Seriously so your happy that our 1st graders are drunk as skunks their behaviour is a reflection of our current culture and lack of discipline and our poor on field performances. Our children look up to these players as role models. No matter how educated or not you believe that they are they know right from wrong, acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. You are entitled to your opinion but so our others that have had a gutful of our on field lack of performance and lack of success poor discipline and poor culture directly affect our club, our team and our brand. So no upper cuts perhaps acceptable in the 80s but not nowdays. Just my views.
This wraps it up in a nutshell.
The role model situation alone should be enough for the club to start enforcing the "NO DICKHEAD" policy ,unfortunately that list would have the coach's name sitting at number one.
Fair dinkum anyone trotting out the old "aww the boys just needed to blow off a bit of steam ", nothing to see here argument is deluded.
After the last couple of years (well the last 11 actually) ,and I know these aren't the same players, but a lot were there the last 2 years throwing out garbage and trying to pass it off as footy, you would think they might be smart enough to think that maybe a few beers would suffice and save it for another time when they are not in a town where they are extremely visible.
Drinking grog for 12 hours isn't the mark of a professional athlete ,it's the mark of an overpaid talentless halfwit who cant believe he has found some idiot to pay him a large sum of money for very limited abilities ,and we certainly have our fair share of aforementioned geniuses on our books.
I am in a supercoach draft and we had our annual get together to have our auction for players ,everyone was taking the piss out of me all day about being a ST GEORGE supporter ,first time I have genuinely felt ashamed to be one ,because their arguments were valid.