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Eden Park

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
i can't believe the stadium was selling beer in glass bottles. it's like we were being set up for disaster!


i can't believe the stadium was selling beer in glass bottles. it's like we were being set up for disaster!

they wernt Doc, I think he meant the ones littering the streets etc outside.

those plastic mugs were $7 ea as well :shock:

Peops bought bottles as they wouldnt spill as much.

The biggest scrap I saw was just a bay over from us, it was all on. A solitary female security gaurd raced in to break it up and restore order.

she was flattened, first punch.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
i definitely saw beer in glass bottles being sold in one of the bars where the old terraces were.


i definitely saw beer in glass bottles being sold in one of the bars where the old terraces were.

ok, that is probably in line for 'Dumb act of the year' award then.

Incredibly stupid. I thought glass was banned from all venues in NZ..


When was the last time 45 000 actually turned up for a rugby game? Theyre full of sh*t if they think a league crowd is different from a rugby one. Most of the people were just disappointed in the result of the game. To be honest I didnt think the crowd was any worse than those ive seen at many a cricket game at eden park. 6 arrests out of 45000 is really nothing.. The whole thing was a media beat up. Atmosphere was good overall.


When was the last time 45 000 actually turned up for a rugby game? Theyre full of sh*t if they think a league crowd is different from a rugby one. Most of the people were just disappointed in the result of the game. To be honest I didnt think the crowd was any worse than those ive seen at many a cricket game at eden park. 6 arrests out of 45000 is really nothing.. The whole thing was a media beat up. Atmosphere was good overall.

Is it a media beat up? I couldn't get to the game because I was ill but I've heard from a lot of Warriors season ticket holders, who go to every game, that they were pretty much disgusted by what was going on. Are they involved in the media beat up as well then? If those pictures and reports had come from a football match in the UK, there would have been hordes of smug Kiwis spouting on about 'hooligan soccer fans'.

No disrespect, but "Most of the people were just disappointed in the result of the game....."!!! Really? So the next time I'm at Mt Smart and am not happy about the score, it's okay if I lob some bottles onto the pitch? Or punch somebody?

I've also heard the "I've seen worse at cricket games" comments from a few people. Does that make it okay then? That basically says a lot to me about some people's attitudes. There seems to a belief amongst certain people in this country that going to a sporting event must consist of getting as pissed up as possible, acting like a complete c**k and throwing sh*t all over everything and everybody. If there's a fight involved, even better. Seems to be some people's idea of a good night/day out.

Looking forward to seeing the carnage at "Party Central" when the RWC starts
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Staff member
Is it a media beat up? I couldn't get to the game because I was ill but I've heard from a lot of Warriors season ticket holders, who go to every game, that they were pretty much disgusted by what was going on. Are they involved in the media beat up as well then? If those pictures and reports had come from a football match in the UK, there would have been hordes of smug Kiwis spouting on about 'hooligan soccer fans'.

No disrespect, but "Most of the people were just disappointed in the result of the game....."!!! Really? So the next time I'm at Mt Smart and am not happy about the score, it's okay if I lob some bottles onto the pitch? Or punch somebody?

I've also heard the "I've seen worse at cricket games" comments from a few people. Does that make it okay then? That basically says a lot to me about some people's attitudes. There seems to a belief amongst certain people in this country that going to a sporting event must consist of getting as pissed up as possible, acting like a complete c**k and throwing sh*t all over everything and everybody. If there's a fight involved, even better. Seems to be some people's idea of a good night/day out.

Looking forward to seeing the carnage at "Party Central" when the RWC starts

Good points!


At the start I was absolutely wrapped that we had attracted 45,000 or so to a Kiwis test match. What a great tonic that was for our sport.

Then, midway through the second half, seeing the ingoal and surrounding area littered with beer bottles... yuck. Poor.

Security control had to be tighter. Common sense by those throwing projectiles would also be good too. Certainly using plastic cups would be a better idea.[/QUOTE

Dead set broke my heart. I was thrilled to see such a big crowd turn up, to give the code a good burst. Then the double whammy of drunk dickheads making League fans in general look bad, and the Kiwis not turning up to play. Just sad.
Of course non Leaguies will use this as ammunition. I even heard some guy on radio sport suggest 'That Dog incident' would have never happened in Rugby circles! I text in suggesting the Rugby player would be a bit classier and have used a purebred...but still, that's what we have to put up with. Bad behaviour in other sports can be considered isolated or individual things...if it's League we always get the generalisms thrown at us. We have to be better than other sports in that regard, as we have that reputation of fans and players alike being rough dodgy drunk violent idiots from the wrong side of the tracks. Unfair but that's what we've got.:x


First Grade
At the start I was absolutely wrapped that we had attracted 45,000 or so to a Kiwis test match. What a great tonic that was for our sport.

Then, midway through the second half, seeing the ingoal and surrounding area littered with beer bottles... yuck. Poor.

Security control had to be tighter. Common sense by those throwing projectiles would also be good too. Certainly using plastic cups would be a better idea.

Dead set broke my heart. I was thrilled to see such a big crowd turn up, to give the code a good burst. Then the double whammy of drunk dickheads making League fans in general look bad, and the Kiwis not turning up to play. Just sad.
Of course non Leaguies will use this as ammunition. I even heard some guy on radio sport suggest 'That Dog incident' would have never happened in Rugby circles! I text in suggesting the Rugby player would be a bit classier and have used a purebred...but still, that's what we have to put up with. Bad behaviour in other sports can be considered isolated or individual things...if it's League we always get the generalisms thrown at us. We have to be better than other sports in that regard, as we have that reputation of fans and players alike being rough dodgy drunk violent idiots from the wrong side of the tracks. Unfair but that's what we've got.:x

Sounds like they didn't have a clue, because that already has happened in rugby circles! League was about 7 years behind the times when it comes to pooch-gate. I wish I'd heard that caller so I could have called and rebutted them!


Wow, I don't remember that...that would be something to shut the rah rah snobs up. This 'state house rugby' attitude they have is disgraceful, which is why we need to be almost more saintly than most codes, due to the number of people who are quick to point out League incidents


First Grade
Wow, I don't remember that...that would be something to shut the rah rah snobs up. This 'state house rugby' attitude they have is disgraceful, which is why we need to be almost more saintly than most codes, due to the number of people who are quick to point out League incidents

Yep. You don't remember it because it wasn't made public at the time. And it was actually 11 years ago, not 7 - I got my World Cups mixed up.

Phil Kearns was the man involved, and before you read the below, consider the outcry that has happened with the Monaghan situation, and then look at the "boys being boys" attitude of the same situation in the other code just getting laughed off.

Daily Telegraph: Mr Big is really munsters nice guy, By Paul Ackford:
Go on, then, Jim, I teased. What's your favourite rugby story? And when I tell you that it's true, involves a naked international hooker, his pet Alsatian, some jam and a camera, you get a better idea of the man who will be driving Munster on against Toulouse next weekend for a place in the final. That tale in full to come, but, first, a little more flesh on old Jim's bones.


I thought he just had no top on but his wife, who was holding the video camera, panned down to reveal that Phil [Kearns}was stark naked. Better than that, his dog - he had a big Alsatian - then walked over, nudged him in the nuts and started licking.

There was a full article, but I see the link is dead now that the Joel Monaghan story has broken. Chin scratching stuff.


i definitely saw beer in glass bottles being sold in one of the bars where the old terraces were.

they had glass bottled coruba's or smiroff's, but these were poured into plactic cups, at least in the upper south stand...