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Dragons Army Yesterday



typical behaviour from your supporters, you'd expect nothing less from a bunch of grubs

Well done S.S.T.I.D. You now have a new mate. Raiders_Premiers. All you need is BestHalfBackWhateverThatClown'sNameIs to support you and you can have a lovely little threesome. The Holy Trinity of Gayness.
Slammingsam, it may very well of been me who was involved in the altercation on Sunday, if the incident you are talking about happened to the right of the hill. Dragons fans are the lowest merkins in existence, to be perfectly frank. All bark, no bite and standing on the hill on Sunday only solidified what I already knew. Utter cowards. You'd see more spine in an earthworm than in your average Stain fan.

And no, I'm not trolling. That is just the way it is.

This coming from the same set of Souffs fans that were booing and chanting during a minutes silence for Mr Bob Seabrook in round 1 this year and the same set of fans who threw coins and other junk at Todd Carney when he lined up a conversion last year, don't criticise other fans for being low when your own fans are second only to merkinerbury.

The Major

Thats what happens when your family tree doesnt fork. Your mums your sister, your dads your sisters nephew, and your centrelink worker is your godparent.

Living the dream.


Village Idiot
Staff member
I haven't abused anyone personally in here.

really? really?

let's just have a look at your posts shall we?

we'll start with one of your comments from later in that same post:

I took the opportunity to remind Stain fans of their place in the world.

but yes, that's not a personal insult, however an insult much the same..

shall we continue?

you merkins

was just the typical Stain fan. Happy to hunt in a pack and all bark, no bite.

You're a joke Willow.

just the standard cowardice from a Stain fan.

so as well as abusing someone personally, your choice of abuse is simply sweeping generalisations. nice one..

you've said you haven't abused anyone on this board, yet as evidenced above you have done it both individually and in totality..

so i ask you again, are you a hippocrite or a liar?

And I'm certainly not bragging

yes, of course you're not:

The opinion I have of myself is that of someone who won't take a backward step when someone is trying to intimidate me or my friends.

very easy to say over the internet... but yes, i'm sure you stood tall as the one voice of reason in the face of hundreds of "typical coward stain fans" hurtling abuse to your mob..

let me guess, you simply shouted out "hah, we beat you, so shut up" or something equally as lame, but of course, in your mind you put everyone in their place..

it's very easy to talk tough online, but as most know, it's not the ones who talk themselves up that you need to be worried about..

so your opinion of your self is of someone who wont take a backward step? my opinion of you is that you clearly have a warped view of what happens vs what you believe happens..

now.. if you have this strong dislike for "all of us" maybe you should go away?

big pat

This coming from the same set of Souffs fans that were booing and chanting during a minutes silence for Mr Bob Seabrook in round 1 this year and the same set of fans who threw coins and other junk at Todd Carney when he lined up a conversion last year, don't criticise other fans for being low when your own fans are second only to merkinerbury.

the bob seabrook incident was disgusting, wouldn't expect anything else from low life $ouff$ supporters.

Father Ted

First Grade
Booing a dead man during the one minute of silence . THERE IS NOTHING LOWER . Coming into our forum and bagging all of us fair enough but be a man and admit your doing it . Bit of a hypocrite don't you think. By the way I have watched for years now how other supporters bait the Dragon Army I congratulate the way they refrain from biting. I know Cooperman and others in the Army and I feel compelled to say they fall into the catogory of real gentlemen . Sorry that we have a couple of dick heads who put on our colours and disgrace us but to bag the good 99% is B.S
the bob seabrook incident was disgusting, wouldn't expect anything else from low life $ouff$ supporters.

Booing a dead man during the one minute of silence . THERE IS NOTHING LOWER . Coming into our forum and bagging all of us fair enough but be a man and admit your doing it . Bit of a hypocrite don't you think. By the way I have watched for years now how other supporters bait the Dragon Army I congratulate the way they refrain from biting. I know Cooperman and others in the Army and I feel compelled to say they fall into the catogory of real gentlemen . Sorry that we have a couple of dick heads who put on our colours and disgrace us but to bag the good 99% is B.S

The scabs were pointing at the screen which had a tribute to Mr Seabrook whilst booing and chanting and it was not one or two wankers it was the majority of their supporters bay doing it.

Fancy complaining about a can or two being thrown, I doubt they were sitting there like angels throughout the day either.

Low-life, feral scabs.

big pat

i remember working at the last federal election they gave me 2 polling booths in redfern, in one of them this guy came in a souffs beanie no teeth, no shoes, said to the young girl, i want to vote, ok name uhh, name and address, he said he lived next door, anyway i left came back a couple of hours later, the guy was next door alright, had a couple of pieces of cardboard, plastic bags, something in brown paper, talking to himself.


Assistant Moderator
You get that perception in the USA?

Like it or not, you will always get a couple of ratbags at the football. The vast majority are there for the game and good company.

As we have seen, there always are grey areas as who started what. And drama queens do have a habit of overstating things. I'll put my money on STTID as being one of those with a short fuse.


All bark no bite????? you have to be kidding yourself. The f**kwits that threw the cans and bottles got pulled aside and dealt with.

You all seem to come to our forum when we lose and try to put us all down and make out as if we are thugs, but when we got attacked by newcaslte supporters it was our fault, and when we go to brookvale and get FULL bottles of coke and meat pies thrown at us, its our fault, and when we get attacked by a drunk roosters supporter last season at the scg, its our fault. Oh and when 3 of our guys get jumped by 15 tigers supporters at last seasons prelim its our fault. And when the bullsdogs supporters throw their nike tn's at us from an above bay at anz, its our fault. And when 8 steriod injected drunk broncos fans throw bear on us when we are walking past the caxton.......................YES, its our f**ken fault.

There is always isolated incidents at EVERY NRL GAME. FFS the australian culture at footy is to buy four beers at a time and drink it to save having to go back to the line to wait for the next round. What more do you expect whe there is alcohole involved.

Isnt it funny that as soon as souths got infront a random souths supporter comes over to the army and stands behind us and starts putting shit on us and pushing one of our boys around. Oh but because we didnt go to your forum and have a cry, it doesnt mean it didnt happen.

We are not scared of anyone, but we have taken a no violence approach for our army to move forward.

We are big, colourfull and we always attract attention from oposition fans. Everywhere we go, other fans go out of their way to position themselves close to where we sit to stir us up and try to invoke violence.

I think you guys need to find something else to worry about, like dave taylor talking about winning this years premiership.

Where is the like button? :clap::clap:

100% correct.

big pat

just another over reaction by a mixo genius, the f**kwit wouldn't even know who the person doing the throwing, it could have been a relo of the masons.

The Nick

I posted something similar in another thread about 1 certain dickhead during the Raiders game who thought it was funny to pour his beer on the head of a Raiders supporter and his wife after the Soward field goal, a truly low act!


I know that bloke (he's also related to one of our players) and i had a go at him for doing that because not only did the beer go all over the Raiders bloke and the chick he was with, but also over a few of us (myself included) who were sitting in the rows behind.

Yeah I gave him a bit of a spray to, I was sitting a row or 2 in front with my Missus and neither of us were impressed.

But as I stated, it was just one dude acting on his own, and everyone else who saw it (you and me included) told him to pull his head in and walk away
Sorry fellas but nothing tops West Tigers ferals. They are utter low lives a good minority of them. U will see what I mean Friday night. BTW stop bagging Darius. He may be joining us in 2012 but the kid did set up two tries on the weekend. I can understand your annoyance but he will be a big reason if u go back to back.
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Staff member
Like it or not there can be a negative perception of dangerousdave because of the way he carries on...


I feel sorry for you guys with all your so called trolls that you have to tolerate. They should all realize that no one's sh!t stinks over here.
Like it or not there can be a negative perception of dangerousdave because of the way he carries on...

:lol: only when I'm drinking

Now I never said it was people that you guys consider to be in the army, more likely hangers on who are more interested in geeing people up than watching the footy.

And willow, I moved here 3 months ago. Was in or near the army for every Sydney, Wollongong, Canberra, Newcastle and gold coast fixture in the last 3 to 5 years unless out of the country...I'm qualified to make innocent comments on the da's public image


Staff member
That is the beauty of the Army....you don't have to pay to be a "member", submit your details to any club or organisation and as much as some may try, there is no leadership that one must obey. It is just a great egalitarian gathering of people from all walks of life who like to go nuts in support of their team.

Some may say a price of that is that "hangers on" may come along and tarnish the "image" of the Army. But we all know the reality is that there isn't any problem, other than that being propagated by a couple of opposition trolls who are jealous of what we have. There are morons who support any club as pointed out by cooperman but the only people who worry about an "image" problem are those who don't understand the above.