Regardless of the free tickets I pretty sure they would still have attracted a fairly decent crowd.Great initiative, thousands of free tickets given out to staff and families of a kids hospital and The Parra charity. Not exactly great for finances but a great way to fill the ground and make it look 1/2 decent on TV.
Interesting test of support in Canberra on Sunday. The Raiders/Tigers game at Canberra Stadium is on against the Sydney/Melbourne AFL game at Manuka Oval.
Both games feature teams travelling similarly (mediocre) in this year's competitions - who would be disappointing most of their fans.
ds at home this 13k, have been just over 10k (average over last few years has been pretty close to what the AFL gets at Manuka).
31,664 @ ANZ
Great stuff.
Last night was the third annual Bandaged Bear Cup. Last year when both teams were playing like busteds the fixture drew in 27.5k. Roughly the same figure the year before too.What was the promotion that the Dogs were running? Something to do with support for a hospital? Hopefully they can turn it into a yearly event.
Swans didn't play last night, they're playing today at Manuka Oval in Canberra, so I believe we win by default :lol: Canberra v Tigpies on the other nice if it beats swans crowd tonight
get rid of the sydney teams. they have no potential market to tap.
What's doing in Townsville? I thought QLD was the centre of the RL universe...?
yep definitely a lot of Manly supporters there, probably 60/40 or 70/30... judging by where I was sitting anyway.