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Could it happen again?


Post Whore
Leagueguy said:
Yeah it would appear now that Bennett may have made a mistake, however at the time, especially with the Prince call, I'd have agreed with him. Scott Prince had a good chance at Brisbane , but he never really stood up and took control. I think Brisbane wanted a superstar halfback at the time and they didn't think Prince could live up to this. In a way they've been proved right because Prince hasn't stood up in Origin , Test matches or without Marshall. They took a risk on Seymour being a superstar and it hasn't paid off, but at the time I thought he looked the goods so I can't blame them. As for Barnes, he's yet to prove himself in league so I don't know what to say about that.

Jeez..you think! Keeping Seymour was the biggest disgrace in history! Even worse than signing Stuart Kelly! He is dead awful and that is being nice. And to keep him we let go of Barnes and Prince! Yep...great call Wayne. Newsflash Wayne...one of them sucks and it isn't Barnes or Prince! Prince and Barnes showed more in their limited time at the Broncos than Seymour has shown for 4 YEARS!


First Grade
Leagueguy said:
- From next week we choose a half/hooker combination and stick with it until the finals. We just have to bite the bullet on this. I'd say Perry and Berrigan will be there for the rest of the season, but I'd hate to see one of the dropped or moved a couple of weeks before the finals. We need continuity.
It simply has to be Perry at halfback, Seymour has now proven completely ineffective, the longer we have to go with him the more strain he is going to put on Lockyer subsequently making him flat for the business end of the season.

At hooker, one thing is for sure IMO, Lacey has to be on the bench, the starting hooker really comes down Berrigan and McGuire, the problem is without Hunt we've been forced to shuffle our backline meaning we really need Berrigan there at centre. I'd go with McGuire temporarily and when Hunt returns slot Berrigan in there for the remainder of the season.

Leagueguy said:
- Hunt needs to become more involved and mix things up. The second man play he's been running off Lockyer has been really effective but I have a bad feeling its going to come unstuck. I just hope if we go out in the finals we're not saying things like "our attack was poor, we just ran that second man play we've doing all season and they handled it easily". I want to see some new stuff from Lockyer and Hunt before the finals.
Hunt's bones have to heal first ;-). It has been a massive problem for us for the last 5 years though. Our defence has been rock solid through all of these slides we've had at the back end of seasons, we don't lose by much but we struggle to score points. What works for you in the early rounds get's picked up on come the business end and things like the second man play will be shut down in the finals if tried ad-nausium. The problem is that you actually need Hunt on the field or taking part in training to evolve that combination.

Leagueguy said:
- We also need to keep offloading. We seemed to be improving on this every week and in the game against St George we were awesome in this area. Its a really effective tactic for Brisbane because it creates broken play which players like Lockyer , Hodges and Hunt love. If we don't have a dominant half back then the team needs to throw the ball round more to produce variety. Its not as risky as it seems either. Even if the ball hits the ground when its thrown back its highly unlikely the other team will fall on it. Its a high percentage play even in your own half.
This is personally the biggest gripe for mine. Take a bloke like Webcke, I'd rate him as having one of the best offloads in the game (for a prop) and back in our glory days he wasn't affraid to show it off but now we've reduced him to being a battering ram. The Broncos forwards really need to step it up in this area as no matter what off-season changes we've made and even when we've been in form this year, our attack has looked too structured and a little predictable at times. It also goes without saying that Lockyer thrives on second phase play.

Leagueguy said:
Yeah it would appear now that Bennett may have made a mistake, however at the time, especially with the Prince call, I'd have agreed with him.
Barnes was a huge mistake and this was definetly evident at the time. The guy had huge raps on him and looked at home when he got quite a bit of game time in the back end of last season. It didn't take much to see that his potential far outweighed that of Seymour, he would've been a great foil to Lockyer this year and into the future.

lockyno1 said:
Jeez..you think! Keeping Seymour was the biggest disgrace in history! Even worse than signing Stuart Kelly! He is dead awful and that is being nice. And to keep him we let go of Barnes and Prince! Yep...great call Wayne. Newsflash Wayne...one of them sucks and it isn't Barnes or Prince! Prince and Barnes showed more in their limited time at the Broncos than Seymour has shown for 4 YEARS!
How's Canber....oops I mean......Syd......no that's not it........Bris..........hang on isn't it...........LA? Where do you lie oops I mean live again?

Pierced Soul

First Grade
in regards to Prince leaving, he had 3 injury plagued years with the club and tigers offered him more. I would have let him go too....

barnes shouldnt have gotten away but I geuss what really stands out is that with brisbane having such a large area to recruit from the two halves are a washed up 28 year old and a kid who's never lived up to his potential.

when you break down brisbanes team per position, there is no reason we shouldnt be offloading or scoring a lot of points. Tate and Hodges are two of the best centres in the comp, Hunt is a good-soon to be great fullback, locky is the best 5/8, yet there appears to be a lack of creativiity. Petero and webby can both offload, as can hannant and thorn yet brisbane dont try and do this, second phase play has been almost non-existent since alfie left.

Brisbane are the worst team when it comes to running out of dummy half. I personally find it boring to watch, but teams that do it well make a sh*tload of ground as opposed to our forwards getting smashed one off the ruck.

If brisbane fail again this eyar Bennett has to step down. I'm a big fan of his but over the past few years I've been increasingly baffled by his selection choices and gameplan (or lack of)

parra pete

Mr Saab said:
Thing is Hodges had talent to begin with. Finch is not mentally fit to be a 1st grade halfback.
Finch and Smith in the halves????? Be a realist and really look at that combo. Has disaster written all over it.

Who are you trying to convince...Me or you???
You don't play SOO in the 2000s if you don't have talent..

Just remember the Bronco's song "When the form tumbles down in July"..
Prepare for life after Webke...now that is going to be scary if you are a Bronco fan.
He is the heart and soul of your forwards. You have more to worry about than Brett Finch coming to the Eels in 2007....
If the Eels don't make the 8 this year..its expected. If the Broncos don't make it....gasp.....


Jeez..you think! Keeping Seymour was the biggest disgrace in history! Even worse than signing Stuart Kelly! He is dead awful and that is being nice. And to keep him we let go of Barnes and Prince! Yep...great call Wayne. Newsflash Wayne...one of them sucks and it isn't Barnes or Prince! Prince and Barnes showed more in their limited time at the Broncos than Seymour has shown for 4 YEARS!

I think Seymour showed a lot of promise when he started. Scott Prince certainly didn't play his best football at Brisbane. As for Barnes, I would like to have kept him and in hind sight they should of. However choosing Barnes over Seymour seemed like more of a risk at the time.

Moving on though, this article is a good thing. It sounds like there angry and not going to fade away quietly. We might see some fire works next week.


Mr Saab

He was the 5th choice halfback when he played game 2 2004. People say the Tigers are the Bradburies....Finch is the classic Bradbury.
As for 2006..no explanation is needed with his performances in origin, or club form. Enjoy him and Hagan for the next 2 yrs.

Brisbane will be fine without Webcke. They survived when Lazarus went 1997 and they even won a comp in 2000 minus Langer.
Sure they have not won a comp since then, but they have been amongst the top 4 for the majority of those yrs.


First Grade
parra pete said:
Who are you trying to convince...Me or you???
You don't play SOO in the 2000s if you don't have talent..

You do when Johns is unavailable, Gower, Orford, Sherwin and Head are all injured :lol:. His only competition was Kimmorley who has been black listed from Origin after "that pass".

Also how do you explain some of these players playing SOO in the 2000's: Martin Lang, Paul Green, Daniel Wagon, John Buttigieg, John Doyle, Chris Beatie, Nathan Fien and Phil Bailey to name a few.

I don't know what's funnier, the fact that Parramatta signed Finch or the fact that Parramatta fans are trying to talk the hack up. 8 seasons and has achieved f**k all, enjoy number 9.


Post Whore
Leagueguy said:
I think Seymour showed a lot of promise when he started. Scott Prince certainly didn't play his best football at Brisbane. As for Barnes, I would like to have kept him and in hind sight they should of. However choosing Barnes over Seymour seemed like more of a risk at the time.

Exactly what promise did Seymour show apart from being utterly useless!:x


He seemed to be quite elusive, had a good short passing game and quite a dangerous kicking game. I remember Corey Parker once said he was the most skillful player he'd seen. He still shows these skills, however he just hasn't been able to step up and lead the team around.


Post Whore
Dangerous kicking game, rofl! For who? I agree he puts the crowd in danger as there is so many balls ending up over the sideline!
All I heard for years was how Michael Ryan and Brett Seymour were 'the sh*t' and that they were our future. Some future. I just can't fathom why Seymour gets season after season to prove himself, plays bad, admits he's got a confidence problem and needs Qld Cup time to get it back. What does Bennett do ? Gives him the #7.

Perry is no Langer but he's doing a better job. And when he got injured Bennett should in no way have just given Seymour the #7. It's frustrating, it's like Brisbane has said that we're going to give Seymour all the time he needs and we don't care who comes on the market or who we have to trade away. Be honest, if this was a Sydney team Seymour would either have spent all of 2006 in Premier League, or would have been cut.

I know it's all about positions and only so many can fit in a team, but how Brett Seymour can make the 17 for Brisbane on Saturday, yet Ben Hannatt and Sam Thaiday can't is beyond me.

And honestly and as weird and unconventional as it sounds, I'd rather Sam Thaiday wear the #7 and either pass the ball or run with it, than have Seymour there. :) Honestly people, what would we lose in doing that. ( i'm joking but you get my point)


First Grade
Seymour is the last person I want to see in the #7 but what were our other options? McGuire? Berrigan? Lacey? Webcke? lol.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
Well is Mcguire an option? Prob wont happen as bennett can be stubborn, but he's filled in in the halves before and he's got a good passing and a decent kicking game.

McGuire is pretty underated when it comes to ballplay but he's got some nice touches and prob couldnt do any worse than seymour. This would allow berrigan to play hooker with LAcy on the bench.

and realistically it was prob 5 years ago when berigan was going to get the #7 for Qld until he got injured

Mr Saab

parra pete said:
Who ya gonna get to replace Webcke???????

There is Thaiday and Hannat who can fill that role.
Dont worry Pete...as i said, Brisbane have lost star players in the past and have moved on.
Not like they have won the spoon in the yrs post langer/lazarus/renouf/walters/sailor/lote.