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No, idiot. What you DON'T GET is that OPINIONS are not bileduct..
If it's not your opinion, it's wrong..
I get it.
Yup, you're as dumb as the rest of them.
No, idiot. What you DON'T GET is that OPINIONS are not bileduct..
If it's not your opinion, it's wrong..
I get it.
After arguing with truthers I sometimes feel like topping myself because of my disappointment in humanity.If I had any idea what that post meant, I'd top myself.
Depends what you're talking about.Whether or not 9/11 was an inside job or even if the "truthers" are complete nut jobs that's the most geniused line of reasoning for not having a debate about something, particularly given it's 10 years after the event. Quite aside from the fact most of the "victims" are not of this world anymore and therefore likely immune to the insults of mortals, if I lost a loved one in the attacks I would want every possible avenue pursued regarding how this event actually happened. Being used as a proxy to stifle debate is what I would find insulting quite frankly.
After arguing with truthers I sometimes feel like topping myself because of my disappointment in humanity.
You're only debating it because you have your tinfoil hat on
the powers that be somehow fked up and robbed the tigers of a try :sarcasm:
interesting to see what ends up happening this weekend
You're assuming I'm a truther. I'm not. I don't have the time nor the inclination to study what passes for the facts in this situation so I don't really have an opinion. All I said was that the argument that we shouldn't talk about this stuff because it will be hurtful to someone watching, something that's very much debatable, is a stupid argument. If you said "Truthers and their arguments are geniused." I wouldn't have said anything.
Well that was the implication, not sure how it's "stupid" to suggest someone related to those killed would get p*ssed off seeing such ridiculous, anti-US gvt propaganda
I am not even going to bother looking at this, but I assume it's a bunch of idiots like Richard Gage who thinks that dropping a cardboard box on another cardboard box somehow proves the WTC collapse is impossible, or Steven Jones who paid to have his theories of nano-thermite published in a supposedly peer reviewed journal (causing the editor to later resign) - nano-thermite recovered from dust samples that was only plentiful enough for Jones to suggest it was used as a trigger for another explosive... despite the complete absence of any other traces of explosives in the same dust. Or was it Judy Wood who believes that space beams disintegrated the twin towers and has issues determining the difference between dust and smoke?
I always enjoy these lists of persons who supposedly believe that 9/11 was an inside job. Funny how many names are removed from them over time... remember Van Jones?
Truthers make me laugh.
What do you mean by "disappears like it did".I'd like to know how a plane crashes into the Pentagon and just dissapears like it did.
Like Judge Judy says, if it doesn't make sense it's generally not true.
And you do realise that there were hundreds of eye witnesses to the crash, yes?I'd like to know how a plane crashes into the Pentagon and just dissapears like it did.
Like Judge Judy says, if it doesn't make sense it's generally not true.
i was really hoping this thread would get to 150+ posts just by laughing at the original nutcase.
As for the opinions of "experts", if I trusted every "expert" that I listened to then I would probably start saying "China launched a two stage ICBM off the coast of California" like all of you f**kin Alex Jones parrots.
Honestly get over yourself, your a fu...kin clown, just cause you have an opinion don't be-little the opinions of others...