A SUMMERTIME chance to frolic on the oped pages is not to be taken lightly. So it's been that over the past month I've seized the opportunity to relieve the bursting bile ducts on several old scores.
A few weeks ago, it having occurred that the most glorious aspect of the Strayan summer next to Test cricket is the absence of rugby league, I thought to have a go at it.
Being many things, but not ingenuous, a certain response by nettled fans and boosters of the gravest game of all (or whatever this crowd call it) was not unexpected. It was, in truth, a prospect relished.
The fellow usually in charge of this page felt it wise to place a disclaimer that my "heretical views" were not shared by this upright organ.
"Heretical" is also apt.
Having asserted that league takes itself absurdly seriously, the true believers obliged by reacting with the fanatical intolerance of a jihadist to an infidel who has defiled The One True Code.
To question the league is to question the word of God. Or Dally Messenger. I can't remember. This lot flourish the word "immortal" almost as freely as "legend".
(As to the frenzy of homophobic epithets and desperate assertions of masculinity made by some and those who seemed strangely interested in my physique, let's just say some league fans have "issues".)
Yet what surprised, nay stunned me, was the nature of the online response (which buzzed past the double century before lunch on the day of publication).
If not overwhelmingly so, the response decisively favoured me. This is gratifying for several reasons.
* MY humble piece of ratbaggery disproves the myth that certain subjects are off limits hereabouts. Indeed, diversity of opinion is sought. We are blessed with funny, astute and articulate readers ;
* MOST sent the message that they'd like to be served a diet more varied than meat and potatoes; and
* STILL more gratifying is the reminder that if we wish to continue engaging you, then we mustn't proceed on certain comfortable assumptions.
Now back to my box.
He's trolling you all, hook, line and sinker.
Words can't accurately describe how much of a tool this merkin really is
a few comments:
*Not all the pro-RL comments got published, so how he can claim they "decisively favoured" him I have no idea
*No correction of his utter lies re: WWI participation of both sports.
*He's the most headbuttable twat on planet earth. Observe:
pottingerp@dailytelegraph.com.au in case you anyone wants to have another crack.
FMD, that's the stupidest line anyone can use on a forum, period.
Not sure whats so stupid about it.
Do you think the DT is more concerned with the accuracy and proffessionalism of its reporters or profits? How do newspapers make money? Selling papers and advert money which means hits and comments on their website are quite important.
This nameless nuffie probably doesn't even have much of a problem with league, probably treating this like an audition for a better job and he has picked his target well. If this article gets ignored the bloke is sent straight back to the f**ken carsguide, instead he managed to generate enough buzz that he got write another story and get his name out there even more.
The DT is giving him a pat on the back right now.
lol eat your heart out then. im sure he is reading all your emails in tears.
You edited your post to add that?
I couldn't care less what his reaction is.
When do you think you'll actually get this?
Haha im not a f**king hippie you moron.
And if you dont care what his reaction is why are u still insulting him?
lol what dumb childish merkin you sound like.
Yeah, you are. You're Neil from the Young Ones after a lobotomy.
Because I can.
Didn't I already mention that?
You answered the question from my previous post nicely, thanks. ;-)
Don't respond to the bait huh? moron.
The answer is "probably never".
You would do well to stop posting betcats.
Actually, you would do well to put a coherent argument on this discussion forward. The world doesn't revolve around ignoring inflammatory posts/articles. If it did we'd all be f**king hippies you dense merkin.
I'm all in favour of insulting the f**k out of the bloke for no other reason than we can.
Here, I'm emailing him this;
Dear Mr. Deputy editor of carsguide,
Is that a real job?
Surely, spell-checker would be more appropriate?
Let me guess, you get 45k a year and all the free car ads you want?
You've done well, all those years at Uni have paid off.
Your job is to spell-check car ads, not write geniused sports-oriented opinion pieces. Leave that to Bourbon Bec and her cohorts, stick to what you do best, making sure people spell the word "Ford" correctly.
I can't believe anyone at that rag you work for let you get into print, but at the same time I'd like to thank them for allowing it.
Funny stuff.
Look, I'm a good bloke, I reckon if I put a word in for you, they might just think about diverting your obvious literary talents to something more important than "deputy editor of Carsguide" LOL (sorry, that always makes me laugh). Something like "third assistant to the bloke who helps write the obituaries" or "Phil Rothfield's deputy spitoon"?
Let me know if I should, I'm happy to help.
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
The muppet who wrote this doesn't care about our reactions or opinions.
Actually, it seems that he does Road Tests and writes Reviews on cars and attends vehicle launches etc. Sometimes in foreign countries. So he's basically a motoring journo. The Deputy Editor bit would mean he also has editorial responsibilities. A deputy editor typically assists the main editor, also called the editor in chief, in preparing magazines, books, newspapers, or websites for publication. I doubt he's reading ads.