Not sure if the rest of you have noticed this as well, but Brent Read seems to be the most level headed journo of all of them.
His comments are not made with venom and the enjoyment of exagerating the incident and, he doesn't froth at the mouth every time one of the others continue to regurgitate the incident and what further punishment the Dragons deserve.
Kent is the biggest knob of all. He was answering a question about why the NZ player was allowed to sign for 3 weeks and he said "because the dragons sacked Vaughn, they have only 29 players in their squad and are allowed to add 1 more player" and we were legally manipulating the rules. He said it with a sad tone of admission that he could not do anything to stop it.... I am sure we had space even without Vaughn's sacking but he wouldn't know that cos he is too lazy to do any real research.
As for the stat dec, it was very detailed and encompassing. If there is so much concern at ensuring absolute full disclosure, why isn't it being used for every covid breach?
It seems more relevent to the Arrow incident than our BBQ incident.