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Do you think this is real...


Super Moderator
Staff member
No preniers, it's a load of shit, don't be so gullible. :arrow:


its fake, the "time machine" was posted on line by "john" and it had some sort of sticker from the 90's on it :lol:


First Grade
Who won the Super Bowl in 2001?

I do not answer questions like this. Although I don't really know the
motivation for the question.I can guess. If a time traveler had knowledge of
your future, and you could only ask one question, would this be it? Besides,
can you tell me if it rained in New York on June 4th 1932? You are from
their future so should you know that?

lol this guy is smart...i dont believe his a time traveller...all his answers range from usually avoiding the main question and just sending the same answers "does it really matter when it happens" i dont see the point of a time traveller who comes online and tells people his from the future but wont tell us anything of relevence...after all he never really gave any specific dates and kept saying when it begins it will be obvious.


Well he says theres a civil war in America due to this election, what with the terrorist atacks before elections and all, I can see that becoming a formality.


First Grade
alot of his answers are about life in 2036, if he is from the future why would we want to know about the post war era instead of the prevention? if indeed 3 billion people die then why doesnt he help in trying to cut down that number?

his full of sh!t, he says " I do not seek to add to my credibility" yet why bother posting about it at all?


First Grade
the so called us civil war occours shortly after a so called middle east war (could it be the us invasion of Iraq? doubt it but he said it all begins in 2004). the arab nations apparently attack one another..lol come on..


Super Moderator
Staff member
There are no signs of a civil war in America prens, do you know what a civil war is?


Yer I do know what a civil war is, Arab nations turning on each other, well we do have the Palestine and the Isralie prolems but they have been occurring for years, over 50 isn't it? That is a good point though, the invasion of Iraq happened over a year a go so unless something happens with the current situation and the USA re-enter then I suppose it throws it all out of the window. Doesn't it say somewhere Athens 2004 doesn't go ahead?


First Grade
"As a thought experiment, if I did tell
you who the winning horse was and you killed it before the final race, would
that make me a liar or would it support my statement that our worldlines are
about 2% different? Do you know who won that race 30 years ago?"

this is true...just cause "he is from the future" he shouldnt be expected to know every detail about our time..he did mention that the 2004 olympics would be the last until possibly 2040.

having said that, he offers very little proof and his rules regarding his replies make it kind of hard to get an answer that isnt just assumptions, its all about phrasing and he seems to phrase all his crap pretty well.


That would have meant that someone in high authority would have read this and changed what they are doing in Iraq, or somewhere in the Middle-East region, and I can't really see Geore Bush reading this or something.


Does the current relationship between Arabs and Jews have anything to do with the coming war?

(63) Real disruptions in world events begin with the destabilization of the West as a result of degrading US foreign policy and consistency.

(64) This becomes apparent around 2004 as civil unrest develops near the next presidential election.

yep, i see it happening right now

What a crap future we have ahead of us (whether this happens or not)
Please aliens, come and take us away from this planet


First Grade
nah he says after the 2004 olympics it will end due to problems with the US, he goes on to say that seeing as how the US is in conflict with a few contries and this may result in some sort of mishaps. the next games are scheduled in the US so it does have a back to it...if there really was a problem with a few nations and the US id doubt they would go on US soil...

but then you gotta look at the fact that this has been happening for years now, how many times going into a olympic event has the US had some sort of problem with some nation? it happens all the time when your the power house nation.


He also says something happens in every month in 2004 leading up to the civil war,

Well, Madrid train bombing and the end of the war in Iraq, the Saddam Hussain Court case, that's all you can really get out of this year so far.

Also, he notes that The World War doesn't start to many years after the American Civil War starts, then why is it that a civil war can stop an Olympics somewhere no-where near America, in China?

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