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Clint Newton, This Is Your Thread

Johns Magic

I thought he deserved his own thread.

Despite what alot of people say on this forum, he was one of the only guys in the side who bled red and blue.

Hopefully someone at the club can read this and tell him how much he was appreciated by his fans.

I will never forget Round 16, 2005. I get goosebumps everytime I remember him scoring that final try.


All the best Clint, I'll miss you.


Staff member
JM, if you want the pic to show up you're gonna have to host if from Photobucket or something. Gettyimages pics for some reason don't work.


First Grade
Well Done Clint on a Great Career at Newcastle & All The Best For Your Future. :clap:

Johns Magic

Haha yeah I only realised that after I'd posted it. And I'm too computer illiterate for Photobucket


Well said JM.

I'll never forget his 2005.

Hope he goes well and one day comes back in even better form than 2005 :)


Yeah thanks for everything Clint. You were one of those few players in 05 that really lead the way, and considering that 05 was probably the year I really became a Knights fan (I always supported the knights but my heart really feel for them during 05 for some reason) and some of those runs you made seoriusly made me shiver.

GOOD LUCK and maybe one day you will return and play for Newie once again.

P.S. Next time if your girlfriend looks World Universe material, just let it slide and dont dump her for a while, might work out you never know^^


It's a shame it happened like this but Clint was a good player and it's a shame he never become more then what he did, he definitely had the skills... maybe just lacked the training.

Don't go to England mate, stay in the NRL.


Clint was great in 2005, but in reality he was nothing more than average.

His best quality was as JM said was that he was Red n Blue to the bone...


2005 was the high water mark for his career but time moves on and you need to keep performing and developing, he has done neither.

Yes he was a good clubman, but if that was the only criteria for a contract, then most on this forum would get a start.

I'm disappointed with his soft option, what happened to digging in and proving the coach wrong. He feels hes out of favour and therefore throws in the towel.

Not exactly the fitting exit of a proud clubman?


I was always a huge fan of Clint.

but im really ashamed of him today.

This is possibly the worst way for him to go out - and shows a surprising lack of character. I had expected a bit more grace, dignity and determination than he showed today.

Clint, thanks for the memories, but this will always be a black mark on your head.


found out in another thread but still WTF, Clint what were you thinking.......i can't see how doing that will help get a contract elsewhere


I'm with the others in here who have stated that they are dissaopointed in Clint for this decision. Sure he 'bled' red and blue in '05' but this year is '07' and things aren't going exactly to plan but to pack your thinmgs and move on is a low act on behalf of himself. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" - that to me means dig in and have a go where you are at NOT by packing your bags and 'going' in the other direction. Poor. P##S weak decision by Clint. Don't worry about sticking around for another few months and getting in and having a real go with the other players, just bail out on them because you "aren't happy" at the moment. I'm sure others aren't real happy at the moment either coonsidering a few things but they don't - although they may feel like it - 'jump ship'.
I wander, "If Joey was still playing do you think Clint would pull the pin and bail out ?" - I THINK NOT !!!!!!!!
Not just because Joey would have gotten in his ear and said "Mate stay with us, help us, it'll work out alright" but because he believed that there were players in the team worth playing for and helping out and digging in deep for. Obviously he doesn't feel like that about any of the current players in the team or thinks that the few representative players we do have aren't enough to get us to the top this year, because let's face it do you think he would bail out from a team who has a premiership winning chance half way through the season. NOOOOOO.
Thanks for one good year Clint - But now P%@S Off.
And as for Dad going on about the culture at the Club - well yeah I was proud about the local talent playing a lot of football at the Club there but it hasn't done us too much throughout the years - just bring in the players who will help us win a comp and I'm sure they will all be taken in as 'Novocastrians'


Apparently he is not the only unhappy camper at the Knights right now. Sports Tonight mentioned a "disagreement" with Brian Smith as his reason.

Alot of my mates shake their head and say: "That's Brian Smith for ya". I just hope he knows what he is doing by telling one of our best "you are not required for next season".


I must admit the more I have read about this situation the more perplexed I have become. On the face of it I can see Clint, who is a self confessed club man, probably felt some what betrayed by the Knights management. However, his actions make him look like a spoilt child who waited till he got his 100th game before calling it quits.

There is an old corny saying that goes something like "when the going gets tough, the tough get going". Well in Clint's case he decided to get going, out the door. As far a Perry and Wooly are concerned they knew they needed to peform for a contract but they have not given what is needed. These two blokes are now senior forwards in the club and have not provided the go forward and leadership needed to jusify their existence any longer.

The club's culture was founded on "guts", founded on the credo, be the player that others want to play with. That needs to be revisited. We need to put Pride and Passion that made this club what it is. We need our stadium to once again become a feared place to visit. Brian Smith, the way I see it, that is your mission. Can you do it?


Allowing the club to celebrate your 100th game knowing very well that you are going to walk out on the club straight after is a low act. The more that is read about the matter, the more it looks that Newton wanted a new contract, the club has either said no or that he will have to wait and Newton has walked out. Newton said he has no issue with Smith. Smith said he has no issue with Newton.

Just a poor way to finish your career with the Knights...

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