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Channel 9 doing more for AFL than NRL

Ice777 said:
Now now settle petal. I'm not exactly sure of the point you're trying to make as i mentioned that these types of shows rate their arse of in AFL states which is mainly the 3 states you're talking about. But as i also said these AFL shows make millions in advertising revenue regardless of if they're only shown in 3 states or every state. Bottom line is they make money for young Jamie and that's my entire point.

Also who said Packer makes all his money from tv? Of course he doesn't, as mentioned he makes it from casino's and many many other business ventures but again i can't even see why you brought it up. It's totally irrellevant if he gets his money from nine, casino's, shares, companies he owns or the get out stakes at Randwick, all i said is channel nine make millions from these AFL shows whether you want that to be true or not.

I think Parra's point was that Channel 9 could actually produce a program that would appeal to NSW/ACT and QLD - far larger and more lucrative advertising markets than South Australia, Tasmania and WA.


El Diablo said:
i really couldn't give a stuff if 9 did these shows for AFL as long as they did them for NRL too.

Fair enough, but would it be as economically viable and would it be worth their while? Lets face it, the NRL footy show's ratings have hardly set the world on fire and from what i can gather they've gradually declined as time went on. All i read on here is how pathetic it is and how much they hate this or that person and that seems to be reflected in the ratings and in that way it's hard to blame channel nine for being reluctant on producing another NRL show.

I've got no doubt if the NRL footy show rated much better they'd have another NRL show but that's not the case. Personally i like it but i seem to be in the minority on that one. It's one thing to say people would watch a different type/style of NRL show but it's another to actually do it and would enough people tune in to justify making a new program or make it financially viable? I'm sure they've did their sums and gave it a resounding no.

But i guess we'll never know that and maybe nine could've tested the waters, but on the same token i can't imagine it'd be cheap to start up a program from scratch and didn't want to risk it if it was a failure. They can be more confident with an AFL version type show because the concept and timeslot has worked here in the past with great success (talking footy) so the risk is minimal, that and the fact Melbournians in general lap up all things AFL. Of course this is only my take on it and i'm sure i'll be in the minority once again :lol:
Ice777 said:
It's got me farked why anyone would think Packer (senior or junior) would care in the slightest that they're be producing another AFL show. Would you be pissed off if someone was making you millions of dollars? Not a chance in the world. If people took off their rugby league blinkers just for a moment they'd see that financially speaking it's an excellent and logical move. Besides that, the point has been made many times before that nine were producing AFL shows a long time before they had the footy rights when 7 had them and this is no different.

The simple fact is that these shows rate their arses off in AFL states and make millions in advertising revenue. Why they hell wouldn't you have them on? You'd be mad not to and i'm sure if it bothered Packer junior at all he'd be stepping in and putting a stop to it seeing as he's ultimately the top man. But of course he isn't going to do that because he's too busy sitting back watching his bank account grow courtesy of another top rater :lol:

It should be the NRL who people are pissed at given how spineless they were when it came to 'negotiating' the tv rights. If they had've played hard ball as the AFL did and stipulated exactly what they wanted then we wouldn't even be discussing this now. The NRL made the bed and it's the fans who have to lie in it.

You do know that putting a laughing emoticon in your post doesn't make you not a dickhead.

No one cares that they're on smudge, they care that they're not doing the same for nine's premier sport.

Perth Red

Post Whore
I think peoples beef is not so much Ch9 are putting on a AFL show (as you say it is good commercial business to do so) but that they don't seem to have the same confidence in the NRL product to try the same in the RL states with an NRL show. Ch9 has always had little respect for RL (not showing the GF live in Vic is a great example) and this is just another representation of that. AFL does look a more vibrant product with its big money deals and large crowds but RL still rates extremely well in the TV markets


I just sent this off to the NRL,but I wont hold my breath for a reply Dear Sir or Madam,living in WA we have to put up with a lot of AFL crap,but I sometimes wonder what is going on with the NRL and 9 and that AFL man Mcguire.
How long are the NRL going to put up with being crapped on by both Fox and 9,all we hear about is 9 being the AFL network,funny I thought they were showing NRL,why you people did not let others bid for the game has me beat.
Also the broadcasting rights, the ABC will do it when there not doing something else,wonderfull,still no movement on News Radio,all we get is that bloody idiot and his comedy club on 2GB,how anyone with a half a brain can listen to that is beyond me.
Then we come to the great Pay TV fasico,they are paying more for a sport that does not rate on pay,than for a sport that does,what a joke,more an insult,what did we here from the NRL not a bloody word,at least in this state anyway,and I read 3 papers.
Then we come to NEWS our partners in the game,from what I can gather The Telegraph is the SWANS chief booster in Sydney the Australian is shrinking its coverage every year,and I assume that wont improve,what has the NRL said SFA.
What about national cover, I have FOX so I can watch,but 9 now controls 9 Perth, will there be any difference,even though there are lots of NSW and QLD people here with the mining boom,I assume the NRL will do its usual trick and stick there head in the sand and hope it all goes away.
I would love an answer to these questions but I wont hold my breath thank you

El Diablo

Post Whore
Ice777 said:
I've got no doubt if the NRL footy show rated much better they'd have another NRL show but that's not the case.

9 are saying resources are the reason behind the decision, not ratings.

the NRL Footy Show would rate higher if it wasn't crap. who wants to watch Harragon for 90 minutes :?


El Diablo said:
9 are saying resources are the reason behind the decision, not ratings.

the NRL Footy Show would rate higher if it wasn't crap. who wants to watch Harragon for 90 minutes :?

If they put a decent show on, people would watch

If I wanted to watch hey hey it's Thursday, I'd put a video on of hey hey it's Saturday, there's no difference between them except they have RL players on instead of a puppet.


Perth Red said:
I think peoples beef is not so much Ch9 are putting on a AFL show (as you say it is good commercial business to do so) but that they don't seem to have the same confidence in the NRL product to try the same in the RL states with an NRL show.

The reason why they have confidence in an AFL show as opposed to an NRL show is because ones rates through the roof and the other ratings are mediocre at best. As has been mentioned, if the NRL footy show rated as well as the AFL show then there's no doubt they'd get one because once again it'd make financial sense but the fact is it just doesn't.

I'm playing devils advocate here. While i'd love another rugby league show on tv and i wish that nine would've at least tested it for a couple of months to see how it went, at the same time i can see why they never went ahead with it just for the sake of it.

Perth Red

Post Whore
j5o6hn said:
I would love an answer to these questions but I wont hold my breath thank you

Nice one, every year I would fire off an email to Ch9 WA re poor SOO and GF coverage and get the same response every year, "nobody wants to watch it" (how they knew this was beyond me!)

No doubt I will be firing off the same email to a new address this year!


El Diablo said:
9 are saying resources are the reason behind the decision, not ratings.

the NRL Footy Show would rate higher if it wasn't crap. who wants to watch Harragon for 90 minutes :?

Ratings are behind everything no matter what anyone says. If they thought an NRL show would rate then they'd find the 'resources'. But they obviously think it wouldn't rate enough to justify producing a show.
The NRL are scared of the internet.

They have a telex machine for "fan feedback".



First Grade
ParraEelsNRL said:
If they put a decent show on, people would watch

If I wanted to watch hey hey it's Thursday, I'd put a video on of hey hey it's Saturday, there's no difference between them except they have RL players on instead of a puppet.
No difference at all really. They're Newcastle puppets after all.
Ice777 said:
Ratings are behind everything no matter what anyone says. If they thought an NRL show would rate then they'd find the 'resources'. But they obviously think it wouldn't rate enough to justify producing a show.

You can stop wanking on whenever you like.

There is an AFL show because an AFL man is in charge of 9.

If someone without that bias was in charge, there would be minimal AFL coverage on 9. No one but someone with exceptional bias is stupid enough to advertise for their opposition.


Everlovin' Antichrist said:
You can stop wanking on whenever you like.

There is an AFL show because an AFL man is in charge of 9.

If someone without that bias was in charge, there would be minimal AFL coverage on 9. No one but someone with exceptional bias is stupid enough to advertise for their opposition.

This seems to be the logical viewpoint. Why would 9 not promote hardout and have additional shows about the NRL - when it is such a big rater for them? But Aussies have never been easy to understand at the best of times. :crazy:


Channel 7's weathergirl Sara was doing the weather tonight at some sort of coaching clinic run by the Swans.

Surely it's not too much of an ask for Channel 9 to get Janey out to some league training sessions or something similar to do the weather in the lead up to the season.


wittyfan said:
Channel 7's weathergirl Sara was doing the weather tonight at some sort of coaching clinic run by the Swans.

Surely it's not too much of an ask for Channel 9 to get Janey out to some league training sessions or something similar to do the weather in the lead up to the season.
Has Jane ever done a weather report away from the studio!!