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Dragons statement: Player breach


What really gets to me is that idiot Hooper just will not let go of this , the fool was not satisfied with Dragon’s boss Ryan Webb answer to ‘ his ‘ question. Just who in the hell does this walking dick think he is ?

He asked the club’s CEO what was behind the reason that Lomax and Avalon decision not to sign the covid document and walked away disappointed that it was not the one he wanted .

So therefore there must be more to this - they are hiding information from their club , the NRL , the community itself and of course God almighty himself Gary ‘ loopy ‘ Hooper .

The truth is that their solicitor advised them that they would need to protect themselves from any future penalties under the Covid Act .

That at least is what was explained to Hooper by Webb himself , not that he needed to , but did so as a courtesy and also to reduce any concern .
James Hooper is a knob. No angel himself when having a few sherbets. Just like his boss at the telecrap


There could be a number of reasons why a lawyer would advise against signing such a statement. Doesn't necessarily mean they are trying to hide anything by not signing, it could mean they simply don't want to be liable for any gate crashers.
This is what I have been lead to believe. Lomax and Alvaro were not there for the whole thing so don't want to sign to say nobody else was there when they themselves can't be 100% certain.



Slippery Morris

First Grade
This is what I have been lead to believe. Lomax and Alvaro were not there for the whole thing so don't want to sign to say nobody else was there when they themselves can't be 100% certain.

If that is the case, then they have every right not to sign as I too would also be reluctant. The media as it is will do anything in its power to damage reputations which is the concern like they are now by saying that the reason these 2 are not signing is because there is more to it. It would be boring news if the real reason is because they were not there the whole time.

My concern is the officiating of the game on Friday after all this? The NRL will blow up deluxe if Saints can avoid losing any points from this and win the next couple of games. Well Browny has already try to throw barbs saying Saints got off lightly after his club sanctioned a loan deal to help us out go figure.

Imagine if Saints win the next 4 from 4? The teams on the fringes of the 8 will blow up as they will feel that because of the BBQ" Saints don't deserve to be there and they do. Even though Saints have been in the 8 most of the season. Did you see the peanut Kent last week when he said "Saints finally get to the 8 and the players do this?" Umm, they were in the 8 many weeks before that Paul, it's obvious he does not look at the ladder or do any research.


Assistant Moderator
This is what I have been lead to believe. Lomax and Alvaro were not there for the whole thing so don't want to sign to say nobody else was there when they themselves can't be 100% certain.
The stat dec does say...

To the best of my knowledge, the only persons present in the Vaughan Residence
during the Gathering were:

It then lists everyone in attendance.

"To the best of my knowledge" seems to offer little wriggle room if you don't know.


Im worried about Lomax as I think he could be going towards the exit w this whole not signing his stat dec...he's been segregated from the squad now looks like for another 4 weeks and i really think its that dramatic.. the problem being that if NRL starts digging to see if any other people were present and were well that puts Lomax and Alvaro in a whole lot of situation w their team mates as they basically found them out falsifying a stat dec....if it happens quickly enough and he does ask for a release we could go for Gagai at least..better option IMO anyhow drama aplenty afoot. https://www.nrl.com/news/2021/07/12/dragons-duo-set-to-stay-outside-relocated-team-bubble/
if Lomax doesn’t sign a stat dec he doesn’t have to say anything to anyone
He just does his time and we move on


If that is the case, then they have every right not to sign as I too would also be reluctant. The media as it is will do anything in its power to damage reputations which is the concern like they are now by saying that the reason these 2 are not signing is because there is more to it. It would be boring news if the real reason is because they were not there the whole time.

My concern is the officiating of the game on Friday after all this? The NRL will blow up deluxe if Saints can avoid losing any points from this and win the next couple of games. Well Browny has already try to throw barbs saying Saints got off lightly after his club sanctioned a loan deal to help us out go figure.

Imagine if Saints win the next 4 from 4? The teams on the fringes of the 8 will blow up as they will feel that because of the BBQ" Saints don't deserve to be there and they do. Even though Saints have been in the 8 most of the season. Did you see the peanut Kent last week when he said "Saints finally get to the 8 and the players do this?" Umm, they were in the 8 many weeks before that Paul, it's obvious he does not look at the ladder or do any research.
We all know how this will go

Penalty Manly
Ding a ling ling 6 again
Hang on.. what’s that Luke.. JDB your on report not sure what for
Stop the clock, we are having a look at a possible crusher from the 1st half 70 mins ago... OK Luke.. got it
McGuire.. your off for 10

Keep the Dragon bashing going media you will get the justice that you bellow for in other ways
Last edited:


The stat dec does say...

To the best of my knowledge, the only persons present in the Vaughan Residence
during the Gathering were:

It then lists everyone in attendance.

"To the best of my knowledge" seems to offer little wriggle room if you don't know.
Maybe from a legal standpoint that's not enough. Not sure. Or there may be something else in there that makes them liable outside of that. Originally it was stated that they weren't signing based on legal advice regarding the wording. Not sure if the wording had been changed since.

That's just what I've heard anyway.


First Grade
What really gets to me is that idiot Hooper just will not let go of this , the fool was not satisfied with Dragon’s boss Ryan Webb’s answer to ‘ his ‘ question. Just who in the hell does this walking dick think he is ?

He asked the club’s CEO what was behind the reason that Lomax and Avalon decision not to sign the covid document and walked away disappointed that it was not the one he wanted .

So therefore there must be more to this - they are hiding information from their club , the NRL , the community itself and of course God almighty himself James ‘ loopy ‘ Hooper .

The truth is that their solicitor advised them that they may need to protect themselves from any future penalties under the Covid Act .

That at least is what was explained to Hooper by Webb himself , not that he needed to , but did so as a courtesy and also to reduce any further concern .
Don’t forget that other parasite Weidler. On the radio this morning he was still going on about it but the best part was when he said “in my uneducated guess”🙄
All the tossers comments are uneducated 😳


Assistant Moderator
Don’t forget that other parasite Weidler. On the radio this morning he was still going on about it but the best part was when he said “in my uneducated guess”🙄
All the tossers comments are uneducated 😳
They are entitled to their opinion, editorial opinion is quite legit. The problem is when they publish opinion and attempt to push it as fact.

Media Watch already have their hands full but I imagine they'd have a field day if they focussed on sportwriters.


goddam just when you thought we were getting our goal kicker back - we'll be going up in 4's indefinitely it seems, what a mess

Saint Angelo

We all know how this will go

Penalty Manly
Ding a ling ling 6 again
Hang on.. what’s that Luke.. JDB your on report not sure what for
Stop the clock, we are having a look at a possible crusher from the 1st half 70 mins ago... OK Luke.. got it
McGuire.. your off for 10

Keep the Dragon bashing going mefia you will get the justice that you bellow for in other ways
Funny but so true !!!

Saint Angelo

The stat dec does say...

To the best of my knowledge, the only persons present in the Vaughan Residence
during the Gathering were:

It then lists everyone in attendance.

"To the best of my knowledge" seems to offer little wriggle room if you don't know.
If the stat dec is worded in that manner "To the best of my knowledge.." then surely there would be no future ramifications in signing such a document.


Assistant Moderator
If the stat dec is worded in that manner "To the best of my knowledge.." then surely there would be no future ramifications in signing such a document.
I thought that as well, at first.

I read it all and in my opinion it's a bit more ambiguous than that.


Ive really had enough of this whole exercise. The players knew they did wrong and we were told that they were going to apologise and move on with it. There were lies told and they really did disgrace our proud St George name (which i find unforgiveable). I'm really suprised DeBelin actually survived this chance. With a chance to redeem themselves suddenly now 2 of them have decided theyre not going to sign. I really think that the Club should say sign right now or else you dont play again this season and you're not going to get paid-if you dont like it, take us to court. On the DeBelin time scale it would make court about late 2023 . I have to say at the next home game i can get to attend ( if it happens this year) I for one are going to give my team a gobfull when they run out to warmup. I'm so sick of players ruining our once proud name and then thinking they have any rights left. This year has been a train wreck for our reputation and now were treated equal to Cronulla and the rest of the wannabes who've had their image tarnished by stupid player behaviour. Personally i wouldnt care if they sacked the 12 players involved.I'd rather lose games with a new bunch of players who want to play for St George, then to see us in the press like this as a laughing stock, and could have been responsible for shutting down the entire comp. Ive been a supporter for over 60 yrs now and ive never felt this badly about our players before in my life. I thought we had a chance this year but this has ruined it for me. 4 players missing each of our 3 games-and maybe 2 more for 3 games. When i get near them they'll know my anger
Dragonssupporter, I feel exactly the same way as you and emailed the Club with my feelings. I also said I wouldn't care if the Board sacked every single one of the players. The Club has responded and said the fans feelings will be passed on to the senior management and the players.
Except for Paul Vaughan, not one of them has apologised publicly to the fans or the Club.


Not sure if the rest of you have noticed this as well, but Brent Read seems to be the most level headed journo of all of them.
His comments are not made with venom and the enjoyment of exagerating the incident and, he doesn't froth at the mouth every time one of the others continue to regurgitate the incident and what further punishment the Dragons deserve.
Kent is the biggest knob of all. He was answering a question about why the NZ player was allowed to sign for 3 weeks and he said "because the dragons sacked Vaughn, they have only 29 players in their squad and are allowed to add 1 more player" and we were legally manipulating the rules. He said it with a sad tone of admission that he could not do anything to stop it.... I am sure we had space even without Vaughn's sacking but he wouldn't know that cos he is too lazy to do any real research.

As for the stat dec, it was very detailed and encompassing. If there is so much concern at ensuring absolute full disclosure, why isn't it being used for every covid breach?
It seems more relevent to the Arrow incident than our BBQ incident.

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