Below is the crowd figures for the 2012 NRL Season in categories of timeslots.
Often it is argued that certain timeslots are better for crowd numbers than other timeslots without any real evidence,
this will either prove or disprove that. I have eliminated all one off timeslots.
For 2012 that means that the only Thursday night game will not be included, nor will one-off 7:00pm or 8:45pm matches.
All times are local times. Only includes the regular season.
NRL 2012 season
Friday 7:30pm-7:45pm
Total Games - 41
Total Crowd - 831,552
Average Crowd - 20,282
Saturday 5:30pm
Total Games - 18
Total Crowd - 254,595
Average Crowd - 14,144
Sautrday 7:30pm
Total Games - 33
Total Crowd - 482,594
Average Crowd - 14,624
Sunday 2pm
Total Games - 28
Total Crowd - 378,770
Average Crowd - 13,528
Sunday 3pm
Total Games - 25
Total Crowd - 441,207
Average Crowd - 17,648
Monday 7:00pm
Total Games - 24
Total Crowd - 424,483
Average Crowd - 17,687
While Some of the results surprsied me, particluarly the fact that both regular Saturday timeslots out perform the Sunday 2pm regular time slot,
I have decided to also add in, day time vs night time time slots for games that were played in the regular time slots.
Total Games - 53
Total Crowd - 819,977
Average Crowd - 15,471
Total Games - 116
Total Crowd - 1,993,224
Average Crowd - 17,183
The night time average crowd is higher than the daytime average crowds. So much for people loving their Sunday Afternoon football.