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Dragons & Raiders merger - merged with the WTF Dog Act


Village Idiot
Staff member
the sad thing is... he was in a room full of people...

surely someone there would have had the decency / common sense to tell him that the act was not right & should not be done..?


First Grade
the sad thing is... he was in a room full of people...

surely someone there would have had the decency / common sense to tell him that the act was not right & should not be done..?

Good point I didn't think Canberra was that much of a boring place to live.


First Grade
He's just lucky the big dog didn't take to it as well as it would do to a kransky sausage.:shock:


First Grade
Jokes apart I do feel sorry for the guy though, he was never the type of player that caused any trouble and stuff and I think he's hanging up the boots now after that incident.

This Year?



where are you?!

That makes it even more awesome. Forgot about the Zeppelin IV.
31 actually. So I was born roughly 6 weeks after Saints won in 79.
Thanks big pat, just saw your wall post. Much appreciated mate.
Happy birthday St George RLFC. May we celebrate many more fantastic wins together.
They may say you're extinct but we don't care. A few extra beers to celebrate it


Whoopsy, mods have to delete my initial post because they're afraid I'm offending that t_ddeath twig :lol:

31 years since the mistake eh, what did you get for your birthday a few months cut from your jail sentence?
Last edited:


Village Idiot
Staff member
Whoopsy, mods have to delete my initial post because they're afraid I'm offending that t_ddeath twig :lol:

31 years since the mistake eh, what did you get for your birthday a few months cut from your jail sentence?

ahh.. there you are... where have you been??

anyway, in celebration of you joining our little possie, here's a present for you..

i thought i'd shout you to a blonde pole dancer...

hope she's your type..



Assistant Moderator
Here's where you'll find your post Raiders_Premiers.

As for you whinging about being moderated in the 'on this day' thread, I can see your post that was deleted and the moderator's actions were more than justified.

What you posted was very much against the rules. Suffice to say, there's a little present coming your way.
Here's where you'll find your post Raiders_Premiers.

As for you whinging about being moderated in the 'on this day' thread, I can see your post that was deleted and the moderator's actions were more than justified.

What you posted was very much against the rules. Suffice to say, there's a little present coming your way.

No more against the rules I would think than what the mental patient I replied to constantly posts. A usual case of your fans dishing it out but not being able to cop it I guess..

Little present... gonna ban me? :lol: If so go ahead you gutless wonder


Whoopsy, mods have to delete my initial post because they're afraid I'm offending that t_ddeath twig :lol:

31 years since the mistake eh, what did you get for your birthday a few months cut from your jail sentence?

The biggest of all mistakes is the fact they haven't kicked you out of LU yet. Bigger than that is how
you still actually breathe & take up space on this planet. That in itself is beyond comprehension.
Don't let the swamp suck you up on the way out dog boy....

:lol: Says a guy whose majority of posts are a piss weak attempt to insult me

People aren't stupid buddy, they know you're a stalker which is why you're rubbished whenever you post


Assistant Moderator
:lol: Says a guy whose majority of posts are a piss weak attempt to insult me

People aren't stupid buddy, they know you're a stalker which is why you're rubbished whenever you post
He seems to have got under your skin.

You're whinging about a post that was deleted. You can't post crap like that. Grow up.

And paranoid as well. The only members who get banned are those that are too dumb to take the hint. I suggest you read the rules that you agreed to when you joined the forums.
:lol: You take the cake Willow. A guy makes the majority of his posts about one solitary member (due to my Stain bashing), yet he gets under my skin. lol... there are no words. I hope you don't truly believe the stuff you post

Don't take it the wrong way, I'm fine with it. I'm fine with all abuse coming my way. But when you start using your "admin powers" & getting precious about your fans copping it in return it shows me just how piss weak you all really are.

And please, spare me your "it was against the rules" tripe. There are literally dozens of posts (which are too hard to find due to the forever broken function) which contravene different rules yet no one bothers to report/or mods don't give a rats.

You wanna be biased, no worries, but don't go and hide under the guise of being fair.


Village Idiot
Staff member
waiders... nobody here acutally cares mate...

go away and save yourself the effort..


Assistant Moderator
You take the cake Willow. A guy makes the majority of his posts about one solitary member (due to my Stain bashing), yet he gets under my skin.
Ah, ya big sook. Of course he got under your skin. It's the only saving grace you have at the moment.

Look sunshine, I don't give a stuff about your squabbles. This is not a kindergarten and mods are not here to break up your fights. But if you breach the rules, the mods will do their job. It's simple.

There's name calling, then there's those who cross the boundaries. You're obviously incapable of telling the difference.

Raiders_Premiers said:
Don't take it the wrong way, I'm fine with it.
lol. Rubbish.
Raiders_Premiers said:
But when you start using your "admin powers" & getting precious about your fans copping it in return it shows me just how piss weak you all really are.
That old chestnut. You've been caught out crossing the line RP. You can't admit it and are trying to blame someone else... now that's pissweak.

You know what you did - it was explained to you by PM. So don't lie about it. Moreover, the PM was polite and direct, and done via the proper channels.
Raiders_Premiers said:
And please, spare me your "it was against the rules" tripe. There are literally dozens of posts (which are too hard to find due to the forever broken function) which contravene different rules yet no one bothers to report/or mods don't give a rats.
lol. The 'forever broken function'. How convenient.

No Mod doing his/her job would allow a post like yours to stand. There's your answer. If you see something excessive like that, by all means feel free to report it. But make it legit. Whinging about a bit of name calling is just time-wasting and also against the rules.

And if you think you're being singled out, please take a seat in the 'I've been singled out' waiting room. But take a book, it gets crowded in there at times. If that went over your head, look up irony.
Raiders_Premiers said:
You wanna be biased, no worries, but don't go and hide under the guise of being fair.
You're getting more leeway than most members. What can I say, I must be a soft touch.
Sigh. Arguing/giving facts to you is dead set the most pointless task ever. Oh well

Ah, ya big sook. Of course he got under your skin. It's the only saving grace you have at the moment

Ahaha. The lengths you're going to to cover up another fans actions. Admirable, but quite stupid. I've managed to piss off pretty much your entire fan base on here, and I love it. You're the only ones stupid enough to fall for the same sh*t over and over again.

He temporarily disappeared up your smelly, turd-stained arsehole....


I think you have a stalker RP....is he still sooking coz you don't like St Merge?

A snippet like this which I remembered off the top of my head (one of quite a few) will contradict your claim. Bad luck. People aren't stupid mate - except if they're Stain fans

Look sunshine, I don't give a stuff about your squabbles.

Of course not, but you felt the need to delete my post, then move another post, then give an explanation, then send a PM with an infraction, then reply again with this big multi quote post. But hey, you don't give a stuff right? :lol:

lol. Rubbish.
I give plenty and cop plenty. Fair is fair. I've never reported one of this turds posts or any other Stainers posts, and don't intend to. Caught out again

lol. The 'forever broken function'. How convenient.
Convenient for yourself? Sure as hell makes finding a post near impossible. I guess maybe it isn't being fixed so you can continue to make stuff up like you usually do

Whinging about a bit of name calling is just time-wasting and also against the rules.
The only "whinging" about name calling is being done by yourself. In fact, the only whinging that is really done on this entire website is by yourself. You're completely obsessed with the term and the action. It's all I see you ever post about.

But no, you'll probably make another predictable post trying to convince me that I'm the whinger.

Look at the end of the day if you want to delete posts and make excuses, go right ahead.
I'm enjoying knowing that you guys are mostly just hot air, wannabe internet hard hitters flooding threads & sending abusive PMs with threats of physical violence :lol:. You like to bandy around insults but when they come back at you, you start throwing childish tantrums

Have fun

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