do any of you halfwits think I care enough about this subject to go into depths as to why I think it's a conspiracy, I watched a documentary on youtube and found the arguments interesting enough for me to believe there is doubt there that it couldn't have all been terrorists with box cutters
the towers going down just looks liked a controlled demolition, no i'm no expert on the matter but I think I read somewhere that those were the only buildings to come down after an inferno
I posted the picture with the plane because I trust the judgement of whoever did it, you'd think that they would know enough about the aircraft in comparison to the hole in the wall if they go to the troubles of making an hour long documentary on it, it's interesting viewing for someone like me who has absolutely no emotional connection with anything that happened on 9 11, I also posted the picture because the killer instinct within me wanted to see how many people take a bite
keep it real homies