport they have instead of what they dont. take the rigths off neing and give them to someone who cares


First Grade
ParraEelsNRL said:
WTF was Packer thinking?

If he loved RL as much as he said he did, he'd have never put eddie frigging everywhere incharge.
You've answered your own question. Packer never loved RL, he only loved the money it could generate for him.


The general mood here is not of shock...its a more or less a feeling of "not again".
Why does RL get the raw end of the deal every year by our own broadcaster and nobody from the NRL says anything about it?

What makes the AFL so deserving of all these shows that 9 are going to air? Is it because they want a show that will rate in WA and SA (where there is no RL). Is it because AFL is a truly national game played in every state at the highest level possible? Is it because the man running the show for 9 is a passionate AFL man and is serving his own best interests and passions? Is it because Eddie is jealous that 7 and 10 are hogging his AFL ball and he is trying to show them up by starting his own programs?

I tell you what, it would be very enjoyable to see those shows flop due to poor ratings. Then maybe Eddie would be able to concentrate a bit more on the game of RL. You know, the highest rating sport TV wise in the country; especially in QLD and NSW and is growing in VIC. The same game that earns his company millions every year? The same game that gets the rough end of the pinapple every year by this pathetic broadcaster, yet still manages to outshine its opponents.

Reality check Eddie. Look after what works for you and what pays that fat bloated salary of yours. AFL owes you nothing while you are a 9 employee. Get over yourself and stop trying to push a product that is past its use by date.

Its broadcasters like 9 that deserve to lose the FTA rights.


Hasn't channel 9 been treating rugby league like sh*te for years now? I'm not sure why all of a sudden everyone's solely blaming McGuire when he's only been at the helm for 12 months or so. Who was to blame for the sub standard before him? If nothing's changed in regards to the league format on nine then he hasn't made it any worse or any better. Well one thing has changed, as i mentioned we're getting a Storm game LIVE down here and that sure as sh*t more than what anyone else has done for us in the past :clap:


El Diablo said:

Seems Eddie's cost cutting doesn't include AFL despite not having the rights.

This has to some kind of sick joke. Gallop should be having words with 9 and ask why they are promoting a sport shown on rival networks and doing sweet FA for the only big sport they have the rights to.
I wonder if the Monday AFL show will clash with Monday Night Football??


Copa said:
I wonder if the Monday AFL show will clash with Monday Night Football??

I remember when the idea was first discussed i read somewhere it would be shown in a later timeslot on Monday night at around 10.30 or so i don't think it will. It may get the back end of it depending on what time it starts but won't go head to head with it so to speak.

Fightin' Irish

dubby said:
I tell you what, it would be very enjoyable to see those shows flop due to poor ratings. Then maybe Eddie would be able to concentrate a bit more on the game of RL. You know, the highest rating sport TV wise in the country; especially in QLD and NSW and is growing in VIC.

So they should concentrate solely on two markets and neglect the rest? Newsflash champ, Rugby league is not even an afterthought in the southern states much like the AFL is up north. It makes good business sense to put programs on that people will watch and in AFL mad territory anything football related rates its tits off.
Fightin' Irish said:
So they should concentrate solely on two markets and neglect the rest? Newsflash champ, Rugby league is not even an afterthought in the southern states much like the AFL is up north. It makes good business sense to put programs on that people will watch and in AFL mad territory anything football related rates its tits off.

I appreciate that point. I think it certainly has merit. However the NRL GF in melb outrating the swans GF in sydney HAS to open eyes to possibilities. We have a great product..someone just has to get behind it!

Ever since super league rugby league has had to play second fiddle as media interests push it around to squeeze whatever theycan out of it. Rugby league is like that battered wife that will never leave her husband, despite the idiot going out and throwing himself at some whore that has been with everyone ie the AFL.

I think everyone is just sick of the networks falling over themselves to plug the f**k out of AFL and throw bucket loads of cash at it so they can broadcast it. I am sick to death of having this rubbish sport crammed down my throat. The point is Nine lost the AFL, so it would be in its interests to see the ratings go down as they struggle to hold onto top spot. The way to do that is to plug the NRL. However because of Eddies love for the southern code he is pumping limited resources into creating segway programs to bolster the product of a rival. Not to mention that he has various business interests contingent on the success of the AFl.. Conflict of interest anyone?

Everyone in Sydney needs to wake up to the AFl coming up here to kill our code. They aren't here to 'offer and alternative'. Auskick is everywhere. They want our kids and Eddie is helping bombard them through his role in a network that should be promoting our interests, as RL and nine's interests are inherrently linked.

Has anyone seen that GAY 'barry hall hall' ad, where the nrl jersey is torn into a AFL singlet. It makes me want to vomit and punch holes in the wall. That to me shows the attitude that AFL has to rugby league and the northern states. They covet the money and market penetration available here along with population growth. Demetriou even refers to the QLD and NSW as 'our' [AFL] markets.

Wake up NRL. Start calling this AFL stooge out for what he is!

El Diablo

Post Whore
Fightin' Irish said:
So they should concentrate solely on two markets and neglect the rest? Newsflash champ, Rugby league is not even an afterthought in the southern states much like the AFL is up north. It makes good business sense to put programs on that people will watch and in AFL mad territory anything football related rates its tits off.

bud, if 9 put on a quality RL show in NSW and QLD it would rate.

atm 9/Eddie are doing nothing to promote the upcoming NRL season on their network. not one ad.

however in Melbourne they've decided to start promoting AFL and 7 and 10 have the rights


International RL said:
However because of Eddies love for the southern code he is pumping limited resources into creating segway programs to bolster the product of a rival. Not to mention that he has various business interests contingent on the success of the AFl.. Conflict of interest anyone?
While i do agree with some of your other points i'm not so sure about this one. Are you saying Eddie is putting his love for AFL footy ahead of his job? From my understanding one of the main criteria for his job is to get ratings hence why he's flagged a new AFL show because it will rate with millions of people. Of course it won't in NSW and Queensland but contrary to popular belief around here, channel nine is here to cater for only those 2 states. I'm sure if a similar rugby league show was wanted they'd make it but is it wanted? Hardly nobody watches the show they have now let alone another one.

Channel nine have always had AFL footy shows even when they didn't have the AFL rights and they rated through the roof. Nobody seemed to be bothered by it then so why now? Is it all because of one new show that you more than likely won't see up there anyway? What is it exactly people want channel 9 to do? Would you be happy if they showed more ads about the upcoming season? I think all they can do is show ads and i'm sure you'll see plenty of them inside a month of the season starting anyway.

By having another AFL show he's not helping bolster the game, everyone is well aware of AFL down here and couldn't be more so. What he and nine are doing is what they've always done even back when they never held the rights. They're tapping into something that's extremely popular and trying to get a piece of the ratings pie which has proven down here to be very achievable even without the rights. Basically just doing his job in other words.

Do you guys get games live against the gate up there? That's something channel nine never gave us down here with the AFL unless it was maybe the ANZAC day clash so in that respect you do very well from channel nine and have nothing to whinge about. In all honesty i can't believe people are saying McGuire's putting AFL before his livelyhood it's just ridiculous and i think the powers that be (Packer) wouldn't believe it either or he wouldn't have put Eddie in charge in the first place and he sure as hell wouldn't be in charge now.




International RL and El Diablos posts sum up the situation beautifully for me, Nines interests should lie with growing the brand they've hung their hat on, it's not happening and it won't happen with AwFuL Eddie in charge.

Fightin' Irish

El Diablo said:
bud, if 9 put on a quality RL show in NSW and QLD it would rate.

No sh*t.

atm 9/Eddie are doing nothing to promote the upcoming NRL season on their network. not one ad.

That is sad to hear but that has nothing to do with how they run programming in the southern states, both markets are chalk and cheese.

however in Melbourne they've decided to start promoting AFL and 7 and 10 have the rights

Im not sure people from outside NSW/QLD understand how big the AFL is down south especially in victoria. I moved to geelong from gosford 8 years ago and i was shocked at how taken the vics are with the AFL. Channel nine screen a legends charity game every year full of geriatrics who were stars back in the day. It wins its timeslot for f**k sake, they'll watch anything football related. Promoting RL instead of an AFL football program would be ratings suicide. Don't let the numbers of the storm GF fool you as victoria is a sports /event state, they'll watch anything once.

As a storm fan i'd kill for more TV coverage but i'm not naive enough to think a commercial TV station is going to put the good of a game ahead of ratings and $$$$. Should they be promoting more in NSW/QLD, f**k yeah...But in AFL territory its baby steps for the time being.


bulldog said:
International RL and El Diablos posts sum up the situation beautifully for me, Nines interests should lie with growing the brand they've hung their hat on, it's not happening and it won't happen with AwFuL Eddie in charge.

and i do agree with that they should be growing the brand. But wht's wrong with having other shows that will bring in ratings as well no matter what the content given that's what the name of the game is? You aren't going to get a show from either codes that will appeal to the whole country so you shouldn't even try. That being said should channel nine just neglect the rest of the country and not make something that'll more than likely rate very well just because it'll put people's nose out of joint in non AFL states? Again you probably won't even see the new AFL show so i still can't work out why it'd bother anyone.

Yes i think they should be helping grow the game here but what are they supposed to do? Comission a rugby league program to show here instead of and AFL one just because they have the league rights? Of course not, they should be doing it in other ways like showing more games at a resepectable hour and things like that. You already get games live up there so i'm not sure what else you want. One way or another having this new AFL footy show on nine will in no way impact on rugby league. The AFL pie is a very big one in the AFL viewing states and there's plenty of it to go around even without the rights. They'd be mad not to get a piece of it.
Fightin' Irish said:
No sh*t.

As a storm fan i'd kill for more TV coverage but i'm not naive enough to think a commercial TV station is going to put the good of a game ahead of ratings and $$$$. Should they be promoting more in NSW/QLD, f**k yeah...But in AFL territory its baby steps for the time being.

Well channel 10 are happy to lose out to the Iron Chef. Why? Because the AFL DEMAND that they get live coverage in the northern states. And the networks bend over backwards whilst we just bend over and cop it.

sh*ts me to tears.


International RL said:
Well channel 10 are happy to lose out to the Iron Chef. Why? Because the AFL DEMAND that they get live coverage in the northern states. And the networks bend over backwards whilst we just bend over and cop it.

sh*ts me to tears.

That's right. The AFL outlined exactly what they wanted from the stations when the rights deal came up and if a certain station didn't want to comply with those things then they didn't get the rights and it's as simple as that.

Conversely it would seem the NRL didn't take such a tough stance on it when their tv rights came around and are paying for it accordingly with the shabby treatment many of you feel channel nine give rugby league. To me it seems the anger should be pointed at the the NRL and not channel nine. If the NRL toughened up a bit and demanded what they wanted out of their tv coverage then we wouldn't even be talking about this. If channel nine didn't want to comply then give it to channel seven.

Remember it's the governing body of each code that should be dictating the terms to the tv stations and not the other way around. If the NRL want to show ads of their product then they should demand the network they gave the rights to screen those ads. If they wanted games to be shown in Melbourne at a more reasonable hour then they should've demanded it.

It would seem that one code got it right and the other is just pandering to the network and getting trampled on. Maybe that might change come the next time the rights are up for grabs but i for one won't be holding my breath.

Fightin' Irish

International RL said:
Well channel 10 are happy to lose out to the Iron Chef. Why? Because the AFL DEMAND that they get live coverage in the northern states. And the networks bend over backwards whilst we just bend over and cop it.

sh*ts me to tears.

Thats why it helps to have three networks climbing over each other to get a piece of your brand. The NRL are too quick to hand the keys over to 9 once the rights are up for grabs. The AFL holds the whip hand in their negotiations, the NRL do not.


The whole situation is an absolute farce...

The biggest advocate for the AFL is heading the channel which broadcasts the AFL's greatest competitor. We cannot win.

Anyone else in McGuire's position would take one minute to see that as Channel Nine's primary sporting ratings 'weapon' this winter, the NRL should be pushed as hard as can be onto both traditional and emerging markets. This year Nine have gone so far as to broadcast two matches every Friday night - a great spectacle for fans and for the code. It's a wonderful innovation, and Nine should be screaming about it from the rooftops. Yet they have not - Who is advising Eddie McGuire?

Yet not only are Channel Nine silent when it comes to acting in the best interests of the NRL (or even themselves), they appear to have given tacit endorsement of the opposition code!

It's a disgrace - I know which television channel I would prefer to be broadcasting the NRL, and it sure as @#$% isn't Nine.


Um.....9, teltra, nrl, foxtel, foxsports.....

they are all in bed with each other....because they are linked and partly owned by one another/at least linked through the ownership triangle.

How do you expect a fair and equitable deal to happen any time soon?

Its a no frills deal that maximises everyones (except rugby league's) revenue.

We only have friday night live because people [at large not in minorities] would raise eyebrows and it makes money. It also costs money...

Remember the C7 fiasco?

The c7 offer was infinately better, but RL rejected it, because the news/FOX/Rupert/Packer/PBL/Premier sports conglomerate (co-operation) TOLD THEM NOT TOO!

iF YOU CANT see that and relate it to whats happening now, YOU ARE BLIND....but look what happened to the c7 deal.....they challenged it (being involved amongst other things) in court and the case is being heard...

In business, business has laws....its against the law to get the co-operation of other companies to diliberately shut other companies outside of your co-operation out of deals....

this is similar to the monopoly rules.

Its to create an open and fair market, one thats not rigged...

what you have at the moment is something bordering a rigged market with RL.

If you cant see that, you are blind.

Gallop was told to sign on the dotted line.

Live football has something to do with that...."give the masses live football in qld and nsw and maybe they wont notice how we have jipped them again....because there is talk of live football nationwide, but we dont want them to have it that as it lessens profits."

Sounds childish reading it back to myself, but please, no time to change it.....the meaning is there guys....

They are in bed with one another, and quality is going out the window in favour of profits....


wait for it....




Its quality of coverage that suffers because profits are all that matters, and lets face it, you will watch it as long as its the nrl comp.

If the nrl was not half owned by news ltd

Puppets....all puppets.


I dont work for ch7,10, or 9. But i do know what you deserve is not what you get in this life.

In this life, people, mark123, my words, you get what YOU TAKE FOR YOURSELF.

Thats the only rule. The law is but a maze. Your desire and ambition - potentially limitless - is your guide. And the brain inside your head is your tool.


I dont recall hearing who won back in 98.

I do know who lost. Its name was rugby league.

Its no longer a stand alone entity....its owned, and it does what its told....it gets what it needs, nothing more.

BTW, do you know how hard it is these days to make money on AFL.....go ask the people who are faced with selling the AFL....its a HARD sell. They will be trying HARD to sell it.

You try and sell AFL AND make a profit, at the money that was paid for the rights.

NO WONDER its everywhere, but remember they have a team in all mainland states.

I'm sorry for the NRL. It doesnt get a total say in how its run, people other than itself are deciding its fate.

Not a good thing, when YOU think YOU can do better....

**** so before you go around asking why AFL gets a better deal....realise NOT to bother asking, because you already know you are wasting your breath.

come up with a report/long term plan with real-world aproval and data, then present it to the guys who are in charge, and hope they agree with you and change their tact.

I think you will find though, their goals and yours, are not the same....

What I see, is a period which we are coming to the end of, whereby the powers that be, are playing a balancing act with each code.

After this period, one will be favoured high up. Im out of the loop, perhaps one has already been chosen. But there is/was a period of balance and separation, that will soon/has ended.

If you think AFL has been chosen as a favourite, think again maybe. RL has more scope and reach internationally. AFL is limited. Australia is a small pie, but big enough for the packers of this country.

The time to push RL will probably creep up on you; you know RL has been a rickety ship lately. The NRL is just gaining its feet.

For those who must think positive, there is much in this little bit You see, I may not see RL as having its own control....but i do see it as having a destiny (something thats pre-defined).

And that destiny is pretty good.
Le KooK said:
The whole situation is an absolute farce...

The biggest advocate for the AFL is heading the channel which broadcasts the AFL's greatest competitor. We cannot win.

Anyone else in McGuire's position would take one minute to see that as Channel Nine's primary sporting ratings 'weapon' this winter, the NRL should be pushed as hard as can be onto both traditional and emerging markets. This year Nine have gone so far as to broadcast two matches every Friday night - a great spectacle for fans and for the code. It's a wonderful innovation, and Nine should be screaming about it from the rooftops. Yet they have not - Who is advising Eddie McGuire?

Yet not only are Channel Nine silent when it comes to acting in the best interests of the NRL (or even themselves), they appear to have given tacit endorsement of the opposition code!

It's a disgrace - I know which television channel I would prefer to be broadcasting the NRL, and it sure as @#$% isn't Nine.

Agreed. Im equally outraged. It really is bizarre when you consider it is in their direct interests to promote the code.