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Crowd Watch 2011

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The only reason your away crowds are so good is because your home crowd average, is well... average. The team with the highest home average naturally won't have a higher away average. The Bulldogs are second in turns of home crowd average so naturally the only team which can help our away crowds are the Broncos. The dragons have so many other teams to inflate their away crowd average.
St George Illawara never draws a big crowd for NQ Cowboys games, nor for that matter Gold Coast or Warrior games. The crowd of 13k was consistent with the average attendances for those fixtures over the years.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
I can't wait for the bagging of Friday night's crowd whether it's 30k, 40k, 50k or 80k.


Actually thats not a bad crowd.

To think that near 60,000 people in Brisbane showed up on the same night to two games shows how sports mad that city is.

Not sure that would happen here in Sydney.

I am sure that it happens many times a year in Sydney
Unfortunately, you live at one of the arse end's of the universe.

Let me tell you what it was like over here...

Before the match I met with friends at the top of Jubilee Avenue at the Royal Hotel, had a schooner or Reschs. My friend Bill and I talked about the days in the 1990s when Geoff Carr was trying to destroy the club, and how Kogarah was struggling to get 10K, we saw 4,000 one day. But thanks to a fan revolt we beat Carr, kicked him out.

But rather than hold a grudge, we were rejoicing the fact that we were in a pub next to the ground and we were surrounded by hundreds of fellow Saints supporters on game day.

We made the short walk down the hill to Jubilee Oval. There were people everywhere.

Went through the NW gate, was immediately greeted by more familiar faces. Got myself a beer - very short queue. All new serving areas.

A few steps later I was in the grandstand.

Beautiful sunshine... brand new modern northern grandstand, packed and easy access. Wonderful views of Botany Bay, and tremendous views of the Dragon Army on the hill. A sea of red and white.

I saw one Cowboys supporter and shaked his hand.

After the game we wandered over the road to the St George Leagues Club. Saw a couple of players.

Perth Red, you'd be welcomed any of the day of week at our suburban ground.

Quite frankly, I think the experience I had today is something you would kill for.

Spot on mate!

I think alot of people on here dont even realise how much better of an experience 13k at Kogarah is compared to 25k at telstra. A day like yesterday was beyond any kind of numbers summary




You realise we're playing your club this Friday right?

Sound logic with your theory on home/away crowd averages also. Very sound.

The crowd at Kogarah yesterday was terrible. Fine, sunny day really should have resulted in a larger crowd. Especially when you consider we got slightly more last year V Cowboys at Wollongong on a Saturday night (I think). Whether or not the problems with the Red V cards played a role I'm not sure. Mother's Day must have keep people away.


First Grade
No... It's just it was on Mothers day, having half our team injured probably wouldn't have helped and playing against the cowboys (no matter how well they are going) don't draw well. I still fail to see how playing at ANZ or SFS would have helped the crowd... Do you think if they moved it to one of those grounds, we would magically draw 10,000 more? Much rather of played it at Kogarah with 13,000 than at the SFS or ANZ with 10,000 people.

you'd of got more then 10K .. maybe 15K
but it would have been a pointless excersise moving a game V the cowboys or most out of town sides ..away from Kogarah or WIN
those games usually won't test the capacity

Like I have been saying though
games V the Bulldogs .. Tigers .. Souths . Parra etc etc have to played elsewhere to maximixe the potential attendance
this is where the Dragons are not being smart .. & in fact are being quite dumb:?


you'd of got more then 10K .. maybe 15K
but it would have been a pointless excersise moving a game V the cowboys or most out of town sides ..away from Kogarah or WIN
those games usually won't test the capacity

Like I have been saying though
games V the Bulldogs .. Tigers .. Souths . Parra etc etc have to played elsewhere to maximixe the potential attendance
this is where the Dragons are not being smart .. & in fact are being quite dumb:?
2 games at the SFS would do it.

They simply must play home games against the Roosters at the SFS as well as probably the Dogs at the SFS/ANZ.

All other home games should be at Kogarah or Wollongong.


I've always wanted to go to Kogarah. Looks fantastic on TV with the Bay in the background. When you step into Suncorp, the rest of the world disappears. It has very little charm or personality. Still the best place I've been to watch a game.

Dairy Farmer's is shite for night games. Dark and depressing imo.


2 a year to SFS could work. But might f**k up the memberships a bit.

Dogs home game to SFS. Roosters on our ANZAC day year, bunnies on the alternate year would be the go.

That said, hope it doesn't happen. Oh and lol @ anyone who thinks we would have got a bigger crowd yesterday simply by moving it 30km away from our area. Sound logic.


Assistant Moderator
2 games at the SFS would do it.

They simply must play home games against the Roosters at the SFS as well as probably the Dogs at the SFS/ANZ.

All other home games should be at Kogarah or Wollongong.
Then they wouldn't be home games anymore, would they?

Always get a chuckle when opposition supporters tell us where to play our home games, and that we must play at the opposition home grounds.
I wonder if it goes the other way?

Time to start a compaign. Souths simply must take games back to Redfern when they play Canberra or the Cowboys!


First Grade
Then they wouldn't be home games anymore, would they?

Always get a chuckle when opposition supporters tell us where to play our home games, and that we must play at the opposition home grounds.

why wouldn't they be

since when have the Bulldogs played at the SFS ?
or Parramatta

& don't they already play a home game every 2nd year V the Roosters at the SFS.. so hows expanding this to a couple of games a year to accomodate a larger crowd any different

Parramatta do it ... they don't need to be told of the benefits & they currently average 26,250 for their 2 home games at ANZ this year .. one to go .. against the Dragons as it turns out

the Dragons & some of their fans too it seems ...need to leave their 1970's attidudes in the last millenium & join the modern age where clubs grow their brand
they don't need to take all their Sydney games away from Kogarah
( it has a place in the modern NRL)... but its not big enough for some of their home games ... & they & their fans need to accept this has a modern reality


First Grade
I wonder if it goes the other way?

Time to start a compaign. Souths simply must take games back to Redfern when they play Canberra or the Cowboys!

if souths still played out of Redfern .. sure why not
but they don't & haven't since 1987 :?

& they get it
why be stuck at Redfern ... & limit our audience for the sake of a bit of atmosphere
they've doubeld their average attendance of 1987 . the last year they played there
& have attracted countless crowds of over 25,000 that would not of otherwise fitted into redfern
a club that has grown up ... are South Sydney


Assistant Moderator
why wouldn't they be
Might be because the SFS is the Roosters home ground and Homebush is the Bulldogs home ground.

Personally, I prefer it to be a club's decision where they play their home games. As for the rest of your post, thanks for telling us where we must play or what my opinion should be on the matter.


lol. Conveniently left the Broncos crowd out did you?

We average mid 13k this year, not bad for a team smack bang last

Apologies for the error.

Round 1 - Canberra at home V Cronulla 13450, Dragons away
Round 2 - Canberra home V Brisbane 16146 Dragons away
Round 3 - both away
Round 4 - Canberra at home V Titans 12165, Dragons away
Round 5 - Canberra away, Dragons home game V Doggies 31122
Round 6 - both away
Round 7 - Canberra at home V newcastle 11879, Dragons away
Round 8 - Dragons at home V Eels 19319, Canberra at home V Tigers 13423
Round 9 - Dragons at home V Cowboys 13056. Canberra bye

Canberra home average (13412) Dragons home average (21165)

But, but, but, but.................

Make all the excuses you want, our home crowds are much, much better than the Faiders. We chose to move a home game to the SCG because it was heritage round & we'd get a bigger crowd, simple concept.

3 of your home games draw 37647. One of our home games drew 31122 people.

Facts are you get close to the worst crowds, home and away in the NRL. Always have, always will.
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