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Channel 9 doing more for AFL than NRL


wittyfan said:
Since you are obsessed with all things Channel 7, it's good to see you tuning into 9!
I don't watch 9 or 7 news regulary as I watch 10 news if i can.

Sara on ch7 & Janie on ch9 dress like wannabe whores!!

I probably hate ch9 more than i like ch7, cos ch9 shows tv programs with contempt as they show repeats when there are new eps & constantly axe & changes shows so much that I've given up on all programs on ch9!


El Diablo said:
so Tim Bailey turns you on?
No, He probably crap also!! Its just seems the other 2 channels push the sex factor too much instead of getting a better qualified weather presenter!


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
You can stop wanking on whenever you like.

There is an AFL show because an AFL man is in charge of 9.

If someone without that bias was in charge, there would be minimal AFL coverage on 9. No one but someone with exceptional bias is stupid enough to advertise for their opposition.

and if someone without 'bias' was in charge then the network would more than likely be millions of dollars worse off. Yep, that'd be a sound economical and financial decision genius :sarcasm:

I'll say this one more time because you seem to be a bit slow on the uptake. Channel 9 had 2 AFL footy shows many years before they ever had the rights to the AFL and years before Eddie was ever was in charge. So obviously someone with exceptional bias was 'stupid' enough to produce these shows when Mr McGuire was a mere host. Were you bitching and moaning like a little girl back then when a Sydney head was in charge making AFL shows or is it just because of Eddie?

But either way i'd hardly call someone stupid for making hundreds of millions in advertising revenue that these shows would've generated over the years. How could anyone possibly not see the sense in making those sums of money regardless of where it comes from? I'm guessing only a blinkered halfwit who doesn't have an ounce of business sense in his body.

What are they supposed to do? Sit on their hands and do nothing while in the process watching millions of dollars go down the drain? Are you serious? The funniest thing is that it's been reported and the general consensus is that seven at the end of their rights tenure willl make a loss even after foxtel came in and paid their share. They have the rights and will lose dollars on their product yet nine don't have the rights and will make money off seven's product.

Now to you that's stupid but to me it's a f**king masterstroke and anyone with even a quarter of a brain would see that. I can only hope you don't run a business because you clearly have absolutely no idea on how to make money and it's no more evident than right here.


First Grade
airpoe said:
No, He probably crap also!! Its just seems the other 2 channels push the sex factor too much instead of getting a better qualified weather presenter!
Only thing he's better qualified at is being a tool. Tim the Tool Man.


Whing and Whine gentlemen. Whinge and Whine. Who cares? In the greater scheme of things do you honestly think it will make a difference?

Some of you are precious. Some just geniused. Everytime the media does something silly, you paranoid freaks are all over it, then without fail, a Dogs supporter starts jumping up and down about Gallop's balls.

Fire up you softcoqs!!! The season is upon us and all you care about is some weak pathetic attempt to trickle a little bit of tight shorts into a Thursday Night Moron-a-thon???

For effs sake...snap out of it.
Ice777 said:
and if someone without 'bias' was in charge then the network would more than likely be millions of dollars worse off. Yep, that'd be a sound economical and financial decision genius :sarcasm:

He hasn't been there that long, yet.

On the road they're on now, they'll be fighting with SBS and the ABC for 3rd. The only thing can keep them in the game is, wait for it, Rugby League.

Ice777 said:
I'll say this one more time because you seem to be a bit slow on the uptake. Channel 9 had 2 AFL footy shows many years before they ever had the rights to the AFL and years before Eddie was ever was in charge. So obviously someone with exceptional bias was 'stupid' enough to produce these shows when Mr McGuire was a mere host. Were you bitching and moaning like a little girl back then when a Sydney head was in charge making AFL shows or is it just because of Eddie?

You mean the shows that were on when 9 had the AFL rights?

You mexican skirt.

Eddie has a pro-AFL agenda which will assist 7 and 10 because they actually have the rights. What part of that are you struggling with? Shows about the AFL are advertising the AFL which 9 doesn't have? What part of that are you struggling with?

7 & 10 will directly benefit from his decision. Do you think that's a smart move for a business to make? Do you think it's a bright move to put on shows that will physically invite viewers to not watch channel 9 and watch AFL games instead?

Wait, of course you do, because you're terminally thick.

Ice777 said:
But either way i'd hardly call someone stupid for making hundreds of millions in advertising revenue that these shows would've generated over the years. How could anyone possibly not see the sense in making those sums of money regardless of where it comes from? I'm guessing only a blinkered halfwit who doesn't have an ounce of business sense in his body.


I'm not bragging when I say this but I could own you three times over and sell you to NAMBLA as a poster boy, even though you're 30+.

He won't be making the money now, 7 & 10 will. The big revenue is for the AFL telecasts, as it is for the Rugby League telecasts, the revenue for the off-shoot shows is chicken-feed in comparison.

Eddie is putting money in his opposition's pockets.

If I had to pick one business principle to live by, the opposite of that would be it.

Ice777 said:
What are they supposed to do? Sit on their hands and do nothing while in the process watching millions of dollars go down the drain? Are you serious? The funniest thing is that it's been reported and the general consensus is that seven at the end of their rights tenure willl make a loss even after foxtel came in and paid their share. They have the rights and will lose dollars on their product yet nine don't have the rights and will make money off seven's product.

9 will make money because they didn't pay overs for AFL. 7 and 10 did.

They're supposed to get behind their own products.

Call me paranoid but that doesn't even fall into the "sound business principles" category. It is just simply what every company does.

Ice777 said:
Now to you that's stupid but to me it's a f**king masterstroke and anyone with even a quarter of a brain would see that. I can only hope you don't run a business because you clearly have absolutely no idea on how to make money and it's no more evident than right here.

It's a masterstroke to you because you're a barking imbecile with the business nous of ear wax.

9 would be better off with Peter Foster at the helm.


Nien loses the AFL rights yet creates an extra show for the sport.
Nien retains the NRL rights yet no new show - "not enough resources".

Pathetic. AFL will be everywhere whether we like it or not.


Foxtel and Nine join forces

March 02, 2007 THE latest feud over AFL's TV rights took a bizarre turn today after the Channel 9 announced Foxtel as its principal presenting sponsor for 2007.

The announcement comes just days after the Channel 7 and Channel 10 networks refused to run Foxtel advertisements boasting the pay TV network's live coverage of the sport.

Under a $60 million-a-year deal reached last month, Foxtel bought rights to at least four live AFL games a week, plus replays of the games shown on the free-to-air networks.

Seven and Ten will each broadcast two games live or on a delay of up to an hour.

Seven and Ten representatives expressed concern this week that the ads contained misleading phrases including "AFL's more exciting when it's live", "Covering every game every week", and "Everyone's talking about it".

But Foxtel and Nine responded today by striking up an unlikely pay TV/free-to-air partnership in a move sure to infuriate the rival networks.

Under the new sponsorship, Nine - which is part of James Packer's Publishing and Broadcasting Ltd that owns 25 per cent of Foxtel - will not only show Foxtel's commercials, but other promotions including billboards at the commencement and conclusion of each program.

The agreement, which spans the 2007 season, incorporates Nine's The Footy Show, The Sunday Morning Footy Show and a new Monday night AFL show.

Nine boss Eddie McGuire said: "We are delighted to announce this sponsorship. Our AFL programming is an integral element of our offering to audiences and we believe that Foxtel's sponsorship will be a successful marketing partnership."

Foxtel television and marketing director Brian Walsh said: "The Footy Show continues to set the benchmark for sports/variety television in Australia and we are proud to brand the Foxtel name across its marquee.

"This landmark sponsorship deal gives Foxtel a unique promotional opportunity on Australia's most trusted commercial television network and provides Foxtel the window to publicise our extensive AFL coverage and to also showcase our on-air talent and other diverse programming."

The latest feud comes less than a month after the settlement of long-running negotiations over the AFL broadcast rights.



Tom Shines

First Grade
Actually the ad tonight for the double header Friday coverage. A full two months after I saw 7 and 10 pimp their AFL.

Tom Shines

First Grade
Sorry, just read that article from Brycey...
So Eddie is trying to promote the AFL so people will watch it on Fox? Won't they in turn, I don't know, flick over to the commercial stations that have the rights? Are you trying to lose ratings?

I don't get it. I honestly don't.


It would seem Eddie has no real business in promoting afl while he ties it so closely in with nine. You'd swear he is acting like he still has the rights and is doing things as such, except he doesnt actually have the rights. By that i mean the amount we see him speaking about it, promoting it with his own words, and putting things into place like shows to promote it.

Sure he is there to steer nine and make some money for the network...thats fine...but what i dont like is the fact that he is tied to the AFL indirectly.

He is still the president of collingwood, right?!

I think you will agree, its a case of his heart ruling his head, and no, he doesnt care about the NRL like he does the AFL....the AFL is like it were his own child, and the NRL some ugly step-nephew. If i were him, I too would be promoting AFL so as to indirectly make it (and collingwood) stronger.

This is bizzare. In fact, its zealous.

This is feverent and zealous activity by nine and eddie.

I seriously question nine's motivations.

I think Eddie is using one means to help another.

Its stale and we dont like it, and I believe its up to the owners to put a stop to it, because as far as i can see, while the goals of both - the owners and eddie - seem the same.....they are infact different....its just luck that the AFL is a well-to-do product....eddie would have already been exposed by now if it were not such a product....

he would have been stopped.

And its high time he WAS STOPPED.

He has already lied to the fans of the NRL. Where is the huge push he is talking about? I'd like to see it.

AFL always has, and always will, try to head off league. They are even doing it with memberships....NRL starts to push memberships, and AFL does the same thing. They have the right to do so, but its more than a coincidence that it happens at the same time. They are trying to stand taller than league, to cast a bigger shadow, and the poor nrl has to be limited in what it can do, because the people who own it want to recoup money.

The groups who own and have stakes in nrl foxtel ch9, etc, are all a bunch of back patters and scratchers....they help one another out, and eddie now helps them too, except he is a capable - albeit - AFL man.

Not enough funds for a nrl show....come off it.....i rarely watch tv but i do so for nrl, and i have been hoping for ( and suggested many times in the past) a nrl wrap-up show. If I want it, small tv fan that I am, imagine how much others would have appreciated it channel 9.

What a shame.

Tom Shines

First Grade
How long is left on the NRL deal?
And could you see one of the other FTA networks televising it? Because dare I say, they could do a much better job.


Considering how Ch 9 is doing now the big fella is gone and ugly jnr doesn't give a s#!t, I'd be surprised if Mr McGuire lasts too long in Sydney. Firing talent was something that Packer would never consider. He always knew how to buy loyalty from the big drawcards in the media game and that includes Fatty and Sterlo. Eddie will lose out big by focussing on the Vic market and neglecting his biggest cash-cow throughout Sydney and Brisbane, League. I suspect that PBL will relegate him back to hosting Millionaire derivatives before too long.
It certainly makes PBL look amateurish at best if they don't react. Eddie has shown his colours by not stepping down as Collingwood head and then continuing to push the AFL bandwagon even though his station doesn't have the rights.

Maybe Jamie should spend less time at Scientology seminars......

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