To be honest, I don't know why all you whingey old sad sacks would bother watching the team next year if your expectations are already so low. It can't be good for your blood pressure, surely. I can't see your attitudes changing even if we have positive season. And if our season does not improve, well your woofer valves will certainly pop. If something pains you so much, give it up. Try something a little less stressful, like needlepoint, macrame, or cooking classes. I know many in here disagree with me, or don't like me, but that is fine. I will continue to live my life of sunshine, rainbows, and James Squires, all stress free, regardless of you chilling out or continuing with your anti Ben Hunt anti Dragons rants for the next 12 months. I am still concerned for your health and well being. I hate to see anyone pop a is not pretty.