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Dragons & Raiders merger - merged with the WTF Dog Act


Assistant Moderator
A snippet like this which I remembered off the top of my head (one of quite a few) will contradict your claim. Bad luck. People aren't stupid mate - except if they're Stain fans
Haha! I suggested you report posts that break rules, not post 'snippets' off the top of your head.

And the 'snippets' don't rate when compared to what you posted. You're a cry baby complaining about naughty words. Again, you are incapable of telling the difference.

Raiders_Premiers said:
Of course not, but you felt the need to delete my post
I didn't delete your post. Oh I see... that's upsetting you too. Paranoid again. No Waiders, another moderator deleted your post and I am supporting that mod. I did send a detailed explanation to you. Why? Because I knew you had crossed the line and probably needed it explained.

You see, I'm one of these nice admin types that like to pull members back when they look like going over the edge.

FTR, I'm not at all surprised to see you whinging about it. Next time, I should leave it in someone else's hands. I'm sure you'll whinge about that as well.

Raiders_Premiers said:
But hey, you don't give a stuff right?
I do give a stuff when I see a member being stupid enough to get himself banned.

I don't give a stuff about your petty squabbles with other members.

You still don't get it, do you?

Raiders_Premiers said:
I've never reported one of this turds posts or any other Stainers posts, and don't intend to. Caught out again
Didn't you just complain about someone using similar words? Yes you did.
Caught out again.

It's just name calling Waiders. Nothing to do with vulgar family references, threats of violence, frivolous reporting, and an infraction list compiled by several moderators and administrators. Not mentioning any names but someone here is guilty of all of the above and then some.

Raiders_Premiers said:
Convenient for yourself? Sure as hell makes finding a post near impossible. I guess maybe it isn't being fixed so you can continue to make stuff up like you usually do
More paranoid crap.

All you have to do is search and then look at the date.

And btw, you're splitting hairs on the "I haven't reported <insert name>'s posts" claim. We both know. In fact, it's public knowledge.

Raiders_Premiers said:
only reported a post which contained family references to be deleted, considering I've received infractions/posts deleted for lesser things

You reported a post for family references. How ironic...

How's my mum, how's your mum? Must be pretty embarrassed at the geniused son she produced

Oh... and the search function seems to be working just fine. lol
Raiders_Premiers said:
I'm enjoying knowing that you guys are mostly just hot air, wannabe internet hard hitters flooding threads & sending abusive PMs with threats of physical violence
Oh dear :lol:

Do you really want to go there? Please say yes.

Talk about lying to cover one's broad arse. I certainly have never sent anything of the sort to you, but I have seen your complaints about others. And I have seen both sides of the story. Surely you know you're no cleanskin here.

You brought the ridicule upon yourself. To say otherwise is just deluding yourself.
Raiders_Premiers said:
You like to bandy around insults but when they come back at you, you start throwing childish tantrums
Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing about you. Can dish it out but can't it.

Worse than that, you have shown that you are keen to dob in others to cover up your own seedy underbelly.

Report that. Whinger. lol.
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First Grade
RP go whinge in the Raiders forums or the department of fair trading lol.:lol:


Assistant Moderator
Well we've finally managed to drag Waiders into the thread he has been avoiding for weeks.

No comment on the proposed reggies merger with the dog pound?
Haha! I suggested you report posts that break rules, not post 'snippets' off the top of your head.

And the 'snippets' don't rate when compared to what you posted. You're a cry baby complaining about naughty words. Again, you are incapable of telling the difference

:lol: f**k me dead you are an absolute imbecile. Those quotes are to show just a small sample of people acknowledging that turds sookiness and how I've been getting under his skin, hence his need to stalk me.

It wasn't to show posts breaking the rules. Why is it that everything needs to be explained in detail to you? Can you not put 2 and 2 together?

I didn't delete your post. Oh I see... that's upsetting you too. Paranoid again. No Waiders, another moderator deleted your post and I am supporting that mod. I did send a detailed explanation to you. Why? Because I knew you had crossed the line and probably needed it explained.
So taking away the fact that you didn't delete my posts, my point still stands. You proclaim that you don't "give a stuff" yet your posts suggest otherwise.

I don't give a stuff about your petty squabbles with other members.
LOL. Fmd. Who are you trying honestly trying to kid?

Didn't you just complain about someone using similar words? Yes you did.
Caught out again.
Whoops failed a bit there. How many times is that?

It's just name calling Waiders. Nothing to do with vulgar family references, threats of violence, frivolous reporting, and an infraction list compiled by several moderators and administrators. Not mentioning any names but someone here is guilty of all of the above and then some.
Are you referring to me? It's a bit hard to tell. It's funny watching people try to make stuff up

And btw, you're splitting hairs on the "I haven't reported <insert name>'s posts" claim. We both know. In fact, it's public knowledge.


You reported a post for family references. How ironic...
Ahaha. From memory that was you again making things up, and then telling me you had no idea what I was talking about shortly after.
I've only ever reported one post for family references, which was not from any Stain fan. And the only reason it was done was because I was pinged for something a lot less only moments before. My point still stands

You really aren't good at this are you. Clutching at straws

Oh... and the search function seems to be working just fine. lol
Oh dear :lol:
lol... Willow, when you go to a members profile and click the search all posts from [insert member], clicking on a particular post will take you to the first post in a thread. Thus, this makes it very hard to find posts from a user especially in large threads. What part of this do you not get?

Do you really want to go there? Please say yes.

Talk about lying to cover one's broad arse. I certainly have never sent anything of the sort to you, but I have seen your complaints about others. And I have seen both sides of the story. Surely you know you're no cleanskin here.
:lol: Omg. Yes, I do want to go there. Did I specifically refer to you? When I said "you guys", that is referring to your fans without the need mention any names. If you would like a name, check my sig

Oh and my complaints? lol. Embarrassing Willow. Sad to see someone lower themselves so far. I can send you the material if you like old fella

You brought the ridicule upon yourself. To say otherwise is just deluding yourself.

Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing about you. Can dish it out but can't it.

Worse than that, you have shown that you are keen to dob in others to cover up your own seedy underbelly.

Report that. Whinger. lol.
Just give it up mate. You can posts a few falsehoods all you like in an attempt to look credible in front of your fellow fans, but I think we both know the truth. Feeling the need to delete posts shows you/or the mods had a sook and couldn't cop a member receiving an insult. Deal with it

I regret making these efforts to reply to you, because frankly neither you nor your fellow supporters are worth the time of day.

Carry on as you were, if you feel the need to have further whinges feel free
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First Grade
Take it easy RP it's just digital warfare not real life lol.:crazy::crazy::crazy:
It's all water under the bridge.

Dragons 2010 Premiers=16!!!


That "fan baiting" includes abusive, semi-threatening personal messages haha...Got quite a laugh when I saw waiders little message in my inbox.
Someone who talks of others lowering themselves, tends to be the one who has already sunk lower than everybody else. RP is a glowing example of this. I rarely respond to that kind of junk, just merely pointing out the double standards involved.
Now back to the kennel where you belong RP. Noone cares anymore, what you're trying to do isn't
working for sh*t. The game is up.

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Village Idiot
Staff member
P.S Have you found me those statistics yet like you promised?

sorry about the delay.. here you go :)



Assistant Moderator
Waiders, selective quoting... tsk tsk.


I do give a stuff when I see a member being stupid enough to get himself banned.
I don't give a stuff about your petty squabbles with other members.
You still don't get it, do you?

Well, I tried.

As for the rest of your whinging post, what a pack of lies. You know that I know the facts, and this is unsettling you. Trying so hard to defend yourself, and to make it my word against yours. :lol:

So you got a post deleted, big deal. It's not the first time you've been an idiot. Did you want pat on the head? A smart poster would take it on the chin and quit while he's ahead. But you whinge about it for days. "Big bad Saints supporters are picking on me." lol

Face it, you're a Grade A sook. You even need to quote other members to reassure yourself that you're getting picked on. How pathetic.

The saddest part is that you actually think you have an online reputation to defend.


Classic graph Muzby...
Extremely accurate, except for that 1% in red. That is being far too kind.

Waiders, selective quoting... tsk tsk.


I do give a stuff when I see a member being stupid enough to get himself banned.
I don't give a stuff about your petty squabbles with other members.
You still don't get it, do you?

Well, I tried.

As for the rest of your whinging post, what a pack of lies. You know that I know the facts, and this is unsettling you. Trying so hard to defend yourself, and to make it my word against yours. :lol:

So you got a post deleted, big deal. It's not the first time you've been an idiot. Did you want pat on the head? A smart poster would take it on the chin and quit while he's ahead. But you whinge about it for days. "Big bad Saints supporters are picking on me." lol

Face it, you're a Grade A sook. You even need to quote other members to reassure yourself that you're getting picked on. How pathetic.

The saddest part is that you actually think you have an online reputation to defend.

Out of all that, you got thinking I'm whinging about you picking on me. lol. There is no point in trying. You just can't argue with idiots like yourself, I've tried. You've even said "whinge about it for days" days? :lol: You are senile, there is no other explanation

You're regularly caught out miscomprehending posts and twisting them around because frankly, you don't really have anything else. You then go on to start telling lies, in full knowledge that I'm not able to actually post any real details of anything, so as to make your self look good. It's sad and pathetic, but it's a common trait of your posts on here. It shows just how seriously you take an online argument, all while the rest of us are laugh at you.

Like I said, if you want to start massive multi quote whinges and get upset when you & your fans cop a little abuse then go ahead. It just furthers the notion that your team has a bunch of wankers as fans.

Sad how you even bring up the concept of an "online reputation". You must have brought it up because you think it exists :lol:
That "fan baiting" includes abusive, semi-threatening personal messages haha...Got quite a laugh when I saw waiders little message in my inbox.
Someone who talks of others lowering themselves, tends to be the one who has already sunk lower than everybody else. RP is a glowing example of this. I rarely respond to that kind of junk, just merely pointing out the double standards involved.
Now back to the kennel where you belong RP. Noone cares anymore, what you're trying to do isn't
working for sh*t. The game is up.


"Noone care anymore"

Love that line. You didn't care so you made this long winded post

Edit: :lol: Complaining to Willow about the deleted post I sent you. Pathetic, but expected


Village Idiot
Staff member
are you really that important that you need to quote yourself?

I'm not sure how it happened. Looks like I don't have an edit function anymore either, I think Willow is having a massive cry


Assistant Moderator

You really are a classic dickhead.

Someone rescue poor Waiders from himself.


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