QUOTE=bobmar28;9528107;14900]Friday nights have been wrecked? NRL smashes AFL most Fridays in the TV ratings.
It's all about money mate and the AFL smashes the NRL on that front.
this article would win a prize for the most unbalanced piece there is
its comparing financials with the first year of the fumbles n bumbles new media deal
with the last year of the old NRL media deal ... & even its not accurate :?
the NRL earnt 185 Million in 2012
100 Million from media & 85 Million from non media
add another 150 Million a year straight up... to the NRL number from its new 1.2 Billion media rights ... up to 335 Million in 2013
for an apples to apples comparison
the ARLC as a head body also claims it will be earning 400 Million a year by 2017
that's right up to & almost along side singletballs expected 450 Mill the same year
the VFL smashing the NRL money wise
that's an urban myth.;-)