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Whats Doing, bloody hell. That good money for them both. Tit's, you would hope paying Henry just below that. Don't know if DeGois would be able to sign with a club on that sort of money.

DeGois is signed at Cronulla for 2012, and I guarentee he is on nowhere near that type of coin.


Staff member
Sorry SR, but I think you'll find that the likes of Morris, Cooper, Nightingale, Soward, Hornby, Creagh, Scott, Hunt, Young etc etc are Dragons for life and will be taking unders to stay, no matter who is coach.


Staff member
Plus a number of our young blokes have recently re-signed with the club (even after Bennett announced he was leaving- Kyle Stanley, Mitch Rein, Cameron King...


- Cuthbertson turned up at Cronulla overweight, and did little to lose it. A fat slow ball playing backrower who didn't aim up. We kicked him out. Turned out to be the kick in the arse he needed, luckily for you guys.

That's a classic. Because you sacked him, that was the impetus for him to find some form? Seriously f**k me dead. :crazy:

What did your club do to develop his game, apart from sacking him ?

Yeah that's what I thought sweet FA.


That's a classic. Because you sacked him, that was the impetus for him to find some form? Seriously f**k me dead. :crazy:

What did your club do to develop his game, apart from sacking him ?

Yeah that's what I thought sweet FA.

Exactly mate. He came on big money and thought he could just throw a few offloads and eat McDonalds, so we turfed him. Didn't claim that the Sharks improved his game did I ?

He got sacked, and obviously went and lost the weight he needed to be a 1st Grade footy player.


Sorry SR, but I think you'll find that the likes of Morris, Cooper, Nightingale, Soward, Hornby, Creagh, Scott, Hunt, Young etc etc are Dragons for life and will be taking unders to stay, no matter who is coach.

I hope that's right for you guys. I really do.
But remember when Gaz was never going to leave? Then Rugby money came along?

Soward is more likely to follow Bennett than the others you've listed, he's not a "Dragons junior". Wouldn't surprise me to see Nightingale leave at some point too. Cooper is likely to head to England at some point isn't he?

The Salary Cap is a good thing, but blokes who have been at the club for their entire career need to be allowed to stay on the money they deserve (if the club can afford it).

We lost Peach at the end of his career. He was a "Shark for life" if you've ever seen one. Hurt like hell to see him in a Rabbitoh jersey. That shit shouldn't happen.


Staff member
A bloke leaving to play rugby overseas or in the ESL in the twilight of their careers is not akin to the likes of a star leaving for another club.

I am sure we will lose some blokes over the next few years but as can be seen in any objective analysis, it is clear that virtually all of our established squad would stick around with us for less than they could garner elsewhere.

Bennett won't raid our stocks- just not his thing. He left Brisbane with Boyd and Emmett, who were unwanted and had a close relationship with him. So far, the only confirmed player going with him to Newcastle is Boyd but will probably also lose McKinnon and maybe Cuthbo. But Saints won't be filthy over that.

Soward is now a Saint through and through.

Don't you ask yourself how the change in Cuthbo came about? It is called discipline and comes from the culture instilled in the club.
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I'm not saying that Bennett will raid the Dragons ranks. Not at all.
BUT, he isn't there to keep guys from leaving.

You guys also have the benefit now of the Illawarra region. A massive breeding ground for Rugby League talent. A fairly big percentage of the guys you list as being Dragons for life are from that area. They grew up there, their life is there, so obviously they are less likely to leave. Same goes for the Knights and Broncos, and to an extent the Cowboys. It's a huge advantage.

Cuthbo came to the Sharks with a poor attitude. He left with his tail between his legs and cap in hand for another shot a the NRL. Not much else to it in my opinion.
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Staff member
Yes, you just made our point for us. Most of those blokes are juniors from either the St George or Illawarra areas, or have settled their families in the area and are much more likely to accept less to stay whether Bennett is there or not.

It was clear that Stuart was a f**kwit who is very poor at man management and has destroyed many careers.


Assistant Moderator
I hope that's right for you guys. I really do.
I doubt that very much. You're just a common troll.
S.R said:
But remember when Gaz was never going to leave? Then Rugby money came along?
You know nothing about that. Surprise, surprise.
S.R. said:
Soward is more likely to follow Bennett than the others you've listed, he's not a "Dragons junior". Wouldn't surprise me to see Nightingale leave at some point too.
lol. You just contradicted yourself.
S.R. said:
Cooper is likely to head to England at some point isn't he?
Pretty old news now. But the latest is that he has signed on to stay at St George. Again, you show your ignorance.

Look, you're predictable and it's obvious what you're up to. Bottom line is your scummer team got thrashed by the reigning premiers last Monday, deal with it.


Won't find me arguing otherwise about Stuart. He's a good coach for a short period of time (eg Origin). Long term club coach is not his gig. That doesn't mean that the Sharks CLUB destroy players careers. It was simply one guy who had a way of doing things that didn't work out.

Those players who have "settled" in the Gong after being signed from elsewhere are now less likely to go there in the first place without Bennett's creepy carrot dangling. Therefore the production line would need to continue, and you'd need to sign the kids early, or they won't stay in the Gong when Tinkler and Rusty's money comes in at age 17 or 18.

Just on that, your Under 20s. Why are they so crap? A great history of juniors coming through, and they are running 2nd last or something? WTF?


I doubt that very much. You're just a common troll. You know nothing about that. Surprise, surprise.
lol. You just contradicted yourself.Pretty old news now. But the latest is that he has signed on to stay at St George. Again, you show your ignorance.

Look, you're predictable and it's obvious what you're up to. Bottom line is your scummer team got thrashed by the reigning premiers last Monday, deal with it.

You doubt it? Really? Good for you. You know nothing about me buddy. Unlike you, I actually don't wish bad on any other NRL team. I want them all to succeed, and maybe one glorious day one of them can lose to my team in the Grand Final.

You on the other hand just seem to have an issue with people who don't agree with you. Your ignorance is now being shown by ignoring the decent conversation that is going on. You're just a common control freak who hides behind a computer preaching his know all wisdom to all. Thanks for your insightful contributions to the world. How would we all get by without you?

By the way, what AM I up to Willow?

Bottom line is my "Scummer team" isn't merged. Deal with it.

Sorry Jubbsy, where were we?
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Staff member
Nonsense SR....we have never lost the juniors we have wanted to keep over the years, before or after Bennetts arrival. We are still a very attractive club to recruits with our professional and successful reputation.

Every club will have peaks and troughs in their 20s depending on so many factors. As we know, only a small number of players in these squads are destined to reach NRL level and I am more than happy with our current batch.


You doubt it? Really? Good for you. You know nothing about me buddy. Unlike you, I actually don't wish bad on any other NRL team. I want them all to succeed, and maybe one glorious day one of them can lose to my team in the Grand Final.

You on the other hand just seem to have an issue with people who don't agree with you. Your ignorance is now being shown by ignoring the decent conversation that is going on. You're just a common control freak who hides behind a computer preaching his know all wisdom to all. Thanks for your insightful contributions to the world. How would we all get by without you?

By the way, what AM I up to Willow?

Bottom line is my "Scummer team" isn't merged. Deal with it.

Sorry Jubbsy, where were we?
ill take merged over almost bankrupt and down on form :D


True, but now a slightly less attractive club for potential recruits.

You are happy with the current batch of 20s?
Give me the name of a future star out of that lot.

Didn't want to keep Josh Morris? Luke Bailey?
What about the Stewart boys? Aren't they Berkeley boys?
I'm still scratching my head at letting Beau Henry go. What did he do to Bennett to now get punted from two clubs?!?


Assistant Moderator
Bottom line is my "Scummer team" isn't merged. Deal with it.
Troll talk.

FTR, I don't wish for the sharks to fold, just relocate ffs and let a proper club run the district. It'll be nice when we get the shire back.


Troll talk.

FTR, I don't wish for the sharks to fold, just relocate ffs and let a proper club run the district. It'll be nice when we get the shire back.

But why Willow? It's such a "hole" isn't it?

Congrats for keeping me entertained. The dribble that comes from your ego-driven fingers is astounding. You're an A-Grade wanker. Well done of your rise to the upper echelons of dickheadness, alongside Blake Ferguson and that old poster named Dimitri. :clap:


Staff member
True, but now a slightly less attractive club for potential recruits.

You are happy with the current batch of 20s?
Give me the name of a future star out of that lot.

Didn't want to keep Josh Morris? Luke Bailey?
What about the Stewart boys? Aren't they Berkeley boys?
I'm still scratching my head at letting Beau Henry go. What did he do to Bennett to now get punted from two clubs?!?

Yes, slightly less...of course we would love Bennett to be staying. The man is a God.

Yes, I am happy with the batch of 20s. Look out for Jack de Belin, Jake Stockwell and you can include Cameron King, Mitch Rein and Kyle Stanley among this bunch of 20s. All future stars. I haven't named Alex McKinnon as I assume he is going home to the Hunter.

I don't think the club were willing to pay Josh Morris or Luke Bailey anywhere in the ballpark of what they got offered elsewhere. The cap requires decisions and I am very comfortable with how we have chosen and that includes the Stewarts and Henry.


Fair enough. Just out of curiousity, do you know if your Under 20s are mostly a year young? That would explain their results.

I'm quite happy with our 20s kids too. A few more stars in our lot this year than yours though. Peachey, Mills, Pickerd, Manumalealii, Walsh, Tutauha, Frizzell (if we can keep him from the Waratah $$$), not to mention Townsend. They should all play NRL some time in the nearish future.

As I said way back, I really do hope you guys keep your team. The Salary Cap shouldn't tear local juniors from their home club like it seems to do all too often.

Besides, there's nothing better than beating a Dragons side full of "stars". Shame we can't do it more often!!!

Thanks for the chat Jubbsy. Glad to see someone finally take the discussion for what it is, and not rely on personal insults and agendas. If only some more "senior" members of the forum could do the same.

Kudos and good night to you mate.

Whats Doing

Whats Doing, bloody hell. That good money for them both. Tit's, you would hope paying Henry just below that. Don't know if DeGois would be able to sign with a club on that sort of money.

Newcastle for years paid overs to get players to move to Newcastle and paying $220k for an untried under 20's player is just one of the many examples.

With Bennett there now, this will now not be a problem.