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Dave Smith is the greatest administrator in RL history.


First Grade
So allowing them to throw punches is the solution to these problems?

No, giving my opinion as to the real concern for rugby league players and fans - the cheap shots are just that, cheap.

The majority of violence has been taken out of the game since the 70s and 80s; as said there will always be the occasional flare up as it is a contact sport.

On most occasions a penalty is suffice with a warning to the captains to settle their players down or players will be marched (if more serious - then march the players involved); but a general edict that any players throwing a punch will at a minimum get 10 minutes is just totally against the fabric of the game's 100plus year history.
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First Grade
Question: if someone grabbed your nuts and tried to rip them from your body and you slash out with a punch, do you deserve 10 minutes in the bin?

Spot On

It would seem the Magpie has the Doctor by the nuts now!!!! For once, I'm on your side Magpie as are many, many league supporters judging by the outrage at the farce that was SOO 2.
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Spot On

So allowing them to throw punches is the solution to these problems?

Allowing??? You can't stop that type of reaction when cheap shots are "allowed" to be part of the game. The niggle will now go to new heights. Get used to it. Accept it.


First Grade
It would seem the Magpie has the Doctor by the nuts now!!!! For once, I'm on your side Magpie as are many, many league supporters judging by the outrage at the farce that was SOO 2.

Sperm On, that is not acceptable.:lol: I might need to change my view and call for a rough version of Oztag to replace rugby league.;-)

For four players to be binned for that little flare up in SOO2 is beyond most league fans.

Imagine if this rule was in vogue during the SOOs of the 80's, there would have been a touch footie game by the end (7 on 7)


As a fan who has always loved the biff and the spectacular contact of the shoulder charge, I agree with the new rules and think it was bound to happen eventually anyway. Good forward thinking by Dave Smith.

Fighting in the NHL is on the way out. With all the concussion drama going on in the NFL and with the Derek Boosgard tragedy in the NHL, the majority of people want it gone. The league and players are the ones who want to keep it in, because it's such a huge tradition and part of the game's history and a legitmate and important strategical move in some instances. You cant compare fighting in the NHL to fighting in the NRL. They're two completely different entities.

I think we can all agree we need to be constantly building the game at the grass roots level. Parents are much more protective of their kids these days and they dont want them participating in sports where they're likely to be punched in the head by some thug or knocked unconscious by a dangerous tackle.
Players already get hit in the head way too much in our game. The NFL is currently being sued by just about every player to ever play the game for concussion-related issues. It's a massive drama, which could seriously damage the league. Rugby League players are hit in the head just as much as NFL players are and aren't wearing any head protection. Don't be surprised if former NRL players come out in the next few years talking about problems they're suffering from as a result of all the head knocks they took during their playing days.
If you need to be convinced of why fighting needs to go, I strongly suggest you all check out the New York Times' article on the death of Derek Boogard. It's a long, but truly fascinating and eye-opening story that more people need to see. I cant post the link, because i only have 11 posts.

Shoulder charges and fights are a great spectacle and I love them as much as the next bloke, but nobody can deny they're dangerous and not at all in the interest of player safety. The game is still spectacular without them and the tackles are just as hard-hitting. And the players will still fight. Just not as often.

Dave Smith has made a great decision for the future of our beloved game. A lot of people are being very short-sighted.

The Origin sin-binnings of Tate and Bird were a disgrace though. Had only the two players who threw punches been sin-binned, I'd have had no problem with that. If Bird and Tate weren't binned, there'd have been no outrage. Poor application of a rule by officials shouldn't result in the condemnation of the rule itself.

You even watch nfl?? You are taught to ruse your head as a battering ram....... First contact in a tackle "as taught to me by my dad a former Detroit lion. " and every coach I have ever had should be head on head or head to hip etc etc ...... Pretty sure RL players head contact to hips and head clashes are minimal in comparison. :sarcasm:
Question: if someone grabbed your nuts and tried to rip them from your body and you slash out with a punch, do you deserve 10 minutes in the bin?

Good points, and I'm with you, there has to be a place for punishment that's based on contextual nuances. There's a difference between punching someone for just about no reason and punching someone because they've punched you five times in a row for no reason. The legal system understands the difference, courts understand the difference, judges understand the difference.

I made the point earlier in this thread, or could be I made it in another discussion, that a lot of the fighting we see isn't necessarily the result of bad rules but bad refereeing.

Allowing myself to be serious for just a moment, I reckon you could do much more to stop fighting by cutting out the actual niggle and penalising players for that than you would giving harsher punishment for people throwing punishment.

Even if you think fighting is unacceptable in all circumstances, and some people think that, you'd have to concede that in quite a number of cases players fighting is understandable.

Players often fight and throw punches because they have no faith in the referees to do their job. We've seen it so many times, a game will boil over because the ref turns a blind eye to bullshit in the tackle or in the play the ball. If we took this this origin as one example, and I don't care if you go the blues or the maroons, both fights took place because the referee didn't blow his whistle at two obvious acts of illegality. In game 1 Gallen stiff-armed Myles in the head, the ref ignored it and so a fight took place. You could say, and I'd personally agree with you, that Myles is guilty of cheap shots and had the stiff arm coming, but even so you would have to concede that the ref ignored a cheap shot somewhere along the line, no matter who it came from. Then switch to game 2, what happened? Gallen was lying all over the tackled player for an eternity, so Tate in his frustration pushed him the f**k out of there, and Merrin reacted to that.

Two examples aren't conclusive but in almost all cases, if you pay attention, fights come about because the referees are soft on bullshit niggling and cheap shots. Players take it into their own hands because they have zero confidence in the referees to do anything about it.

That's why there needs to be context, referees need to show discretion. Tate should have been sin binned last year for his punch on Bird, imo, but there's no way on earth that he deserved to be sin binned in game 2 of origin 2013.

We disagreed on shoulder charges but I think ironically I point I made in defence of the shoulder charge is just as relevant here. The point being that we wouldn't be having the discussion in the first place if the referees enforced already existing rules. Shoulder changes came under scrutiny mainly because idiot refs allowed for years players to run around shoulder charging people in the FACE. That your post and my response only exist because referees are too incompetent or scared to act on the rules that have been in place for decades.

Merrin and the referees are the only guilty party in this weeks origin.


I think we can all agree we need to be constantly building the game at the grass roots level.
The best way to do this is to have an attractive shop front. What turns heads, what draws peoples attention, well, all the things they're driving out of the game unfortunately.

Parents are much more protective of their kids these days and they dont want them participating in sports where they're likely to be punched in the head by some thug or knocked unconscious by a dangerous tackle.
Kids used to have the greatest say in what interest they wished to pursue in my day. Tackling is a dangerous pursuit, that much is very true, the sport can't really eliminate that aspect of the game (yet) but punching, to kids punching is no big deal unless its on-going or unprovoked. And the latter to points are very rare.

Rugby League players are hit in the head just as much as NFL players are and aren't wearing any head protection.
You have no evidence for this claim - its a misnomer.

Shoulder charges and fights are a great spectacle and I love them as much as the next bloke, but nobody can deny they're dangerous and not at all in the interest of player safety.
Tackling full stop is infinitely more dangerous than punching or one aspect of tackling alone - the shoulder charge. Now what!

The game is still spectacular without them and the tackles are just as hard-hitting.
A hard-hitting tackle does not make for a spectacular tackle. It can do but more often than not the only people who realize its a hard tackle is the converted. You're not going to draw in new fans off the back of most hard-hitting tackles.

The game is built around toughness, its point of difference to all other codes and especially to the code that's most similar to it (Union) was toughness. The uniqueness of the sport is very quickly eroding and the ability to attract new fans to the game will lessen as a result. This will be the legacy of the new regime.


The "powers that be" take one of the cheap shots out - the shoulder charge - fair enough, I have no issue; but continue to ignore the rest, outside of penalising when picked up.
Great post overall but I just disagree with you on this one point. I don't see the shoulder charge as a cheap shot, quite the contrary actually, I see it as a highly skilled tackle that few can master and fewer ever attempt to try.

If needed be the shoulder charge could have been left as a one-on-one tackle option much like if someone legitimately wants to strip the ball carrier then they can be the only person in that tackle. But my preference is for the whole thing to remain and for stiffer penalties if it goes wrong.


The merkin smith will probably after tonight will change it to send off for anyone who throw a punch.



Mitch Allgood says FU Dave Smith.

Bring back the biff!!!

And David Smith will give him the bird up,a couple of weeks on the sideline to cool off.Allbads was a cheap shot.
I'm over the biff now .The best game this weekend was at Perth,no biff but as tough as a water buffaloes a*se type of game.

Spot On

I don't think the Eels will be taking part in "the best game" of the weekend in any round this year. So no brainer there. Allgood gets a couple weeks suspension. Who cares.


First Grade
Have to laugh at this rubbish that smith has stopped fist fights. The very nature of the sport means they will always be present in some shape or form. All the admin has done is very publicly state that fighting players will be binned or sent off depending on severity and rightly so. Throwing punches shouldn't go unpunished, it is punished in every sport.

Hello, I'm The Doctor

First Grade
What you'll notice though is that, even though it hasn't stopped fighting, it has stopped them turning into riots where all the players are squaring off. Away from the guy that threw the punch and the guy getting hit, everyone else has cooler heads and realise its not worth the 10 minutes off the field.

You could see it in the 2nd Origin game. People were saying that 2 of the 4 guys sent to the bin didn't even throw punches. That means that, in the entire fight, only 2 guys did throw punches.

Compare that to game 1 where everyone was trying to land one and you'll see the rule change has actually done some good.

Spot On

Ha, there's been more biff since the "rule change" was announced. Let's hope there's more of it too. Origin 3 could get out of control if the niggle reaches an all time high. Those who don't want to watch the biff better tune out.

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