This is the danger with sports continuing.
On top of that, it's also why restricting testing to very strict criteria (Travelled overseas, come in contact with confirmed case, AND symptoms) whilst not locking down will have limited effect.
The argument that we keep schools open because they did in Singapore is absurd because we are not even remotely close to the rest of their prevention implementation which had the real effect. This includes:
- Implemented travel restrictions whilst WHO suggested travel bans were not necessary.
- Significant testing - they detect 3x the global average, test all influenza-like and pneumonia cases. These tests were also free
- Rigorous detection - they leave no stone unturned in contact tracing. It's a 24/7 process that includes patient interviews, police, flight manifests, and tests for antibodies that linger after infection clears.
- Clear communications - They advertised on the front page of the largest newspaper with clear instructions. Anyone with even mild symptoms were told to see a doctor for testing and refrain from going to school or work.
- Government implemented less onerous quarantine - self employed were given $100 Singapore dollars per day, while employers could not detract quarantine days from staff leave.