Your’e the one saying we won’t see anything from Flanagans input for 18 months maybe 2 years.
That shows your level of confidence and already your blaming the squad that he’s got insinuating nothing can be done with them.
The Warriors coach has clearly shown he can coach and get something out of what he inherited where others couldn’t.
Yes, except the Warriors have good players is the point you're missing. Harris, CNK, Walker, Curran, AFB were ALREADY good players. Egan had clear ability, and has shown that. Ford is new and always a decent player with potential, and he has shown that. Johnson is having a career year. Yes, the coach improved these players to reach their POTENTIAL. However, the Dragons DO NOT have this. They don't have many already established good players. They do not have a plethora of players with an extremely high ceiling where the coach can get the best out of them. Sure, there's a couple with a high ceiling, but those ones are still young. Ford, Egan for example are not particularly young, therefore you will not see the ceiling reached of these young guys of ours that have good potential because of just that. THEY ARE YOUNG. Their ceiling is a few years off yet. Not to mention the reasons Warriors coaches of the past didn't get the best out of this squad is because those coaches were Stephen Kearney and Nathan Brown. Laughable appointments.
I'm sorry, but if you think players like Billy Burns, Dan Russell, Michael Molo, Zane Musgrove have anywhere near the ceiling of the Warriors players that have improved this year you're kidding yourself. I reiterate Flangan is in a completely different position to that of Webster. This roster does not have groundbreaking potential already there.
In saying that, I'm very confident we improve next year. Extremely confident. I didn't say we won't see ANYTHING of Flanagan's input for 18-24 months. You've pulled that out ya ass. I said it would take 18 months to see CONSISTENTLY BETTER performances and ANOTHER 6 months until we're way better than we are now. I know you have a narrative and an angle, but don't substitute the words of others to suit it. I think to shake a lot of the bad habits we have completely will take the time I've outlined, and therefore we will still see them. We'll see them less often, but we will see them. If you want to use the Warriors as your example, lets. They've improved massively, but still have some of the frustrating typical Warriors shit in their game. You see it less, but you still see it. It's there. It will take time for Webster to get that out of the joint. With a less capable roster, Flanagan does not have the leeway of Webster.
What you fail to understand is that each club is a completely different situation to each other club. There is no exact right formula that works absolutely everywhere. Bennett for example, changes what he does at each club to get the best out of THAT CLUB. The Dragons face a longer period of rebuild to that of the Warriors for example, because of the current roster, the lack of quality on the market and an inept GM + board. Different situation again.
So, given we're in a different situation, with different challenges, comparing our next season to the Warriors this season is entirely and wholly irrelevant in every sense. There is absolutely no way you can put those sort of expectations on this team next season, and anyone who does is either setting themselves up for disappointment, wants Shane Flanagan to fail for no reason other than to push their agenda, or both.