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Dragons Army Yesterday

C'mon Raiders ... what's that got to do with what's being argued? Even for you, you have to admit, that's a pretty long bow to draw....

Yeah dw it's cool. Your supporters dismiss serious things like this and quietly sweep it under the carpet.

It's what being a Dragons fan is all about, you see.


Who's bitter? It isn't me. My opinion of you merkins hasn't changed in many years. And I didn't bring up the incident. It's Tuesday night and the game was over 48 hours ago. If I truly cared, was bothered, or disturbed by anything that happened on Sunday I would of brought it up well before now. And I didn't even bring it up at all, but commented because I believe the incident - reported by someone else - involved me and thought that I would add a little credence to the story. Whether or not you believe me is of absolutely no consequence and there was very little in it anyhow. It was just the typical Stain fan. Happy to hunt in a pack and all bark, no bite.

All bark no bite????? you have to be kidding yourself. The f**kwits that threw the cans and bottles got pulled aside and dealt with.

You all seem to come to our forum when we lose and try to put us all down and make out as if we are thugs, but when we got attacked by newcaslte supporters it was our fault, and when we go to brookvale and get FULL bottles of coke and meat pies thrown at us, its our fault, and when we get attacked by a drunk roosters supporter last season at the scg, its our fault. Oh and when 3 of our guys get jumped by 15 tigers supporters at last seasons prelim its our fault. And when the bullsdogs supporters throw their nike tn's at us from an above bay at anz, its our fault. And when 8 steriod injected drunk broncos fans throw bear on us when we are walking past the caxton.......................YES, its our f**ken fault.

There is always isolated incidents at EVERY NRL GAME. FFS the australian culture at footy is to buy four beers at a time and drink it to save having to go back to the line to wait for the next round. What more do you expect whe there is alcohole involved.

Isnt it funny that as soon as souths got infront a random souths supporter comes over to the army and stands behind us and starts putting shit on us and pushing one of our boys around. Oh but because we didnt go to your forum and have a cry, it doesnt mean it didnt happen.

We are not scared of anyone, but we have taken a no violence approach for our army to move forward.

We are big, colourfull and we always attract attention from oposition fans. Everywhere we go, other fans go out of their way to position themselves close to where we sit to stir us up and try to invoke violence.

I think you guys need to find something else to worry about, like dave taylor talking about winning this years premiership.


Assistant Moderator
Murfaroo conspiracy theories now. lol. Get out the al-foil.

Waiders, do you still live with your parents?

Red V Ultras

They farked Matt Orfords Audi, not his fault if faiders are paying overs and he's kicking back while playing park footy.

Filthy Crapberra supporters, how dare you.


LOL! 'Oneself'... indeed.

There, there. Someone needs a hug.

Happy to oblige. But first take the sock out of your trousers.

Says the man with 65000 posts to his name. You would be the expert on such matters, I'm sure. I've got nothing to prove to someone who is happy to surruptitiously intimidate people on an internet forum and who conducts their entire social life through this medium. You're a joke Willow.

Oh, I almost forget to add...'LOL'! You know, you add it to every post so I assume it must mean something.


Assistant Moderator
All bark no bite????? you have to be kidding yourself. The f**kwits that threw the cans and bottles got pulled aside and dealt with.

You all seem to come to our forum when we lose and try to put us all down and make out as if we are thugs, but when we got attacked by newcaslte supporters it was our fault, and when we go to brookvale and get FULL bottles of coke and meat pies thrown at us, its our fault, and when we get attacked by a drunk roosters supporter last season at the scg, its our fault. Oh and when 3 of our guys get jumped by 15 tigers supporters at last seasons prelim its our fault. And when the bullsdogs supporters throw their nike tn's at us from an above bay at anz, its our fault. And when 8 steriod injected drunk broncos fans throw bear on us when we are walking past the caxton.......................YES, its our f**ken fault.

There is always isolated incidents at EVERY NRL GAME. FFS the australian culture at footy is to buy four beers at a time and drink it to save having to go back to the line to wait for the next round. What more do you expect whe there is alcohole involved.

Isnt it funny that as soon as souths got infront a random souths supporter comes over to the army and stands behind us and starts putting shit on us and pushing one of our boys around. Oh but because we didnt go to your forum and have a cry, it doesnt mean it didnt happen.

We are not scared of anyone, but we have taken a no violence approach for our army to move forward.

We are big, colourfull and we always attract attention from oposition fans. Everywhere we go, other fans go out of their way to position themselves close to where we sit to stir us up and try to invoke violence.

I think you guys need to find something else to worry about, like dave taylor talking about winning this years premiership.
Well said Cooper-Man.

The fact is, the Dragon Army are the envy of the other supporter groups. The smart league supporters acknowledge this and they are in the majority.

It became abundantly clear early on that this was a minor incident, but unfortunately a few drama queens and trolls came in to spread lies. SSTID in particular. I don't think any of them are man enough to apologise, but they should at least heed the message to stfu.

I notice that slammin has gone very quiet since starting this thread.


lol. It's still going on about it.

Would you like someone to tuck you in?


Yeah, tuck me in. You'd probably call on about 10 mates to help. You know, real people. But I'll decline the offer anyhow, thanks. I sleep very well at night. Much better than yourself I'd bet.


Assistant Moderator
Says the man with 65000 posts to his name. You would be the expert on such matters, I'm sure. I've got nothing to prove to someone who is happy to surruptitiously intimidate people on an internet forum and who conducts their entire social life through this medium. You're a joke Willow.

Oh, I almost forget to add...'LOL'! You know, you add it to every post so I assume it must mean something.
What, no more emoticons?

Edit... spoke too soon. lol



Yeah, tuck me in. You'd probably call on about 10 mates to help. You know, real people. But I'll decline the offer anyhow, thanks. I sleep very well at night. Much better than yourself I'd bet.

I'm 1 bloke. No need for friends, would love to dance with you...


Assistant Moderator

Yeah, tuck me in. You'd probably call on about 10 mates to help. You know, real people. But I'll decline the offer anyhow, thanks. I sleep very well at night. Much better than yourself I'd bet.
Yeah, yeah... you have an opinion of yourself. Tough guy, big keyboard. Fastest gun in the west... yeah, got it.

But you're a fool and proven liar.

If you must talk shit, at least turn off your signature while doing so. The great Jack Rayner would kick your sorry arse for associating his name with your posts.


What, no more emoticons?

Edit... spoke too soon. lol

Liar. Very clever.

The fact of the matter is that my integrity wouldn't of been questioned if I didn't have such a passionate dislike of you people. There is another fellow who posts on this forum who was with me at the time. I can ask him to verify further, if you'd like? But he is a Souths fan, obviously, and I assume that his version will also be dismissed out of hand.

I've not stirred trouble before, so I don't have a reputation for this sort of thing. Usually I would just stay out of here, but I saw the thread whilst scrolling down the outside page, I didn't come looking for anything. It wasn't a big issue, just the standard cowardice from a Stain fan. Par for the course and not worth mentioning, until someone else did.

All good. Like I said, I sleep very well at night.


Yeah, yeah... you have an opinion of yourself. Tough guy, big keyboard. Fastest gun in the west... yeah, got it.

But you're a fool and proven liar.

If you must talk shit, at least turn off your signature while doing so. The great Jack Rayner would kick your sorry arse for associating his name with your posts.

'Proven liar'? Because you say so? At the moment it is the word of two people over one.

The opinion I have of myself is that of someone who won't take a backward step when someone is trying to intimidate me or my friends. I wouldn't call that tough. It is something that I think most men would do. Apparently not you though, which isn't surprising.

Red V Ultras

STD your full of crap, you come here and try and bring down the DA. Do yourself a favor and get dental care cause 80% of your fan base have there front teeth missing, now I know why.


Assistant Moderator
Liar. Very clever.
Shoe fits.

S.S.T.I.D said:
The fact of the matter is that my integrity wouldn't of been questioned if I didn't have such a passionate dislike of you people.
Haha! "You people."

Then you're hardly a reliable witness. Thanks for proving my point.
S.S.T.I.D said:
There is another fellow who posts on this forum who was with me at the time. I can ask him to verify further
You mean in the reaaaal world? Can we call him sockpuppet II?
S.S.T.I.D said:
I've not stirred trouble before, so I don't have a reputation for this sort of thing.
That's super.
S.S.T.I.D said:
Usually I would just stay out of here, but I saw the thread whilst scrolling down the outside page
Well at least you know where the door is. But stop bullshitting, you were spoiling for a fight. It just didn't turn out how you hoped.
S.S.T.I.D said:
I didn't come looking for anything.
Another lie. Blatant one at that.
S.S.T.I.D said:
It wasn't a big issue
LMAO!!! More bullshit. You carried on like an old woman.
S.S.T.I.D said:
All good. Like I said, I sleep very well at night.
You keep saying that. Who are trying to convince? Ah yes, yourself.
Last edited:


continuing a nice line in contradictory behaviour there.

If I was to use the same manner of generalisation that you practise, I might think that your personality disorder might be the basis for your income source but that might mean that I am like you so I won't do that.

In short... I pity you and wish you well in conquering your own demons.


Assistant Moderator
Careful what you say Juan. STD is one tough dude, doesn't take a backward step. He'll even take it to the internet. There is no emoticon that can adequately express his outrage. Ask Jack Rayner.

But he sleeps well at night.


Slammingsam, it may very well of been me who was involved in the altercation on Sunday, if the incident you are talking about happened to the right of the hill. Dragons fans are the lowest merkins in existence, to be perfectly frank. All bark, no bite and standing on the hill on Sunday only solidified what I already knew. Utter cowards. You'd see more spine in an earthworm than in your average Stain fan.

And no, I'm not trolling. That is just the way it is.

You're gutless.

If your concerns were genuine you would have addressed Cooperman's well thought out reply later in this thread but you didn't.

How convenient that we don't play your useless rabble again until next year so you feel the safety to make your comments. All bark no bite. Be sure to register your attendance prior to the game against your niff-nuff side next season.


Thanks for the warning Willow.
This internet stuff is serious man's business apparently.

As I value my personal space should I take a step away from the computer due to the issue of Homebush TID not taking a backward step ?

For some reason I have this mental image of a person with his nose hard up against the screen wailing about credence etc ....