FFS I can't believe that this is still getting a run in the press.
TBH the whole issue has been over hyped.
Albert did the wrong thing by using the club letterhead and his position and he has died on his sword because of that.
He was of the personal opinion and still expresses the personal opinion that Brett Finch was under the influence of drugs when he crossed an even bigger line into on line images and comments re kids etc.
Albert firmly believes that these actions (relating to children) are not typical behaviour for Finch and that in fact it is totally out of character and has said that in his character reference. He has also stated he is fully aware of Finch's drug related issues and all the reasons why Finch appeared before the court
Albert said "he would do it allover again"so he has doubled down on his support for providing a reference for Finch but of course some are taking that literally as meaning "using the club letterhead etc" which I think is not what Albert meant at all.
But of course it suits the agenda for the super negative posters.
In the end Albert knows Brett Finch far better than any of us and that Albert with his vast law enforcement background would be far better equipped than us or the media to make a judgement call on Brett Finch.
So I can find no criticism of Albert's personal opinion or his expression thereof.
I can however hold him accountable for use of the club and his position and that issue has been appropriately resolved.
So f**k the media for their holier than thou position and they should remember that they could have supported Finch long before this all descended into the ugly tangled mess it all became.
Albert says he's not willing to abandon Finch and that's what mates are all about but the media likes of the John's Bros and the others in their media entourage (aka arse licker's) quickly abandoned their former "great mate" Finchy.
So in the end I would trust Albert's judgement re Finch more than any of the pea hearts in the media who just keep trolling the bottom of the cesspool that is the NRL in their constant quest to find a story.
Did Finch cross a line that should never be crossed yes he did but were their influences that caused that and in fact Finch can be rehabilitated well Albert thinks so and I'm willing to accept his position.
Some good and interesting points.
I didn’t take his “do it all again” to mean the letterhead. I agree with you on that.
As I understand it, Finch went back to his scum site more than a couple of times, now he wants to rely upon drugs to a get out of jail card.
Unless Albert is around him 24/7 and knows his thoughts, he can’t offer much insight on Finch.
The best he could do is detail his encounters with Finch and make comments on what he observed that are relevant. This is all pre drug I guess.
Albert said Brett was a leader or whatever, but he might have said, he’s seen him interact with young people hundreds of times over x years and he’s never seen him say or do anything untoward etc.
Albert said finch made a genuine mistake in this instance. No, Albert, he’s made multiple mistakes, years of drug abuse and the shit that brings to his family and friends and multiple visits to fastpedo.
It’s not a single “mistake” or “instance” plus they withdrew multiple counts to secure the plea of guilty.
The judge might feel Alberts reference is not as accurate as it could be and if so, how much weight should he give it?
That said, I made the call earlier, he’s got a good draw for a judge and I expect Finch to walk.
Brett’s shrink has said that if he’s released, he should be subjected to hair follicle drug tests etc.
So depending on the sentence, if he partakes, possible breach and to the slammer anyway and unless he gets his head right, a cycle.
Big challenge for Finch ahead.