To El Diablo's question, I think it would be a crazy move from DF and Co to further cut funding to the Football Club, because this would just irritate people even more (if that is possible) to want to have him eliminated from his position at the Leagues Club and with an election coming up early next year at the Leagues Club, that would not be smart. People must remember that a vote for any business' directors does not mean you can get rid of a CEO. The directors choose whether a CEO stays or goes. In saying that, that is what happens in every other business within Aus. I feel the same can not be said with what is currently going down at our leagues club. Another reason why change is needed at the directors level. Unless a majority is taken at the leagues club election, DF stays in power. Again, I do not want to turn this into a slinging match against the current people in power and the leagues club vote is something that should not be looked at until we have finished with the Football Club.
I think I said it on one of my other posts and it is 100% accurate. If the 3P ticket gets onboard, we will make sure that the Parramatta Eels team is the no.1 priority of all business dealings. After the Leagues Club elections which again is not an issue at this stage, 3P would guarantee funds to the team and not minimise them when our ticket is in control.
Eeladdick is right as well. If people feel we have done a rotten job after two years, again they have the ability to vote us out. It will be even easier for them to get rid of us, considering we want to change the constitution to making voting allowable straight away at your first AGM after joining the club. However, with the knowledge and financial backing behind us, I believe with all my heart and business sense that we would not screw it up.