Have you considered the possibility that the NRL think that, by virtue of the system we were apparently operating, none of our existing TPAs were at arms length?
That is exactly what they think and exactly what our response would have to address the legitimacy of all TPA brokered while players have been at the Parramatta eels or used to get player to the club.
That is why the $840,000 was added to our cap putting us approx $650,000 over for this year. . . .
Now it is contingent on the club proving documentation to the NRL to clear said agreements, or at least try to.
The details in Today's paper no doubt come from the Breach notice and were put into the Sunday Paper to ensure maximum readership.
I would say there is at least 2 weeks more to go in this and if the club wants to pursue this outside of Todd Greenburg and the Integrity unit if the points penalty is greater that 4 we can take it to the NRL appeals committee, and who knows how long that will drag on for.
If such an appeal happens I would expect the clubs first press conference in many weeks on this issue outlining our case (Response to Breach notice) and why we are fighting the ruling.