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Dell the Dragon


First Grade
Godz Illa said:
I've done the Coogee-Bondi run a few times. It's a popular route and it goes through Waverley Cemetery in Bronte.

Fair enough, did not know that.

God-King Dean

Big Dog better learn to defend.

Betrayed League & went to Union for $$$ > talked absolute sh*t about RL, the game that gave him all he has > betrays his state & goes to NSW for more $$$ > gets caught being a druggo > comes crawling back.

He embodies everything I hate in a player.
I was incensed when Channel 9 had the audacity to give him a microphone for a week early in the season, but this would beat that hands down.

I'm like you Immy, this bloke is someone I despise for what he's done and the way he did it and any club that signs him will immediately move above Manly on my "Most Hated" club list.

Don't do it Dousty, just don't bloodywell do it.

Let him friggin' rot. Get a real job Sailor you turncoat bastard.
_Johnsy said:
I have just checked the calender, and it's not April 1st:cry: :cry:

why sign him to play 2nd row, after we have let go 3 promising forwards who can all play
2nd row.:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Hey Johnsy,

Mate Im just as furstrated as the next Dragons fan, but we've had promising forwards for som many years now, and really - where have we gone? We've always had the forward farm reaping so much talent & we can't keep them all.

IMHO we need a balance of young junior talent & an injection of established recruits (such as Woolford) if we are to get anywhere near success.

As for Dell, I'm actually for it. We shouldn't cut off our noses to spite our faces, ie because he left league shouldn't mean he is banished forever (remember Mat Rogers, Brad Thorn etc).

You don't think he'll be busting his big arse to make the grade when he returns?? Everyone knows that he is a league man, and not suited to Union. Whether it be the forwards or the backs - I'd rather have him than play against him.

Why the hell not, nothing else has worked lately..
Everlovin' Antichrist said:
I was incensed when Channel 9 had the audacity to give him a microphone for a week early in the season, but this would beat that hands down.

I'm like you Immy, this bloke is someone I despise for what he's done and the way he did it and any club that signs him will immediately move above Manly on my "Most Hated" club list.

Don't do it Dousty, just don't bloodywell do it.

Let him friggin' rot. Get a real job Sailor you turncoat bastard.

Exactly EA! I was blowing royally - as you might imagine. What really sh*ts me is how he has been able to waltz back into the footy fraternity, commentary, spots on the footy show. PISS OFF MATE - You're not welcome.

Go hang around on the north shore with all your 'mates' from union. Go talk about how you were in 'awe' of Totai Kefu (yes the idiot actually said that in 2003 when talking about 'great' players he'd played with - he rated him over Johns and Langer) You dickhead.
He never shut up when he went to Union.

Every friggin' weekend it was another load of wank in the papers from him, Union this and Union that and it's so much better.....

Tell him to get stuffed.

He's in a hole now because the ARU don't want him. Let him knock on Soccer or AFL's door.


First Grade
Bloody Disgusting. I don't care how good he is, you have to draw the line somewhere.

Oust Doust.


I'm going to support him now just because he seems to piss people off.


Woods99 said:
Which union is Dell in, Antacid? If it's the CFMEU, surely he would be welcomed back by the Raiders?

Oh Woods...you are just tooooo much. What a great example of trying to hijack a threat. Piss off to a Wobblies game...and take Dell with you.
Woods99 said:
Which union is Dell in, Antacid? If it's the CFMEU, surely he would be welcomed back by the Raiders?

Did I say "stay in the CFMEU" or "stay in a Union"?

Your game, the one that you spend hours treating your wrinkled old body like an amusement park over in the rugby Union heartland:lol: of Wamberal, is called Rugby Union. I know people like you want to believe that it's actually called Rugby, but it isn't. It's called Rugby Union. And if you're still confused and/or hurt at that thought, go to the IRB website and click on the English rules of the game....

Thanks for your input you silly, rancid old turd, you can go now.


International RL said:
Just sent this to the NRL.​

What the hell is going on at the NRL? Who the hell is approving Wendell Sailor backing in Rugby League. The bloke is an embarrassment to the code. He turned his back and took the cash in 2002. He absolutely bagged our game - despite everything it had given him - and was an active player in John O'niell's quest to kill off our great game.
Then the bloke gets busted for taking drugs. That's right...sniffing cocaine. Union doesn't want anything to do with this proverbial skidmark, so they drop him like a hot potato. And then the slime comes crawling back to our game, talking about second chances. Well sorry 'Dell' - I don't forget so easily. You are not only a traitor to the game that made you a household name ,you are an embarrassment to elite athletes everywhere. You are the epitome of all that is wrong with modern sport, selfishness, arrogance, excess and lack of self control. I don't want you anywhere near my club, or for that matter my code. We don't need a Ben Cousins

Just take a swing!!!!


First Grade
Did anyone have any objections when Matt Rogers came back to league? He too was used as an anti-league mouth piece at times by union and he too only went for the cash at the same time as Wendell.

Personally I don't have a problem with big 'Dell coming back (just thankfully it isn't for Brisbane), the more we snare back the better. Now it's time for the NRL to use Wendell as our mouthpiece to talk up what a mistake it was for him ever going to union.


salivor said:
Did anyone have any objections when Matt Rogers came back to league? He too was used as an anti-league mouth piece at times by union and he too only went for the cash at the same time as Wendell.

Personally I don't have a problem with big 'Dell coming back (just thankfully it isn't for Brisbane), the more we snare back the better. Now it's time for the NRL to use Wendell as our mouthpiece to talk up what a mistake it was for him ever going to union.

Good point sal, use matty as well.

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