There was next to no promotion of that match on the CC.
I didn't even know it was happening.
Heard some radio promotion but it reeks of just making a quick buck which I think people have caught on to up here. The clubs involved should at least be running clinics and school visits maybe even signing sessions during the week leadig to the game, I seen none of that.
There was no visible had advertising either. A few roadside posters or boards on the central coast and pacific highway to draw in commuters would be easy.
There were a few thousand manly fans at best last night which tbh I was surprised with as in the games at gosford involving manly I have been have had stacks of manly fans. Manly had he run of the gameday and imo it was the worst I have experienced in terms of engagement and entertainment, if that is the norm at brookvale then I feel for their fans
Solid but not spectacular crowd though.