who do we blame for bad crowds? The fans, NRL or poor marketing?
Let's be honest:
The NRL is News Limited. What's their priority? They don't want you at the game - they want you at home watching 5 games in a row on their product, PayTV.
If it's going to cost you $100+ to take your family on sh*t transport to a sterile stadium, why wouldnt you stay home and watch it on TV.
We have to stop pretending News Limited are fans of rugby league and devoted to the welfare of the game. They syphon milions out of the game and the TV rights deals, which are rorts, cost the game tens of millions of dollars.
Why do we sit around and pretend on these threads that the game is what it was 12 years ago. It's NOT. It's a commodity owned by News Limited to make money - just like the Macquarie Bank turds do with Sydney Airport where you pay $4 for a 20 second trolley assuming a bikie doesn't kill your family before you're finished with it.
David Gallop isn't a gun CEO who loves the game. He's a News Limited lawyer who was given the gig to protect News Limited's interests.
Time to stop asking dumb questions hoping for a deluded "feelgood" answer.